49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jennifer84

If I have a 2D vector like this that has 5000 elements declared. If I have filled 2500 of these elements with Numbers, what is the best way if I want to "emty" these elements so these elements will turn to 0 wich I beleive is the defaultvalue for all …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Indianblues

Hi , I am new to c++. I am reading "C++ How to Program" .In one example author divided the program into 3 files. The first one is Gradebook.h which contains prototypes. second Gradebook.cpp which contains actual implementations of member functions of Gradebook.h. last file is fig03-14.cpp which contains objects …

Member Avatar for Indianblues
Member Avatar for bustedsfnewkia

I've searched Google and have not found a solution to my problem. Function is to take a parameter and do a calculation on it. Based on the initial conditions it is supposed to return true and the the value calculated via a reference parameter. Basic code before all modification to …

Member Avatar for littlestone
Member Avatar for Waseemn

Hello All, Can I use cin.getline(x,y) to read a line from a file? What is the form of cin.getline(x,y) when used with files? What I need to do is to output what I have written to a file to the console. I have the file open, using ofstream, and I …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for hacker9801

Hey. Right now in my game (online) I'm using std::vectors to store player info. Should I continue to use them (I hate having to loop thru them each time to find a player) or should I use MySQL to hold player information (like map their on, nickname, id, position, etc.)?

Member Avatar for Rajith Cherian
Member Avatar for shellsy

Hi guys, I'm working on this problem I've been struggling with for a while now. I'm still confused about parameters and I'm getting all these error messages, saying that a lot of my variables are undefined. I'm sorry, I know this probably looks like a mess right now, but if …

Member Avatar for shellsy
Member Avatar for Cosa

Here is my code, the aim is to use dynamic memory and pointers. The program siccesfuly reads in data from a text file into the dynamic array(matrix). The size of the array is also in the text file, so thats how the size of the array is known. I am …

Member Avatar for Cosa
Member Avatar for wleemitch

Hi everyone. I need help with an assignment that calls for a puzzle. The puzzle has five levers, numbered 1 to 5. All the levers must be down to complete the puzzle. The program produces a random puzzle each time it is opened or a new game is played. It …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Adrian99420

Hi, I am trying to update a MS access table from my combobox selected item. Here is what I wrote: [code] String^sqlQuery= "UPDATE Profiles SET "+"Wallpaper='"+ comboBox1->SelectedItem->ToString()+"',Ringtone='"+comboBox2->SelectedItem->ToString()+"'"+"WHERE Profile_Name=MotoX"; this->oleDbDataAdapter1->SelectCommand->CommandText=sqlQuery; this->oleDbConnection1->Open(); this->oleDbDataAdapter1->UpdateCommand->Connection=oleDbConnection1; this->oleDbDataAdapter1->UpdateCommand->ExecuteNonQuery(); this->oleDbConnection1->Close(); [/code] However, I keep getting error of "Parameter ?_1 has no default value" I searched through many …

Member Avatar for Adrian99420
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

I keep getting D3DERR_INVALIDCALL from my CreateDevice() call. Here it is: [CODE]long dev_result = d3d->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT,D3DDEVTYPE_HAL,m_window,D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dpp,&m_device);[/CODE] I think the problem is with m_window. Here's its creation: [CODE]if((m_window = CreateWindow("WindowClass",m_setup->name,g_deviceEnumeration->IsWindowed() ? WS_OVERLAPPED : WS_POPUP,0,0,800,600,NULL,NULL,m_setup->instance,NULL)) == NULL) { MessageBox(NULL,"Error creating the window","CreateWindow()",MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; }[/CODE] It's really weird. I put breakpoints …

Member Avatar for CoolGamer48
Member Avatar for n00b3

Hello, I am a PHP programmer, trying to transition to C++. I need C++ to communicate with MySQL, so I realize i need to have mysql++ libraries. I am using winXP. I have MinGW. I am just trying to install MySQL++, and I am having problems. I have been following …

Member Avatar for gazoo

Can anyone tell me what is this, to me it look like struct in a struct, if I were to write the OOP program to sort an array 5 of these object variables, where would I start?? What will be the out put should look like?? Can someone give an …

Member Avatar for xm1014

I'm having trouble adding ("books") nodes to a tree. I have a class (BookRecord) that has a pointer to BookRecord *left and BookRecord *right, they are private but each have a get and set function..get/set left/right() I am trying to accomplish: - Add a single node that is passed in …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for gehad3003

Hi I have a homework assignment that ask you to complete an empty project that contains a queue and stack. the data should be stored in a circular array. Functions of the queue are: pushBack : to insert in the back pushFront : to insert in the front popBack : …

Member Avatar for gehad3003
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

Does anyone know how to get winsock2.h functions to work in a thread created by CreateThread(....)? All my code works outside a thread, but when I put it in the thread, it cannot bind the socket and read from etc. Thanks.

