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98 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for ndeniche

>"islam is the religion of peace" i really hate fighting so dont think that i am out to attack you at each and every corner. but you cannot possibly blame the whole religion because of a subset of the whole. i know many moslems and i would be really surprised …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ndeniche

about the origin of hiv we cannot be entirely sure about the origin of hiv. i am apt to agree with josch. all i know for sure is that nichito is wrong and enderx too if he says that guys gave rise to this disease. the two best theories i …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

can anyone tell me if it is possible to connect to a database (for example an access database) from visual c ++ 6.0? And if one can how does one do it? Is it some wholy complicated thing or is it as easy as doing it in visual basic 6.0 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for maravich12

how on earth did i end up as a freeza? i am not the type who wish to rule the universe.

Member Avatar for Toni Chopper
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

not married. only twice have i met females whom i would have been willing to marry. one is a girl i met in high school. the other is the athletic blond i told you guys about in "booty or brains" thread. my current girl friend seems cool but i have …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for christina>you

[quote=jbennet;431539]I know people who have served there. The iraqis themseleves think it was better under sadamm[/quote] yes but who thinks so and why. is it the minority in the central regions?(sunnis i think). because under their leader, sadam, they ruled iraq and commited all kinds of atrocities on the kurds …

Member Avatar for Future_Dictator
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

i am trying to connect to an MS Access database but i am new to C#. I have looked at, amongst others, Paladin's response to dark omen about connecting to a database and since i have connected to a database before in Visual Basic most of it makes sense to …

Member Avatar for vkmaurya5785
Member Avatar for tygerberg

[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;419516]I've heard about it but have never seen it played. It appears to be a simple form of American Football, minus all the body protection. Ouch![/QUOTE] haha. hilarious! i would say that american football is the simplified form. i also believa that ours is tougher! we cant tackle the …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

I have received a library in dll format with a .h header file. When I instantiate an object from one of the classes I get an access violation error. It is a run time error; the program compiled bug free. The program even runs. It is just at the exact …

Member Avatar for Basicgear
Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja
Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for ndeniche

@ ancient dragon i read a similar study several years ago and you are right. both men and women tend to prefer what is normal or average in their societies above exceptional beauty. end @ ancient dragon for myself i think i would go for total beauty if i can …

Member Avatar for ditz
Member Avatar for Comatose

if narue had said that she does not want to be moderator then i can only asume that she is fine. and for me that is enough. for a few weeks i was really worried about her. i honestly thought that she had died when the guys started joking in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mayo_tech11

i think this is because all (or perhaps just most) great authors goes through this evolution of style. style has to be crystal clear, concise as well as simple as its base only. some author once remarked that you have to write a million words before you begin to aquire …

Member Avatar for techbound
Member Avatar for christina>you

@JoshSCH: Regarding your contention of Christians becoming atheists, please provide some evidence of this. I'd like evidence of actual Christians doing so, not merely those whose religion or faith was based on their church, or their minister, or their families and friends. Those aren't Christians; they're part of a subset …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for mattyd

[QUOTE=joshSCH;421808]Yup, thats the point.. Most of the intellectuals know there is no god..[/QUOTE] i could not have put it any better myself. it gives new meaning to my old school's saying... "knowledge illuminates." same is true for the brain washing part. what is really sad though is the fact that …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mayank_ati

two things. firstly. there are still two tests left to play. secondly. i am not that surprised at england's collapses. they have done that before.

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for sk8ndestroy14

[QUOTE=Nichito;394073]since someone let me down ( know who he is), why don't we play a match, so you can try me?[/QUOTE] Come on! i checked continuously for days on end and there was no move from you? If you did move then it was some days after my last move …

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Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

@ dave i certainly hope the the moon landings were not faked. at least i am sure that they are not. if they were faked why did rusia gave up the space race or did the american government fake the space race too. It makes no sense for a government …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for thunderstorm98
Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for The Dude

i have always thought that this one is quite profound. it was written by carl sandberg. choose. the single clenched fist lifted and ready. or open asking hand held out and waiting. choose for we meet by the one or the other.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Hard to tell. I like individual songs more than specifc artists. but i shall go with Runaway horses by Belinda Carlisle @ ezzeral fade to black as in the rolling stones? "...i see a raptor and i see it all in black..."?

Member Avatar for lasher511
Member Avatar for Salem

[QUOTE=EnderX;431591]Yes, it is. A prayer doesn't require a sacrifice. The last sacrifice required by Christianity was called in ~2k years ago.[/QUOTE] i think that the point is that in both cases, praying and sacrificing, the guy hope that a god would intervene where someone else might prefer a good clutch …

Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

hi. i am looking for a free web hosting service. i did search daniweb archives for people who asked similar questions but some of the sites mentioned seem to no longer work while others are just plain unsuitable. i am planning on developing a website which keeps track of Daniweb …

Member Avatar for hbk619
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

can you guys recomend a couple of books which deals with the classical data structures and algorithms in C sharp please?

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

[COLOR=green]>Why do they make computers harder to use and program than they need to be? Here >are some >examples:[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]>- Why do most spreadsheets and programming languages do trigonometric functions >:in radians, >when most people use degrees?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Because these things have been designed by geniuses for geniuses. I guess it …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for newto_vb

just a rough guess. cant you just say the following for the very first item added to the combobox? combobox.additem " Select " you execute this command in the load event procedure of the form. before you add anything else to the combobox.

Member Avatar for newto_vb
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

i would like to know if windows xp can work with windowss CE over a TCP network. if i have a client server program and i put the client portion on the windows XP or 2000 or vista machine and i put the server portion on the CE machine then …

Member Avatar for quintoncoert

i would like to ask a few questions about windows CE and the compact framework and how it interacts with normal C# and the normal dot net framework. i have an embedded computer which has windows CE and the compact framework on it. this compact framework sounds if it only …

Member Avatar for gaggu82

your english is very unclear. i do not understand you. if i guess correctly. you have one word. and in that word you have to find another. the best that i can think of is if you put the first word in a character array. and then you loop through …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

hi. i would like to ask if the following operation is possible. imagin a device which has a number of rs 232 ports. in this case we shall take four. then imagin that you have two keyboards and two computers connected to these ports. now is it possible to write …

Member Avatar for TkTkorrovi

The End.