49,757 Topics

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1. What are the most recommended books on c++ algorithms? 2. Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedgewick - any experiences? Thx

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Member Avatar for lahiruchandima
Member Avatar for gidireich

Hi all, Here [url]http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/VSRenameIdentifiers.aspx[/url] I read about a possibility to change identifiers automatically and consistently in VS. In my VS2008, I don't see the "refactor" menu item in any of the mentioned menus. Any ideas for what could be wrong? Any other ideas, how can I rename a class automatically …

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Member Avatar for daniel88

Hi guys, Well, it's World Cup time and it seems only fitting that I submit something related to that. I was intrigued by the whole "Group of Death" concept. Intuitively (for me), a group of death should be a very unlikely event - yet they are always found in the …

Member Avatar for daniel88
Member Avatar for timbomo

what is a way to get numbers in 2 diff columns one column is whole numbers and the other are numbers with decimal places [CODE]int price=' '; // i am attempting to grab a number that has a decimal but its not the correct way int itemnum=' '; // i …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

I always come to dani web whenever i have some difficulties. Thanks to all of you. I have a question regarding DLL's. A DLL file is to be written or we just write a CPP file and the compiler generates a DLL for this CPP? Please answer Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for adcodingmaster
Member Avatar for memstick

I am working on a RedRat code project for my job these days. The RedRat is a device that can be used to control 16 IR outputs, and my plan is to use this for testing of STBs with my own program. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For those interested >> [url]http://www.redrat.co.uk/software/SDK/index.html[/url] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I've …

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Member Avatar for emperor43

I'm trying to connect to devices on a network through TCP , one is a wireless device with limited capabilities (a 802.11g transceiver with an incorporated SoC ) or the client and the other is a normal pc , the server . As the client is meant to be in …

Member Avatar for emperor43
Member Avatar for wade2462

I am coming from c++ and its nice STL. In C++ I could do this [CODE=C++] <include> string ... ... int nMyInt = 5; string sMyString; sMyString[5] = "b"; [/CODE] Ive tried this approach in c# but doing this way gives me this error [QUOTE]Property or indexer 'string.this[int]' cannot be …

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Member Avatar for hellosy

i try create using win32 console application but it will come out with the stdaf.h header file i know to create a pure C i need to change the project to compile in C only and i did but the error stadaf.h keep popping out do anyone know how to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Dimitar

I have an input file which is a 4X4 matrix, and each item of the matrix is represented by 4 digits 0's and 1's. 1 is closed and 0 means open, the direction is NSEW ( first digit represents North and so on..). I'm trying to recursively find my way …

Member Avatar for zentropy
Member Avatar for LevyDee

error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall ClientList::ClientList(void)" (??0ClientList@@QAE@XZ) already defined in serverApp.obj in file: serverDlg.obj I get this error when i try to include my header I wrote. I looked this up on MSDN but don't get it. Its an MFC project if that helps. My clientlist header is just c++ not …

Member Avatar for LevyDee
Member Avatar for Ganty722

well... the predicament i am in here seems simple.. but i cant seem to get my head around it, and YES its for a school project, but its just a part i cant work out the thing is, i'm trying to read a line from a file and store it …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for az7_neli

Hi, everyone! I have a new problem with my graduation work. :( My application must open database at runtime and modify data in this database. The database is random. For that reason I have no idea in which table will be inserted data or update or delete. The problem is …

Member Avatar for az7_neli
Member Avatar for greeran

hi i am having a problem integrating Lua into C++. I found a discussion about it here but it didn't help me. i have installed lua and i can see it in /usr/include and /usr/lib and /usr/bin i created the same code as the previous descussion [CODE] #include <lua.h> #include …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi!, I'm newbie here on daniweb.. and i dont know if i'm in a right place to post this problem. lol. *sorry for my english* anyway, will you please help me about Turbo C? My teacher gve us a sample problem and he starts it with this code : [code]#include<conio.h> …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for u8sand

Hello, Recently I've been doing some Windows API programming and I came across a problem. I want to make a console program that accepts commands, when the command 'win' shows up it will create a window with some automated features. Lets say I had a command sendfile [file-path] [where]. I'd …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

I have an application that uses readprocessmemory to get information from another application. I think my application causes this other application to crash. Does anyone have any input on this? Why does it cause a crash and how can I change my application?? I cannot modify the other app thanks …

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Member Avatar for sarah123

how can i write a program to calculate the median of matrix in file1 , and send the output to file2 .....???? can anyone help me please??! ======= sarah

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for fernandofranca

The code runs perfectly, but when I press any button, for continuing the system Pause, it gives the error: Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'arq_linha_part' was corrupted. [code=c] #include "stdafx.h" #include "Sistema.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <cstdlib> #define ZB 100.0 #define …

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Member Avatar for ronnieaka

okay so here's the little piece of code that would be useful in a sudoku program that i'm making... this function leftover is simply extracting the set minus of two arrays. i don't know if logic's been having any problem but i think its pretty simple clear. oh, and i'm …

Member Avatar for u8sand
Member Avatar for kiwihaha

i have problem only declaring struct variable. i declare a struct in struct.h file and i wan main.c and class.h also using the same variable. But the class.h file say the struct is undeclare.. example: struct.h [CODE]struct car{ int year;};[/CODE] main.c [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include "struct.h" #include "class.h" using …

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Member Avatar for dhruv_arora

It's my school project, I wrote this C++ program with file handling. I am getting these errors and I can't understand what's causing the errors, if anyone can rectify my program, that would be great. My program :- [CODE]#include<fstream.h> // for C++ and File-Handling functions #include<conio.h> // for getch() and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vsawant

i have just started learning c++ i just want a program to print ood & even from 1-100 please help me

Member Avatar for ZootAllures
Member Avatar for web3
Member Avatar for sasTReSS

Hi everyone, i want to ask question about how to make a multiple tree in c++. So i want to make a tree which contain more than 2 child(or node or leaf), but i don't know how to make a tree like this. does anyone have an example about this? …

Member Avatar for sasTReSS
Member Avatar for RehabReda

hi guys how are you ?! hope every thing is alright. well i want to make something like this [URL="http://www.coderun.com/"]one[/URL] can anyone help me how could i start in steps ? what books should i read ?! Thanks your help will be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for kcband

I am having trouble with this one. Whenever I run it I enter in the grade value and it starts repeating over and over really fast. What is wrong with it? [CODE]# include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "welcome to my GPA calculator\n" << endl; …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for fernandofranca

I commented on the code what is my doubt. I don´t know I can´t I simply use arq_linha_part >> parm; If I use that it returns me the error: 1>------ Build started: Project: Interface GaussSolve, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>Interface GaussSolve.cpp 1>c:\users\fernando\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\interface gausssolve\interface gausssolve\interface gausssolve.cpp(38) : error …

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Member Avatar for flaviusilaghi

Hy. I have to make a program to crypt a text entered from the keyboard whith aes 256 , but i have problems when i try to split the text in two.I get a bad_ptr when i declare unsigned char** intext=new unsigned char* [16]; [CODE] #include<iostream> #include <fstream> #include<conio.h> #include …

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The End.