Hi, everyone!
I have a new problem with my graduation work. :(
My application must open database at runtime and modify data in this database. The database is random. For that reason I have no idea in which table will be inserted data or update or delete.
The problem is that I must make lookup fields to all Foreign keys.
Example: I have table: article_belong_gr_arts (article belong to some group of articles)
id_article - primary key(PK),
id_gr_arts - foreign key(FK) to table gr_articles
I must make a lookup field to id_gr_arts.
But I have table text_ch_desc_article(text characteristic describe article) that have fields:
id_article - FK to article_belong_gr_arts ->his lookup field must return article name
id_text_ch - FK to table that have id_text_ch - PK text_ch_type - type of the characteristic (listed ot not) and text_ch_name - the name of the characteristic
id_list_text_ch - FK to some listed text value if the text characteristic is listed type
text_value - varchar if the characteristic is not listed
example for listed characteristic - color of hair: blond, brown...
example for not listed characteristic - note: Do not give that to kids under 3 years...
As you see in fist table I have 1 FK at second I have 3. I can't make 1 lookup field to all tables and solve the problem.
I try to write a test project where I have two tables:
test1 - id_test1 - PK; test1_name
test2 - id_test2 - PK; test2_name; id_test1 - FK
I write this code:
void __fastcall TForm1::LookupFieldsClick(TObject *Sender)
Test2Table->TableName="TEST2"; //Table2Table - TTable Component from BDE Palette
Test1Table->TableName="TEST1"; //Table1Table - TTable Component from BDE Palette
if (Test2Table->Active==true) //Builder wants Table2Table to be close
CountFields->Close(); //CountFields - TQuery that gives the number of
CountFields->Prepare(); //columns in TEST2
int allfieldscount = CountFields->FieldByName("CountColName")->AsInteger;
for (int i=0; i<allfieldscount; i++) //Here must be add all fields from TEST2
Test2Table->FieldDefs->AddFieldDef(); //to the DBGrid but obviously that
//doesn't happen
TStringField *LookupField = new TStringField(this);
LookupField->FieldName = "MyLookup";
LookupField->FieldKind = fkLookup;
LookupField->DataSet = Test2Table;
LookupField->LookupDataSet = Test1Table;
FKQuery->Close(); //FKQuery - TQuery that gives the name of FK-name
LookupField->KeyFields = FKQuery->FieldByName("FKNames")->AsString;
LookupField->LookupKeyFields = "ID_TEST1";
LookupField->LookupResultField = "TEST1_NAME";
LookupField->Name = "Test2TableMyLookup";
Test2Table->Active = true; //Error: Test2Table Field 'ID_TEST1' not found
//For some reason Test2Table have no added fields in FieldDef Property
The problem is that I can't "add all fields" of this table in DBGrid at runtime.
The other problem is that if I add them at design time (which is not allow to my graduation work) when I execute the same code in the DBGrid appear ID_TEST2,TEST2_NAME,ID_TEST1,MyLookup fields and everything is fine.
How to make it work in runtime? How to add all fields in runtime? Please help.
I search in internet two days and half and I am desperate. Most of the examples was for Delphi. I try to translate it to C++ but without success. Please help!
Thanks in advanced!