quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

@ josch and christina

i am not gay. trust me on that. all i am saying is that i have for a handfull of seconds experienced what it might be like for same sex people.

i mean. it is not as if i actually started some deep soul searching or anything after that. i just fought it on the spot and that was it. i merely recited it because of what hbk said.

considering that seeing two gay men kiss on tv is enough to make want to gag. but watching two women is cool though. but only if they are sexy.

iamthwee commented: They have to be sexy, sorry about your gay experience, wouldn't wish that on anyone, unless they're chicks - and sexy. +11
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

about the ladder system

if there is anyway that you know that i can help say so and shall help. if you suspect that i can help say so and i shall make an effort.

@ josh and serunson

true this is not a tourny so that wont work. but we would have to have some form of organization. else two bad players can play and draw each other every single hour pushing their own rating up while they avoid the stronger players.

i would suggest something like they have in the european soccer leages. with everyone playing each other twice. once as white and once as black. then we give three points for win, zero for lose and one for draw. we keep the tally and so we always know one another's rank.

we adapt it so that anyone can join at any time but of course we post a time frame as well. no one is allowed to join in the last month or so of the timeframe since he will have to play every one else in that short period of time.

or else we do cycles. a new cycle starts every four months. anyone can join at any time. in the short run late joiners who cant finish all of their games will cause the rankings to be a bit erratic but in the long run things aught to smooth out. anyone who dont finish all of his games in …

ndeniche commented: fabulous +2
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

would it be one? the others are met. they could have been met there or even if they were met along the way nothig says that they are going with?

Bench commented: Is the right answer.. :-D +3
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

@ cscgal

since i am the one who brought God into this i suppose i shall have to answer.

if you are atheist like myself, josh and i believe salem and rustybear too then this does not really matter. but if you are christian or moslem then it is everything. here i address salem as well.

The bible is very explicit when it comes to men having sex with men. so is the Koran. i have never seen anything about women having sex with women in the bible but about men it is very clear. one can debate something like "is the earth flat or is the earth round" but you cant debate something like "the sun shines everyday". the same here. God says in an inambiguous manner what he thinks of homosexuality.

also i am not against gays for any reason what so ever. i am merely curious. if it was none of my business then someone could just have said so.

also i believe that i am not at all prejudiced. what of what i have said indicates my prejudice? perhaps when i said "design flaw". but i was talking from a purely biological point. from that point we are all design flaws since our DNA is not as such that it can always renew or heal our bodies which leads to our eventual death.

@ josch

i know how an x and a y chromosome works duh! i just started …

ndeniche commented: couldn't have said it better +2
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

Quintoncoert :* narue ;) (LOL, only joking :D)

:$ sorry for excessive smiley use

funny. in fact very funny.

i admit that like narue. in fact i like her a lot. but i am not sure if i like her in that particular way.

reasons. firstly we are seperated by 10 000 miles of atlantic ocean and i think it might be just a bit difficult to kiss a girl over a telecommunications line.

second you must admit that it is more than just plain difficult to fall in love with a girl you have never ever seen in your entire life.

thirdly i can laugh about this but i am not sure how narue will react. i have seen that she is a tad aggresive so she might wish to rip someone's liver out. i was my hands in inocence since i did not put this particular thought in your head.

lastly. and most importantly. you are only quoting half of what i am saying. you are quoting the second part of a sentence and in modern english the initial part of a sentence is of emphatic value.

jbennet commented: :) +18
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

>Well still, I wouldn't marry a man who couldn't provide for himself.

excellent point. i was just teasing you anyway.

christina>you commented: ;) +14
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

@ Aia

Sorry for only responding now. You probably thought that I have forgotten all about you but actually, for reasons which shall soon be clear, I was away on Venus for the past few days and as you no doubt know the solar winds can make inter-planetary communication a nightmare at best. Especially during this time of the year.

>I apologize. When I wrote the Rusty story, I was mad at Al Gore and his environmental >acolytes.

Don’t worry about it. We are only human all of us.

