49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Cooberman76

Hi there everyone. I'm new to the boards (and C++ as well) :confused: I was wondering if someone out there would be so kind as to guide me or explain the best way to handle this dilemma I'm having. I''ve spent a full week coding my programming assignment for this …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for parvin2

how can I place all of my program in a while loop what I want is this: the user should enter color of pen ,color of brush and then enter name of a shape that want to draw. my program should give this information and draw a shape the user …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for sladesan

I would like to note that this is for John Conway's game of life but I must write it in C++. I am making a 10x10 version of the game and I am using jGRASPto write the code. I am having a problem when it is reading in the starting …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for cesarmas

I tried to make a function , using iterators, to walk a deque backward and my function does not work . I would appreciate if somebody cna help me : double Dq_Iter_Backward() { deque<int>::reverse_iterator InvDeqIter; DeqIter=intdeq.begin(); InvDeqIter = intdeq.end()-1; for(InvDeqIter = intdeq.end()-1;InvDeqIter!=intdeq.begin()-1;--DeqIter) { cout<<InvDeqIter; } elapsed = clock()- start_time; elapsed_time …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for ganeshpujar

Hi all, This is my First Thread :) I want to do some certification on C/C++. Please let me know the Certifications possible on the same. Let me know the links about the same. Thanks a lot in Advance. GmP. PS: Some Infomation can change SomeOnes LIFE

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mydadisadentist

Hae ive had a idea for a project but dont no how to start my dad keeps going on at me for spending to long on the internet so i want to create a program that detects the internet connection and starts a timer till u disconect then records the …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for nimero

Hi, has anyone of you an c-code of game of life, which isn't so difficult to understand??? thank you for your help! nimero

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Subterraneus

I'm trying to re-write some of my shell scripts with C++ and I want to use some Unix commands, but I don't really get how, all the information on System() is just confusing to me...so any help would be great,

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Member Avatar for Nickol

Hey, I have to write a function that does this : It checks if a word come up twice in a row . For example : myString[] = " Ariel lives in in the city city Ariel " so now my function should print the words : in city . …

Member Avatar for Nickol
Member Avatar for sosy2001

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // This program takes the numerical score and outputs a letter grade.// int getScore () { int count; int score, for (count = 0; count <10; count ++){ cout << "\nEnter the student's score: "<< endl; cin >> score } cout <<"\nThe score is/are: " …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for kharri5

So I'm trying to build a shell, and I've been stuck for days just trying to think about how to take in the input from the user. I need to be able to have a list of dynamically growing commands, that each has its list of dynamically growing arguments, so …

Member Avatar for kharri5
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I'm wanting to print a circle to a screen, or should I say on a form. Any ideas? Thanks

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for sosy2001

How do I save the input form the user into an array? Here is my assignment: create a program that reads in 5 numbers, find their sum and then print them in reverse. Use array as a tool in your program. Here is what I have so far: #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for sosy2001
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive recently downloaded VC++ 2005 EE, but, would prefer to buy a version of this. Now, the problem is that there are so manny versions. Since I'm a hobbiest I was wondering wich of these two would suit me the best. Visual Studio 2005 Express or …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for yoshi4483

Last night, I figured out how to write my psedocode for fing the area of a trapazoid. It was hard but I managed. Now I need help with writing the program. Everytime I try to run it something a little box comes on screen and says error, but I don't …

Member Avatar for yoshi4483
Member Avatar for dreamreaver

Greetings. I would like some guide and pointers from you all..and even if it is my homework..im not asking for someone to do it for me =| QUESTION: Develop a program that uses an array of structures to store an employee identification number(4digit), current annual salary and the result of …

Member Avatar for dreamreaver
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, in Accelerated C++ I have an exercise wich goes as follows: [quote]Write a program that will keep track of grades for several students at once. The programcould keep two vectors in sync. The first should hold the student's names, and the second the final grades that …

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Member Avatar for Lothia

Well I cannot get the second and third out put to work correctly. [code] // Purpose is to program a simulation for the flight of a cannonball. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main () { // Declare variables and constants. double vel_i, x_final=0, x_initial=0, time= 0.01, x_0; …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for nxt2thrill

hi frenz, presently im at creating a new anti virus using C++. Is there anyone who has a prior knowledge in this field,pls help me out. thanx n regards nXt

Member Avatar for nxt2thrill
Member Avatar for nicolamezzetti

Cheers, i write to ask information about how to create a client for a DLL written in c++. I have to instantiate and employ classes that are defined within the DLL. My development platform is mingw, the win32 porting of gnu g++. Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Zababa

Hello there, guys! I am quite some time now into programming, but have been dealing with C source codes for a short time. After creating some very basic programs, I want to do something more "sophisticated", might I use this expression. But let me not beat around the bush and …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for KittyGirl

I have to write a program for homework that asks for contestant scores, then outputs the total after the lowest and highest number are deleted. This is what I have so far. I can't use a sort since we haven't covered that yet and I'm not sure exactly how to …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I'm trying to do another exercise from Accelerated C++ in wich I have to write a program to count how many times each distinct word appears in its input. What I have untill now is this, [code] int main() { vector<string> theWords; string aWord; short count; …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for rajuwani121

I have a project in C while i need connect with the databse using turboc C? plz help me in this regard.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for fevershark

these are the instructions for the program. > Prepare the Fraction class as we discussed in the classroom. It should include three constructors -- one with no parameters and which creates the fraction 0/1, one with one parameter numer and which creates the fraction numer/1, and one with two parameters …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kharri5

So I have asked a couple of questions already about this shell programming, but I have another yet again. I'm not sure why my times function in this program isn't reporting the time right. It always says that I have 0 seconds of time for a process or some giant …

Member Avatar for taha umar

[COLOR=DarkOrange]wat is the difference b/w ponters and strings?[/COLOR] :sad:

Member Avatar for ITgeneration
Member Avatar for kharri5

So I have to make a UNIX shell that can basically take in any UNIX command and then keep a record of the time each process took, by forking off children processes, recording their time, and recording the parent's time, and then return that time into a linked list or …

Member Avatar for kharri5
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I have a toolbar with 2 togglebuttons. I have a program written in C# and another in VC++.NET of the same code. In the C# program, the toggle button would pop when the other is pushed and vice versa. In the VC++.NET program, this doesn't happen. Both buttons could be …

Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, I'm trying to get an OOP MFC application working, so far it complies and everything but nothing happens. And I cant work out why. I would post code snippets but the simple fact is the MFC lib is far too big for that stuff. I've zipped up my project …

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The End.