49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for marti3a3

I'm trying to implement a menu choice, so the user can define what kind of triangle they have, with the focus on class implementation. I'm trying to define a class attribute that offers the choices, but then depending on the choice, sends the compiler to the appropriate attribute. Example: [CODE]int …

Member Avatar for marti3a3
Member Avatar for Adrian99420

hi, I link up a combobox item with a MS access database by setting the data source and display member of combobox properties. However, I wish to filter some repeated item in the combobox, how can I do that? For example, my MS access table contain value as follow: profile …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi Im currently a web designer, but i want to get to grips with software development aswell. Could anyone tell me what i need to get started. For example -Software -Usfull tutorials -Testing Pods (if you use them?) Anything like that would be of great use. Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for TriTz

Hi! guys! I have a question about generic linked list. This is an example using C. [code] typedef struct list{ void *info; struct list *next; } List; [/code] but now I have to translate it to C++, but I must use template instead of void*. [code] template <class T> class …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, I have noticed when you use srand or rand you write: [CODE=C++]rand() % 99 + 1[/CODE] I was wondering about the 1, is it just tradition to use it or is it from 1-99? Just because i was wondering how i could make it between say 20 and 40 …

Member Avatar for CoolGamer48
Member Avatar for En1ro

Hello, First of all thanks for time reading this post and the problem is that: I'm Using Borland c++ builder 6 and i want to connect to my database through BDE components, i added Database, Table and Query components, filled query , added params to Database and tried to connect …

Member Avatar for iamnoangel26

Umm i just want to ask how to use an array and when to use them. I just cant get what my teacher is telling. Maybe someone can give me a new idea. That's all thanks :)

Member Avatar for gazoo
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

How do I read a file thats in a folder, but is in the same folder as the exe.? And how do I do this no matter what folder the root folder is placed in?

Member Avatar for CodeBoy101
Member Avatar for tymk

Running 64-bit Fedora 8 on HP laptop with AMD Turion 64bit/dual core, developing in Eclipse, compiling with g++. The [icode]clock();[/icode] function always returns 0. Any ideas why this is so? I have had no problems using the rest of the [icode]ctime[/icode] library. [code=cpp] #include <ctime> using std::clock; #include <iostream> using …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Mark515
Member Avatar for scream2ice

i'm writing a program that reverses the first 600 characters of a bitmap picture (it basically swaps character 0 with char 599, 1 with 598 and ......) This is what i've written so far but it's not working [code] #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { char c1,c2; int …

Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

hey friends using scanf of C ...one can set the input width...something like this.. [CODE]scanf ("%3d", i);[/CODE] then whats d thing that i can use to do the same in C++ using cin... ???

Member Avatar for joshmo
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, i was just going to start making a game where srand made a random number between 1&99 and that is the power you would hit of someone else, the one to defeat the other person won, I got some prefix errors etc : [code=c++]#include <conio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for kbehemoth

I have a problem geeks!!! In following program..... [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float f=0.7; clrscr(); if(f<0.7) printf("C+"); else printf("C++"); getch(); } [/code] in the above program when I give the value of f=0.7 and in if statement also I put the same value 0.7 then the output of …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for arunkp

i need to display user given text in graphics mode we can display predefined text using outtextxy(); functions. but we cannot display text given by user using this function while using printf statements i think we cannot displaytext with userdefined colors and settings. one of my seniors told me that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dreamgirl

Hi, well my question is how to calcuate the total cost for a shop which is as follows [code] Item Quantity Price per unit Total cost 1 2 20 40 3 1 25.50 25.50 [/code] Total 65.50 [code=cplusplus] float total(int qty, int price); { int t; t=qty*price; if ((qty<10.00)&&(price<100.00); return …

Member Avatar for dreamgirl
Member Avatar for David Wang

I am doing windows forms application in C++, using visual studio 2005. I could reach Form2 from Form1 by clicking a "log-in" button in Form1, after fill in the name in a textbox. Then I would like to show the log-in name in Form2 somewhere. I have got a class …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Brent.tc

Hi, I was wondering how to make a program listen on a port... lests say port 54321. All I want for it to do is listen for any message sent on that port, and then output "54321"... Is this as simple as I think, or is it something that is …

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for echoestroy

I was wondering how i could set up a random number loop, but have it stop looping when it hits 1 or any other number i assign. i use dev C++ compiler [code] //Damage Roller #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(0)); …

Member Avatar for echoestroy
Member Avatar for Princequarles

Hi all, I have a problem reading data from my file for example this is my textfile CODE MARKER //Names of columns in my table PKY KELLYS ELM ELMANS OOC OLIVER QRT QUATAR A user is asked for code, when the code is entered, the corresponding name is displayed eg …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for y25zhao

Hi, I'm writing a general Node class in C++ right now. I don't know how to make it having an ability to carry a general object. For example, I want my Node class could carry a general Object. It might be a "Book", a "Person" or an integer. I know …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for lianaconda

Hi. So, my assignment is to convert an infix expression into a postfix one, and then evaluate it. I already completed the infix to postfix part. I have a small problem evaluating the postfix expression though. The expression deals with booleans, and allows the ! operator. I'm not sure how …

Member Avatar for lahom

hi i had converted a vb code to vc++ /MFC code through a VBto converter application.but when i compiled it i got an error in this function: [CODE]void CForm1::OnCommand1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CComVariant retval; // - "AutoDim" CString app_path; CString Icon; app_path = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey all, I'm trying to create a directory monitor that will watch a certain directory and print changes made to that directory. I was wondering if there were any C/C++ libraries that provide an abstract class to access the file system on any OS. I would like the program to …

Member Avatar for CubedStooge
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Hey, I'm trying to get my program to run correctly. I can get the black screen to come up after compiling, but it does not say "Press any key to continue...". I'm reading from input file and want to see results in an output file. My ultimate goal is to …

Member Avatar for NinjaLink
Member Avatar for dpfaff

Hello, I am relativly new to programing, and I need some help on a lab project. If anyone out there can explain why I am getting the following errors. 55: inlab was not declared in this scope In funtion void selectionSort(char (*)[25], int) 74:error: Stropy was not declared in the …

Member Avatar for dpfaff
Member Avatar for Black Magic

The title says it all, i was just wondering if i made a simple text based game what would i use? Like I've heard about things called sockets, ports etc? Just in curiosity

Member Avatar for hammerhead
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, I was just mucking around and made a simple random number generator and made a "love percentage game" but, if you re-open the .exe and type the same names in it gives another completely different percentage, would i save the names to do a file or some kind? [code=c++]#include …

Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I wrote a program to input an INFIX convert it to POSTFIX and then evaluate it. But the function 'evaluarRPN' used for evaluate POSTFIX some time work and some time not, depend of the input. For example: (8*9-8/5+6)*(5-9) = -305, but the program display -308 (8+9) = 17, display …

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Member Avatar for spuddy1515

I need help with manipulating my computers clock through a c++ program and i have no idea on how to make the program. Does anyone have any idea on how to do this?

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The End.