49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vipuljain

Can Anyone suggest me some C++ coding for : I want that like in G-talk when,I click on Cross "X",it will minimize my software icon like G-talk icon. Secondly,if Like G-talk it should start blinking,when some error is reported and displaying error also. I have to do coding in C++.and …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for knish

Hi, Is it possible to thicken the film gate that appears when the option is put on in maya. At present the line is may be 1 mm thick. I need that it becomes 20 mm thick. How may I use the Maya API to do this. BRdgs, kNish

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for blackhawk9876

[code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void DisplayTitle(); void DisplayBal(double); void GetData(int& , double&); double ProcessCheck(double, double); double ProcessDeposit(double, double); double ProcessATM(double, double); double ProcessSvcChg(double); struct transrec { double credids; double debits; double service charges; }; const double CHARGE = 10, ATMFEE = 2; int main() …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for info04

I am writing a function which will check if the letter is in upper case , if so it returns true otherwise false. Following is the code, I have written, but what is wrong? #include<iostream> using namespace std; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int isUpperCase ( char ); int …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for acetdmn

You are required to provide an algorithm to operate a cash register that will keep count of all withdrawals and deposits made during a day’s business operation. For simplicity, this cash register will handle notes with the value of $50, $20, $10 and $5 only, and coins with value of …

Member Avatar for n1337
Member Avatar for arunpawar

It's not homework it is just a play.If you have any simmilar tragic like this one with int and character or float then please discuss it here or explain how things happen.Let this thread be informative. I'm playing with int,floats and type casts but i have found that in following …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for c++ newbie

ok. i'm having trouble understanding how to manipulate my data. this is what i have so far with my program. my input data is coming from two different file. the first file looks like this that has the student ID, last name, first name... 567 white Robert 43 blackBurBn DOnna …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for yureika

Is that anyone know how to search and list out the missing data after comparison? for example, I have data in 2 workbooks. Book1 - Sheet1 - Col A and Book2 - Sheet2 - Col B. I want to compare Book2 with Book1 and list all values in Book2 that …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for tarakant_sethy

Hi friends, i have to delete a node in a link list and the prototype for the delete function is like this void deleteNode(struct node**, int pos). "Pos " is the position of the specified node in the list. And have to write it with all boundry condiotions. Help me

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for dineshgautam

Hi everybody, I am new beginer to VC++ . I want to make a connection between ORACLE and VC++ Application. Anyone can help me . your kind help would be appreciated

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for dan_e6

hey guys. i have a linked list set out like this [CODE] struct node { string bookTitle; string *authors; int nAuthors; node *next; }; node *start_ptr; [/CODE] and i need to sort the linked list based on bookTitle alphabetically. how would i go about doing this?

Member Avatar for dan_e6
Member Avatar for kse989

I am having trouble with my binary search tree... these are the errors i am getting - it is my print function and the find function I have not written the code for the other print functions, i need it to compile before i can go on bintree.h - find …

Member Avatar for kse989
Member Avatar for iammop

[CODE]Private Function IsTextFile(FileName As String) As Boolean Dim FF As Integer Dim FileData() As Byte Dim K As Long FF = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary Access Read As FF ReDim FileData(LOF(FF) - 1) Get FF, , FileData Close FF For K = 0 To UBound(FileData) If FileData(K) > 126 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for pooh2008

PLEASE HELP!!!!i need to write a program to record, average, and display grade for a maximim class size of 15 students. display a menu of options to the user, such as: input grades, display grades, and display class average.

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Spagett912

Hey I've written a program that prompts the user to enter sides and the program figures out what kind of triangle the sides equal. I keep getting some retarted error saying "3 triangleCalc.cpp `triangleType' does not name a type ". It's also saying " 1 Taxes\triangleCalc.cpp header.h: No such file …

Member Avatar for Spagett912
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

I have a visual studio 2005 forms application that is giving me fits. I want to open a serial port in 1 form, set it to a com port in a class, then use it from that class. The problem is it gives my a null reference exception. [CODE]String^ comPort …

Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga
Member Avatar for Lechugas

Hello, Can any1 help me doing this programs ? 1. A program in C++that alows you to visualize in a table the areas of a circle, and the volume of a sphere for a radio, with a range from 0 to 2, rising by 0.2 2.a program in C++, where …

Member Avatar for Lechugas
Member Avatar for rem0404

I'm really really stuck. What i'm supposed to do is, first, create a class called Book having the private attributes: title(string), publisher(string), and number of pages(int). For the Book class there are supposed to be two constructors: a default (setting title and publisher to some default value, and number of …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for dan_e6

hey guys. i cant remember for the life of me what the difference is between putting ++ before or after a variable (specifically an int). for example in a for loop.

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for dan_e6

hey guys. just wondering what it means when a function has this in it.... void add(string title, string authors[], int nAuthors); the [] next to authors. what does this mean?

Member Avatar for dan_e6
Member Avatar for CloudKill9

I'm wanting to search a file full of http links.. I know how to search for a string and such but I don't know how I would search for a link inside a file. I just basically want to search a index.html for a certain site pertaining to ..lets say …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Black Magic

I went to the beach at the weekend and played on one inpeticular game, the one were you pull the lever and XOO or w.e comes out, i was going to make one but thought i would ask if this was the best solution.. [CODE=C++]#include <conio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have 2 buttons on my form. The First button contains a loop and second button a MessageBox. If I press the first button, this loop will take sometime. Now is my question this. Let´s say that the loop will take about > 5 seconds and I press button2 after …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for baku

In a hotel with m floors and n rooms on each floor, we know the number of persons from each room. A cable will be installed going horizontally or vertically through successive neighbor rooms. How can this cable of length = height + length of the hotel be installed starting …

Member Avatar for Prabakar
Member Avatar for Dannyo329

Is there any way to add images onto your program? I'm using Dev-C++ Thanx

Member Avatar for Dannyo329
Member Avatar for edek

Is there any difference between C and C++ pipes implementation? Is there any C++ library that makes using pipes easier? I ask those questions because there are many 'wrapper' classes in C++ that wraps C (like string, vector etc.) Is there anything that 'wraps' pipes? <Thanks>

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for varsitygirl_13

Hi, i am working on a quicksort function and I have everything except how to sort the second half. I am missing one line, where to start the second half and for how many items, any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS! [code=cplusplus] int * partition(int array[], int size); void …

Member Avatar for ivailosp
Member Avatar for still_learning

Hi, I could use a little help if anyone would be willing. I have some vectors which I am using to store input from a text file. Now I want to be able to store user input into a vector and output it to that file so that it replaces …

Member Avatar for still_learning
Member Avatar for Kyouya

I've been trying to figure out whats wrong with my project. Its about multiimensional arrays. I am trying to input data from a file to a 2d array. Here is my code below; [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; const int I=3; const int J=3; //will input 2 …

Member Avatar for Kyouya
Member Avatar for sidharthrshah

Hi, I have a legacy application in vc++ 6.0 which communicates to a server. The server follows c++ data types. I want to convert my legacy application to c#. Now I am facing some conversion issues. The server accepts data in binary format. But when I declare a char data …

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The End.