>Truth to be told. I was bitter, because a spokesman for Al Gore sent me a “cease and desist” e-mail, against my >business.

I sympathize. The same thing happened to me when I tried to bring the benefits of modern economics to the native inhabitants of Alaska and North-west Canada by selling them solidly frozen water. My friend went through the same thing when he tried to sell salted water to the dolphins. In fact so enraged were we at the gross violation of anti-thrust legislation that we took the liberty of taking a trip to Venus and seeing Mr. Gore. He was there conducting a study on excessively carbonated oxygen.

>a concept that they solely, hold all legal rights to.

He immediately set the record straight. They were not trying to establish a monopoly, but were merely trying to protect the consumer. In fact they are planning to ban …

Aia commented: Maybe we should create our own fighting union. +6
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

liked the comics. not the game. i liked street fighter. the punisher (game) was OK though.

maravich12 commented: thanks fan +2
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

> unless jocamps or myself stop narue she has a sixty percent chance of winning the tournament.
Unless you stop someone, they have an 100% chance of winning. ;-)

@ s.o.s
well i was actually refering to the fact that if she beats myself or jocamps then there are others to stopher as well.

no offense but after all that i have read it would seems that narue has had very little competition.

@ josh.
its not only her victories. she has been replying to a couple of my questions in the c++ thread. her writting is always logical and she presents her thoughts in a precise manner. A famous writer in my country once said that if someone tells a story he reveals as much about himself as the story he tells. Correct logic and ordered thought is a deadlycombination in chess even in a beginner. And when narue pointed out that one must develop pieces in the opening she proved that she is much more than a beginner. for example. when i played nichito he started an attack with his queen on his second move. not a good thing to do in chess.

~s.o.s~ commented: Yes, correct observation. :) +23
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

and from me. i think you guys have a great country.

joshSCH commented: Happy Independence Day! :) +15
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training


i was afraid that josch might refer me to the first amendment but it merely says that congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion. The point is some people would point me to that amendment but the amendment does not say that religious conviction (in this case paris hilton's) carries no weight. It merely says that the state neither supports nor prohibits it.

if you would be so kind as to point out the idiocity explicitly. and why do you hate paris so much anyway? it seems almost pathological? what has she ever done to you or anyone else for that matter? Her only fault was being born a rich man's daughter. That kind of curse could have befallen any one of us. only strong bones can support the weight of riches. We should be gratefull that it was not one of us.

EnderX commented: Good points. +3
~s.o.s~ commented: Logical without being aggressive. Nice points. +23
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

i think this is because all (or perhaps just most) great authors goes through this evolution of style.

style has to be crystal clear, concise as well as simple as its base only. some author once remarked that you have to write a million words before you begin to aquire true style.

perhaps the hobbit was part of his learning curve. another book of tolkien, the silmarion i think, has the exact same problem. some authors write their first works with no intention of ever publishing it.

i 've read many of k. a. applegate's books. her very earliest, before animorphs and everworld, are also rather boring.

Rashakil Fol commented: More on-topickitude... +6
quintoncoert 131 Posting Whiz in Training

If it wasn't scary it wouldn't be fun. It's starting to get to be not as much of a thrill for me as it used to be. Don't get me wrong, they're still fun, I just want something bigger, like skydiving or bunjee jumping where they tie your feet together and you jump off of something really high. Something like that would really get my adrenaline pumping.

lol. I am just reminded of this really cute radio advertisement we have here in RSA. If it could just be moved passed the proof of concept stage it would satisfy your wants greatly. Basically its about this guy who goes for his first bungee jump and the conversation goes something like this:

Three, Two, One... and BUNgeeeee....

NOOOO! Wait? Wait Wait wait Wait!!!(in a very scary voice) Isn't there supposed to be a cord around around my legs or something?!

(and then this guy replies in a very sure voice complete with Australian accent(more so since my country men thinks the Australians are too cocky!))
No mate, we're going wireless!

WolfPack commented: Good one. +8