49,762 Topics

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Anyone here who uses wxWidgets? I am a newbie in wxWidgets. I have trouble in inserting an image in my application.. I am using this one: wxImage *img; img=new wxImage("pic.jpeg",wxBITMAP_TYPR_ANY,-1); this code is erotic. What would you suggest? Thanx..

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for pri_skit

I have application build in Embeded VC++ 4.0 project,now i want to include (.h) file in project which is produced from another (.exe) built in Win32(App) Console.I have added header file in project workspace.The problem is (.h) file is created after compiling the project.I want to include (.h) file before …

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Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

hello everyone!!!does anyone from this forum knows how to install wxWidgets for the application program in c++ even there is no internet.Furthermore,i am using a ubuntu flavor of linux. Your help is such a great help..... I hope you could give me the complete sypnopsis on how to install wxWidgets …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm using Visual C++.NET. I need to pass a port number to my gui. What the syntax for passing arguments to "int __stdcall WinMain()." For regular C++ it would be "int main(int argc, char* argv[])" Thanks.

Member Avatar for cpg
Member Avatar for ammochck21

can someone please tell me why this is giving me a segmentation fault? I am sure it has something to do with the first line. Thanks!! [code] int main() { StackType<char> temp; char sym; cin >> sym; while (sym != '#') { if (sym == '{' || sym == '(') …

Member Avatar for ammochck21
Member Avatar for yesm

Hello! I'm working on an assignment that requires me to store custom classes in an STL vector and do things like search, display, and delete them, then write them all to file. This is going well, but my code to delete an object (adapted from [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread31636.html"][U]this thread[/U][/URL]) works on any …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Zay

[COLOR=red][U]its about Data Structure[/U][/COLOR] [U][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#ff0000](in doubly link List )[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]this is my function [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]bool search( T item) { nodetype <T> *cur; bool found; cur=first; while(cur!=NULL && !found) { if((cur->info).name==item) return true; else cur=cur->next; }[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue] return found; }[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]and this is the error :[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] [CODE] …

Member Avatar for Zay
Member Avatar for slanker70

Basically, my proggramme is CLASS ACCOUNT DEFINITION [code]class Account { public: Account(); void setBalance(int); void getBalance(); private: int balance; } [/code] CLASS ACCOUNT IMPLEMENTATION [code]#include <iostream> #include "account.h" using namespace std; Account::Account() { } void Account::getBalance() { cout << balance; } void Account::setBalance(int ammount) { balance = ammount; } [/code] …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for grunge man

i created this program and it works perfictly but how do i make it so all the numbers,that this loop prints out, add together? heres the code[CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,n,a,b; b=1; n=1; i=100; a=100; while (n<=i){ cout<<n*26*n<<endl; n=n+1; } system ("pause"); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for Coach_Nate

Hi all, I apologize if this is somewhere on here. I've looked some and I can't find it here or anywhere on the internet. With all the bright minds on this board, someone's bound to have an idea... What I would like to do is open a file using the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for vikter

Hi, Is there a way one can create a Graphical user interface in C++, and include things like Radio buttons,Check Boxes e.t.c in one's application. Thanks alot

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Member Avatar for pockafella

hey I was wondering if any of you had an idea for this program I need to write for extra credit in my class. It involves using a rational class which is what Im having trouble writing, I understand if no one wants to take a shot at it, any …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for â—„Medusaâ–º

I am thinking about a landscape generation program, ie building a model from a 2D contour map or something similar. Would C++ be the best language for this or is there a more suitable language to use? P.S I am a novice to programming and so far only have experience …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for kmachstang

Hi guys, I need some help with file input output. I have a file that has a array size on the first line followed by a 2d array. The array size can change. I need to read this file, and place the array in a array variable. But im not …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Shad0wHawk

I am writing a simple (extremely simple) hangman program. Basically the user inputs a word, then they have double the number of letters in the word for guesses (for instance if the word has 7 letters they get 14 guesses). Please don't ask why I want the user to input …

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Member Avatar for nottoshabi

I dont understand why I'm getting this error here. [code=c] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string value; int number; cout << "Enter an integer: "; getline( cin, value ); if( !isvalidInt( value ) ) cout << "The number …

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Member Avatar for student86

[COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#000000]I need some assistance with this lab, any help will be appreciated. I will attach a .txt file, with my programming so far.[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]Thanks, I appreciate all those who take time out of their day to help.[/COLOR][/B] [B][B][I][COLOR=#000000][/COLOR][/I][/B][/B] [B][B][I][COLOR=#000000]Description[/COLOR][/I][/B][/B] [COLOR=#000000]Modify the Inventory program from Lab 5 to add …

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Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, im new in c++...i need to know how to access files in the hard disk...im having a priject of controling hdd using linux and c++...my task is to create a program in c++ using linux that get's a file from the hard disk, check's if the memory of …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey guys, this is a calculator program. I keep getting 0s for my answers... is there something wrong with the logic in this function: main() cin >> choice; while ( choice != 'q' && choice != 'Q' ) { cout << "For first fraction\n"; getFract(choice, 1, num1, den1); cout << …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for andrewking

Hi, I want to know about C++, How do I declare a constant (like C++ const) in Java(tm) and how do I declare enums (like C enum) in Java(tm).if any one knows about this reply me Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for MukeshZ

Hi All I am using 5 textboxes for taking input from user in MFC VC++ application. i want after filling 5 textboxes application should wait for 5 Seconds. and after that all entries should be clear and ready for next user input. i had written function to clear input. using …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for yuzhang

Hi all: In C++, what are the common usages of a copy constructor? I know construtor can be used to initilize the object, but have not heard anything about how to use a copy construtor. Thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for honeysmiles

[COLOR=#000000]Build a hash table using chaining as the collision resoultion technique. Insertions into the hash table will correspond to declarations of variables and values in a program, searches will be requests for the value of a variable. Some variables will be local and have a narrow scope while some variables …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Amanda21

I need help with understanding how to initialize a one dimensional array of vending items in a vending machine to sentinel values and also how to read the data into the one dimensional array of vending items. Please help!! There are no more than 20 diff items in the vending …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for itsanshulmca

Hi! All I m working on a project in which i requred to store Table and Queries in to new Ms Access .mdb file You know in MS Access we are able to make tables, macro, reports and queries, and save in it. just same like that i wnt to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for norah87

hello everyone,, first i wanna tell that i am a new membor and i heard alot about this usefull forum.. and today i want ur help guys... in this question i dont know the causes of the error : the topic is doubly link list which is soted.. the type …

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Member Avatar for Senel

I want to write a program that sorting marks of nth of students in ascending order using an array, and these marks generated randomly from (1 to 100)? How can i get the medain value of these marks? ( it may be even or odd) Like i entered 6 numbers …

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Member Avatar for FoX_

Hi all; I'm new to C++ and OOP. My problem is: I ' ve created the header file time1.h and included it in my project but when I tried to compile it gave me linker errors in VC++ 6.0. Here is the code: My header file [B]time1.h[/B] [code=c] #ifndef TIME1_H …

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Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, 1.Id like to know how to create a link, for example in DialogBox. Id like to see a link to my website on about me selection, and when user would click on it, my website would open. 2. I made an bitmap, but now I dont know how to …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for spankyg

Take a look at this code, why will it not display "CleanUP" after it exits Main? I have tried writting it many different ways. Simple code, unexpected results? Initialize HelloWorld.......No Clean Up? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class display { public: display() { cout << "Initialize\n"; } ~display() { cout …

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The End.