Member Avatar for c++noobie

I am currently using Kubuntu 8.04. Although I do not know any bash, I altered the bash shell (via internet guides) to append history instead of truncating the history file. After editing the shell, the default way to clear the history only clears the interactive history and not the actual …

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Member Avatar for gamblitis

Sorry guys i know this might have been posted before but i was wondering if maybe you lot could help me out. I have done alot of searching and haven't seem to come across anything relevant or helpful. I need to create a GUI for a simple registration process for …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bodhankaryogesh

Hi, I am getting an error C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\include\cstdio(17) : error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before ':' C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\include\cstdio(17) : error C2059: syntax error : ':' I've declared a namespace in my header file. In that i have some string manipulation …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sisi

I have to write a programme `r=1/x+2/x^2+3/x^3+....n/x^n` i write the program but cant get the answer can someone correct me faster plzz //#include <iostream> //using namespace std; //int main() //{ //int n=0,i=0,j=0; //double x=0,r=0; //double numerator,denominator; //cout<<"Please enter a value for n:"; //cin>>n; //cout<<"Please enter a value for x:"; //cin>>x; …

Member Avatar for sisi
Member Avatar for amit_pansuria

Helo, i want to write open SSL based c,c++ application for client socket in vc++ without using any API of winsock or MFC functionality. can u guide me how do i implement it. I search a lot on google but not getting exactly. Regards, Amit

Member Avatar for amit_pansuria
Member Avatar for LindaWiklund

Hello I get 'segmentation fault' at seemingly random places when reading from a file = running getline(*stream, stringLine). Running Rational Puify I get the info: Invalid Pointer Read: Reading 655816 bytes from 0xfefa846c between the heap and the stack (342896 bytes at 0xfefac490 illegal). I guess that the stream pointer …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for flash121

Greetings, I have a problem. I have an abstract class called Number and 3 derived classes called Integer,Double and Float. The Number class has an abstract virtual method, which the derived classes (obviously) must inherit. Now comes the part where im stuck. The method has to be declared using a …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for chrisfrolich

Hi I was wondering if you can help me write a code that i can use for keeping track of my grades. It will return my overall class average to the main () for output. Also it will pass my average to another funtion that uses the average and returns …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for timdog345

This is what I need > 1) I also need to use a for loop to prompt user to input two intergers: firstNumber and secondNumber (firstNumber must be less then secondNumber) > 2) Outputs all odd numbers between firstNumber and secondNumber > 3) output the sum of all even numbers …

Member Avatar for Rajith Cherian
Member Avatar for computers08

Hi I'm new to programing. My tearcher gave me a ster program where there are 4 right triangles, that triangles 2-4 are just reflections/rotations of the first one - all being right triangles of size 10 on the perpendicular sides * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** …

Member Avatar for computers08
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi.... I want to create program to show that [COLOR="Red"]bios password is set or not[/COLOR] means Bios password is Enable or Not... [COLOR="Red"]How to check this setting through c or c++ programing[/COLOR]........not by manual setting Is it any registry or log or inf file that shows Bios password is enable …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for risa

hi, whenever std::string is assigned to another std::string its giving me a memory leak,why is it so....generally std::string's destructor takes care of freeing it.......can anybody help me wht to do to avoid this type of memory leak...???

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for scream2ice

i want to write an object oriented program using classes and sequential files there is a store which keeps record of its customers' info in a file: customer code char6 customer name char30 total cost of products bought so far long int owe long int date of last purchase char8 …

Member Avatar for ktob

hi, this code compiled using visual studio. Have changed the line const size_t i= __gnu_cxx::hash(x); from const size_t i=stdext::hash_value(x); so that it would compile using gcc. However I am getting an error message as shown below. Any suggestions appreciated. Thx [code=cplusplus] template<class X, class Pred= less<X> > class Hash{ private: …

Member Avatar for ktob
Member Avatar for Aamit

How to [COLOR="Red"]check USB is enable or not [/COLOR]in c++ programing. Plz give me some hints or sample code or links

Member Avatar for Asat232

The End.