49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for emr

i have a homework my homework is to place 8 quenns pieces from the game of chess on a chessboard so that no queen piece is threatening another queen on the board.All of the solutions can be found using a recursive algorithm.The algorithm works by placing queens on various positions,adding …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for desijays

Im looking for a network library for c++ cos Im planning to write a small network application. something along the lines of a port scanner. I would be interested in knowing which library most people use and what is recommended.

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Member Avatar for iTaChi

Hi.. I know C and C++ and learned the basics in 1 month. now, i am writing programs, but that programs are only for mathematics. Is there anyway i can learn system programming in C? What site would you recommend?? Thanks!..

Member Avatar for iTaChi
Member Avatar for kylcrow

Hmm. I am converting a string into an int. [code=c++] string sum(string line) { string first; string last; string scores; string output; istringstream lineStream(line); lineStream >> last; lineStream >> first; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { string getScores = "0 "; lineStream >> getScores; scores += …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for satyanarayanam

hi i have problem i have to devolpe a program ,that can't use a printf ,but i have to display a string. is this works int a = printf("How is this\n"); main() { int b; } This will work in C++ wht abt c? AND one more [B]HOW sizeof()[/B] [B]implemented …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Zillian

Hi, I've been trying to get this to work for the past two hours and can't figure out why this run-time error is happening. The code is as follows: [code=cplusplus] #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<iostream> usingnamespace std; int main() { stack<char,deque<char,allocator<char> > > s; queue<char,deque<char,allocator<char> > > q; char ch; int count …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Covinus

First of all im a java programmer and im porting to c\c++. I have no knowledge of c\c++. Because my work requires me to learn c\c++. in just 1 week they want me to code intermediate stuff. I wasnt able to comply 100% to their requirments but at least i …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, im new in c++...i just want to know how to compare a string to null like: [code] string x; cin >> x; if(x==NULL){ cout << "null"; } [/code] im using this one, [b] if(&x==0) [/b]...but it does'nt work... this is what my mentor told me to do... help..thanks

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for kylcrow

Is there a member function in the string class to put two strings together at a certain index? For example... if i took these two strings... city = Memphis and state = Tennessee to put them together like this [code=c++] Memphis Tennessee [/code] The city would start at index 0 …

Member Avatar for kylcrow
Member Avatar for caltiger

Hi, I have to port a code onto an ARM processor... what is the most commonly used methods for optimizing C code? I`ve read abt limiting the number of parameters in a function, pass values by refernce in argunments rather than by value, and trying to avoid global variables... My …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for NewKidWalking

[code=language] #include <iostream.h> char first[ 20 ]; char middle[ 20 ]; char last[ 20 ]; main() { cout << "What is your name ScumBag? "; cin >> first >> "\n" >> middle >> "\n" >> last; return 0; } [/code]

Member Avatar for iTaChi
Member Avatar for fastcarz3

Develop a C++ program that will determine whether a department-store customer has ex-ceeded the credit limit on a charge account. For each customer, the following facts are available: a. account number (an integer) b. balance at the beginning of the month c. total of all items charged by this customer …

Member Avatar for nkhosinathie
Member Avatar for nkhosinathie

i'm developing a c++ program here and also i'm nwe to c++. i have been given a program that has to print integers from 0-10 with their squares and cubes in a table form. but the problem is i'm only allowed to use if statement onyl to do this program.well …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for MAI&

[B][COLOR=darkorchid] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid]hi ^^/[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid]i'm new here ,, & i have some questions :pretty: ,,[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid]mmm,, it may sound easy to u ,, but what can i do i'm just a beginner:icon_sad: ..[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid]can some1 explain to me how to do this program using 2-dimentional arreys ?[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkorchid]pls dont …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ff09234

Hello all, I am a mainframe programmer for about 20 years. Its time to expand my knowledge to more languages. I was hoping someone could direct me to some good online C++ courses I could take. hanks in advance to all that reply.. Regards Warren

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for ak_2005

i tried to run a graphics program in my borland c++ 5.02 compiler.. i opened a new project, changed the platform to DOS(Standard) mode... check marked the BGI option.. and added my program as a new node to my project.. and compiled it successfully but when i try to execute …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, i have no idea how to check if a directory in linux already exist, can someone point me an example..pls..thanks

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, i have here a program(linux based) that creates a directory then transfer files to that said directory...the problem is, im using strcat to join my bash script commands to the users inputs..now, i have a loop that concatenates the commands... is there a way that a concatenation will …

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for princekool

[COLOR=#000000]The Program. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]You have been asked to solve a problem for an old gameplayer. She has purchased a new game. It is a sort of Solitaire. This suits the old gameplayer as she has no friends so a game played alone is ideal. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]The game is played on …

Member Avatar for hbk619
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

Hi everyone, This is my first post, so a brief introduction: I am a first year Engineering student in Trinity College Dublin. We have a fairly intensive workload including Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Logic, Graphics, and of-course Computer Science. The CS part of the course is easily my favourite and …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, im having trouble with the system() function...as much as possible, i would like my program to be dynamic...i created a program that will make an iso file...it will ask the user to input the directory that he would like to compress...the problem is, how do i append this …

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for tony71

HI guys, I am taking C++ and I'm suppose to write this program where it asks the user to input a grade that they recieved in their exam . The grade is an interger from 0 to 100. Basicly the program should convert the numeric grade to a letter grade. …

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Member Avatar for kylcrow

Hi again everyone. I'm having a problem with some code I am writing. I need to take an input file change what is on it, then print out to the screen. What I want to change in the file is re-formatting it so that there is Last name First name …

Member Avatar for kylcrow
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there...uhmmm, im having problems with getting the file and storing them...like for example, you ask the user to input a file then that file will be stored...how do you get that file, and where do you store them?? thanks

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for learningtocode

Sry guys..havin troubl figurin out sum of this posting stuff..... OK guys, Im writing this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread77798.html#"]game[/URL], and i can't seem to figure out one thing. This is an extra fun thing that one of my Profs suggested. If i get it working like i want..he may give me extra credit. …

Member Avatar for vbCNEW
Member Avatar for mattb0611

Hello! I downloaded software called Xloops to evaluate integrals I'm working with. It comes with some example programs to show how the libraries work, but I can't seem to get them compiling consistently. Here is one program (the important part is the first 12 lines): [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include "xloops.h" …

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Member Avatar for krishu

Respected Sirs/madam, Please Explain Me The Code Of Palindrome Programme And Programme For Searching Character In String . I Shall Be Grateful If You Mail The Code Of These C++ Programmes With Explanations . Your' S Obediently Krishu

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mfc51

im trying to pull a bitmap from a file and read off each pixel value (preferably RGB (0-256) but hex will work fine as well). i am very unfamiliar with bitmap coding and was wondering if someone could give me some C++ functions that would be useful. thank you.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there...im new in c++, i need your help with this one...i want to create a program that will create an .ISO image file. the user will be asked to input all the files that he wants to compress..i just want to know what topic in c++ i will study …

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for satyanarayanam

Hi to one and all, this is satya, I few doubts in c those are, All are linux based, 1) How we can convert physical address to virtual adress and vice-versa,for this any linux system call. 2)How a float will store in binary format. 3)what the use of constant volataile.

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The End.