49,762 Topics
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I need to validate the moduleCode by a do...while loop. But my code does'nt exit the loop - Not sure if I did right thing by declaring the string ABC111 before the loop - please help urgently using namespace std; // function inputAndValidate should be inserted here void inputAndValidate(string &moduleCode,int … | |
I am trying to define a structure for a hash table. I am making a constructor in my structure but I cannot get it to work with anything except chars. Strings always get me confused as how to manipulate them here. I have a string as my key and a … | |
I need some direction on how to split up code into a .h header and two .cpp files. [code] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; //function for displaying name void DisplayName(char * Name){ cout<<"Name: "<<Name<<endl; //print name on screen } int main(){ char first_name[50]; //static array for holding first … | |
[code] double M2_0(c,m) double c[160]; double m[16][5]; { int n; int s=0; for (n=0; n<16; ++n) { s = s + c[n+16*0]*m[n][0]; } return s; } [/code] can someone help me! error: c and m was not declare in this scope (this is the error in c++ but in c … | |
I have a little question to ask. I need to have an defitinition of what mean Inheritance and to have an example. I have the book of C ++ but do not have any proper expanation | |
can anyone help me where the cin.get(); should be put? i cant view the final output... it was compiled successfully but i cant view the output when it runs.... #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; typedef int Bool; // converts 0 to 'S', 1 to 'M', etc … | |
Does anyone know which include file is needed for functions; IsLetter (ch) and ToLower(ch) ? Dick | |
Hello I'm just wondering what kind of practice do I need, because I'm ending with C++ and moving to c#. What do I need to be prepared most and what is the hardest part of learning C# from beggining yours sincerely ! thanks :) | |
[code=cpp]#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <iomanip.h> int i,emonth,eyr,wday,nwday,pmdays,x,y; unsigned int totaldays; int monthd[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; char* mname[]={"January","Febraury","March","April","May","June","July","August","september","October","November","December"}; int gm,gd=DETECT,mx,my; char*cp,*yrp; int xp,yp,textw,texth,skey; void display_month(); void monthgraphics(); void monthloop(); void process_date(); void yeargraph(); void yearloop(); /*main starts*/ void main() { char choice='v'; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); while(choice!='e') { cleardevice(); setcolor(1); rectangle(1,100,639,350); rectangle(4,102,637,348); … | |
Hi all, I'm a beginner and I tried to write a program to convert celsius into Fahrenheit but i have a problem due to type casting operation. That is even though i explicitly converted an integer to float number I'm getting only integer value . Here's the program : [code]# … | |
I am writting a program which receives args on the command line. Before they can be used however they must be converted to ints. I am using vc++ express edition and I have tried the _strtoi64 function but I cannot get the parameters to this function right. It is specifically … | |
Hi, I have a problem that happens very rarely. I have a calculation which ads (for example) -15000.00 to 15575.51 and saves the results to an oracle database. However, the reslut in the databse is 575.51000002 Both figures are loaded elsewhere from the database and either have 0 or 2 … | |
My friend's asking 'bout writing SMS with computer,which has to be exactly like on mobile.If there are any suggestions, I would be glad to hear'em...=D | |
I graduated high school last year in '06 but unlike a lot of people I know what I want to do for a career move and not sure exactly how to pursue it. In my last 2 years of high school I was enrolled in Cisco Networking Academy I, II, … | |
Hi, I have a question 'bout c++ beep...It's very simple...Where can I find Music Scales for C++ ? I've searched google up'n'down without succes...thanks for any help :?: | |
HELLO can any one pls help me.Am new to this field.Actually i get pic from ip camera.i hav to detect motion in it and make it a video and send it to a mobile.Thanx in advanc.Really looking for help:( | |
Is there any way to write a program to check a computer's serial number as sort of a copy-protect? (i.e., if the serial number doesn't match the expected number written into the program, the program quits.) Anyone know? Thanks, venomlash | |
Hi I am working on some homework and I seem to be in a bit of a bind, I keeping hitting a wall, and I have been reading my book and looking for examples that may help, but I am quite unsuccessful. My Assignment Pull grades and sexes of people … | |
Hello, I am doing a homework assignment and need a bit of help. I have to overload the prefix ++, postfix ++ operator, and the = operator for a circle class. Heres the code I have so far: [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Circle { public: Circle(); Circle(int n); … | |
Dear all, plz help me regarding this C++ Questions. Q.1 Write a simple structure named Students. This structure consists of three variables Name, GPA and TotalMarks. Now write three variables of data type Students. Get value from user for these three students and show them on screen. Q.2 Create a … | |
hello everyone! :))) i am new here and i am really happy that i found such a useful forum. my problem is that i need some help for a project on c++. i have to do a problem (it can be mathematical) which must include classes,list,polymorfisym; hmm i think only … | |
Hello there, I've been studying c++ for about a month. Currently, I'm indulging my self to pointers to be used in classes and functions because i have to familiarize myself with threading. Any of you here knows some good tutorials in threading, preferably html based tutorials. Or, suggestions on what … | |
Hello there, I'm practicing structures and accessing data in a structures. I have here a program that gets an input of string and int from a user. I placed it inside a loop where every time the loop refreshes, it changes the information it gets. My problem is, how do … | |
somebody help me in makefiles pls...... how to create a menu launcher for Unix automatically using only the makefile.. thanx in advance | |
i have here a code that uses pointers to manipulate data in a class...i have a problem of how to show them on screen...i think im using an erroneous syntax...lol... [code=c] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class MyClass{ public: string first_name, last_name, id_no; int age; }; int main(){ … | |
Hi; can you check this for me : [code] Time Time::operator-( Time & other, Time & other2) { Time t3; t3.hrs=fabs(other.hrs-other2.hrs); t3.mins=fabs(other.mins-other2.mins); t3.secs=fabs(other.secs-other2.secs); return t3; } bool Time::operator!=(const Time &other) { return (hrs!=other.hrs || mins!=other.mins || secs!=other.secs); } [/code] this error apear while runing the prog. [code] : error C2804: … | |
hi ^^.. i have another question ,, it may sound stupid but what should i do , i'm just a beginner ^^.. if i am reading a digit from a file as a char. and then i want to read it again as an int.as an int. with other digits. … | |
Hello; steps are correct; there is no error ; but when running the prog. this what apear :(its in attach) this is my code and the main: [code] template<class Type> void sortQueue(queueType <Type> & q1) { queueType <Type> q2; queueType <Type> qresult; Type min=q1.front(); q2.addQueue(min); while(!q1.isEmptyQueue()) { q1.deleteQueue(); while(!q1.isEmptyQueue()) { … | |
Hello About half year ago I was interested in Direct3D 9/10 programming, but I released that DX isnt for me. Im not really interested into a game development. I know C/C++ basics, some Win32 API and some QT4 basics. Now, I'd like to try OpenGL. I am looking for a … | |
Hi, I am reading ahead for a C++ class that i am taking next quarter. I just read stacks and queues and know how to implement both seperately. I was wandering if there is a program that has been written in which both stacks and queues were implemented in one … |
The End.