49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I've got a 2 diemsional array that ments to represent this: Name Address A 1 B 2 C 3 I've got the following code written for this: [code] char * tableArray[10]; [/code] should that be: [code] char * tableArray[10][10];? [/code] And I've got a pointer that populates only the …

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Member Avatar for jlouang

I need help making a program that include meter yards and feet. my c+ class is only in chapter 4 of the c++ book. function header should be void convertMeters(int meters) int main 1. ask for the number of meters 2. read in the number of meters 3. call your …

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Member Avatar for rgrwalker

I can't seem to get it working properly. Here's what I have thus far. #include <string> #include <iostream> class Student_t { char firstName[20]; //to hold the first name char lastName[20]; //to hold the last name int exam1; //to hold Exam-1-Grade int exam2; //to hold Exam-2-Grade int homeworkavg; //to hold Homework-Average …

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Member Avatar for janito2008

I need help with a program for school. I have to write a program that asks for the number of days each employee is absent, the total number of days absent for all employees combined and the average number of days absent for all employees combined. I need help before …

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Member Avatar for niceguy21

1. The temperature of a city is obtained at a weather station in degrees centigrade. The job is to convert this temperature into its corresponding value in degrees Farenhiet. Assume the data type for the value of temperature to be 'double' and use the formula F=(9/5)*C+32. What is the input …

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Member Avatar for Whodey

hmm im trying to convert this over..so that i can right the name in the program and it finds..the address in the database....i think im on the right track just some problems...any help or tips? [CODE]#include <map> #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { map<string,string> addressbook; pair<string,string> …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Jon182

Hey guys I am just wondering why the following code gives the wrong number of characters from a file when the character count is the default? Thanks. [code] void main() { int blank_count = 0; int char_count = 0; int sentence_count = 0; char ch; ifstream iFile("c:\test.txt"); if (! iFile) …

Member Avatar for Jon182
Member Avatar for paulotara

I would need a quick implementation in C++ on how to trap and manipulate keyboard events probably thru keyboard hookin reply on [email]paulotara@yahoo.com[/email] :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for comwizz

Hello everyone, I was having this problem of sorting words of a string entered by user where the user enters many strings and words of each string are sorted separately. This had to be done using pointers . Heres my attempt.I dont know where I am going wrong as garbage …

Member Avatar for HackWizz
Member Avatar for khot_anuradha

hi, i wanted to knoe that how to calculate the total size of file in C?

Member Avatar for agiorgio
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I wanted to ask if any of you could tell me what I'm doing wrong when I want to debug any program that Ive written in VC++ 2005 Express Edition. Reason is, after I put a break point to where the program has to run and …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for thehakan

Hi everybody; I just started to learn stacks. How can I count the number of Items in a stack by using ADT stack operations?? Can u help me?

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Member Avatar for 111Help

Can someone offer assistance in converting seconds to minutes and seconds. :?:

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi, These are some of the few questions for which i couldn't find answers. :lol: . I was just hoping if any of you can help me out. 1.Write a "Hello World" program in 'C' without using a semicolon. 2.Write a C++ program without using any loop (if, for, while …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for kharri5

I am trying to do a priority queue with a custom type, but I keep getting this error des.cpp:77: error: expected init-declarator before "eventQ" des.cpp:77: error: expected `;' before "eventQ" This happens in the following code [CODE] Program: This is a discrete event simulator designed to aid in the analysis …

Member Avatar for kharri5
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive been trying to find a solution for this exercise wich goes as follows: Rewrite the Student_info structure, and the 'read' and 'grade' functions, so that they calculate each student's grades as part of reading the input, and store only the final grade. Because the exercise …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for HackWizz

Hi... m a new member n just started to learn c++. so please help me out... its simple I read in 1 of the replies that #include<iostream.h> is obsolete.... n one can use #include<iostream> But wen i tried it in d program it does not included file.. expectin replies... :twisted: …

Member Avatar for HackWizz
Member Avatar for sixtysecasasin

Is there a code to increase the console window so that the user does not have to do it manually? I am using VC++ 6.0

Member Avatar for shortLived
Member Avatar for Jon182

Hey guys I was just wondering is there a c++ function that will eliminate white space from the start and end of a character array data obtained with the getline function? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sixtysecasasin

I am writing a program and I want a graphic to show up when the user first starts my program. I know how to implement it, the problem is that I want to show a graphic totally made up of ASCII art. The problem is that it has a lot …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Whilst I shouldnt have posted the entire code up, I see no other option :( [code] #include <iostream> // cout << endl ... #include <fstream> // for reading in the file ... #include <string> // for comparing strings ... using namespace std; string reserveWordTable [4]= { "if", "then" , "else", …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for amen

can anybody give me an idea how to sort string in alphabetical order in file.text after user input string and in the file already had a list of string? which is the best,let user input the all string first then sorting it or sorting if after user input the string? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lilprincss10881

Can't figure out why I have the error...The error is: C2181: illegal else without matching if....My program is: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x=300; //this is the room capacity int y=0; //number of people int z=0; //this is the equation answer int m=0; //this is the …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Jon182

Hey guys, I am using the code below ot search for words in a text file and count them. I now would like to do something a little more advanced for example if a text file contains "hello my name is kim" I want to be able to increment a …

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Member Avatar for akshayabc

Hi friends!!!!!!!!!! I am taking part in Red hat competition to develop a linux project. I am not able to decide on what shd i do the project. In 1 group there r 3 ppl and we have around 8 months time, it includes 2 months vaccations also. I want …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for shortLived

I have this assignment from my book that wants me to create a class and have its member variables be dynamic. This is easy to do but I can't understand why I would want to, and don't see any advantages of having the members be dynamic. Personally I would create …

Member Avatar for shortLived
Member Avatar for Kilo

This is what I have on my program so far. I do not know what to do next. Thanks alot, Kilo // Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing //system. Show the customer the different breakfast itmes offered by the //restaurant. Allow the customer to …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello 2 questions, when you've got this: [code] char * array = new char[20]; [/code] creates a dynamic array of 20, if on run time the array needs to be 40 how could this be accomplished? I've thought i'd fill the array and if the next element that requires adding …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for amen

need some idea from to find the same word in text file example i had a list of word in text file,let me name it noun.txt..contain noun word..the file contain like this walk run eat drink .... give me an idea how can i find word eat in the noun.txt …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for bops

Hello again everyone, Im having trouble with this function for saving a file from a richedit control within a child window in my application. I have put in extra messageboxes etc to helo me find the error. when I implement this function with valid parameters I recieve the "Invalid handle …

Member Avatar for WolfPack

The End.