49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for akshayabc

Hello friends, I want your help for choosing a good topic for developing a C++ project(mini project). This project should take around 20-25 hours of coding time. Actually i am interested in compilers so i am thinking of developing a parser for a 'subset of C'. But i dont know …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master

I've been reading through a beginning chapter on classes and I have come upon this below: class Critter { public: [B]Critter(const string& name = ""): m_Name(name) {}[/B] ... }; I was wondering why they wrote the constructor this way. If anyone can point me to some info, I would be …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for stupidenator

Hi everyone, I am having a problem with a problem I am trying to write. It seems to compile ok, but then when I run it, I get a Segmentation Fault. i am using arrays and I am attempting to return a pointer to a char array and i am …

Member Avatar for stupidenator
Member Avatar for moznmar

I've been trying to get this code to build, but I keep receiving the following errors: week5Crook.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl decrypt(char *)" (?decrypt@@YAXPAD@Z) referenced in function _main week5Crook.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl encrypt(char *)" (?encrypt@@YAXPAD@Z) referenced in function _main Debug/week5Crook.exe : …

Member Avatar for moznmar
Member Avatar for caseg

i cant figure out how to make a program that solves the sum of integers between two input numbers. i can only use do/while, if/else,c++/C--. the basic stuff. EX: Starting number:25 Ending number:47 The sum of the integers between 25 and 47 is 828. ____________________________________________________ Please post quickly i need …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for hongfan

Hello! I'm just starting to learn C++ for school, and our first assignment is creating a series of numbers according to the following rule: [code]current value next value 1 none - the sequence terminates even current / 2 odd 3*current + 1[/code] I have to compute for the initial values …

Member Avatar for beuls
Member Avatar for aminura

Hey! I just wanted to know that if there is any builtin function in c++ that converts a decimal number into binary number??

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have a program that reads from a file, but for some reason it never reaches the end of the file or something, because the loop never ends. I put only 2 lines of text in the file, and a loop like this still ran infinite: [code] while (! my_file.eof()) …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ilikerps

I have an edit box, with its settings as "multiline", "want return", and "vertical scroll." All I want to do is to have new lines between each output line. However, I have tried "\n", which did not work. So, is there a way to make them have line breaks?

Member Avatar for freespace
Member Avatar for mybrainhurts

I have made this program which im really certain would work, it compiles with no errors, but runs continuously after getting the name of the output file. The program takes a loads of names each with 12 numbers, gets the name using getline, and puts the numbers into an array. …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for akshayabc

Hello friends, I want your help for choosing a good topic for developing a C++ project(mini project). This project should take around 20-25 hours of coding time. Actually i am interested in compilers so i am thinking of developing a parser for C. But i dont know how i can …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello. I am trying to convert my chat client from a C++ program that runs in DOS into one that runs in a Windows Dialog. I am using Visual C++. However, I am already getting a second error (please understand that there have been many before this that I [I]have[/I] …

Member Avatar for ilikerps
Member Avatar for rculley1970

I am using Visual C++ 6.0 and am getting, "error C2447: missing function header (old-style formal list?)" The code is: #include <stdafx.h> { int main (); printf("Fuck off Asshole.\n You suck. \n Bit Me Dickhead\n"); return 0 } I cannot figure out what is going wrong.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

Does anyone know of a college in Georgia that offers a complete online BS in Game Development or Computer Science?

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for lakshmisoni

I have a problem in conveting binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversions and i have the due date today

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for wigster84

I have encountered a couple of problems: a. I need to convert a string of numbers seperated by commas into integers. I have had help before today and know how to convert one string (thread was posted today). But I dont know how to do a simpler version of it …

Member Avatar for wigster84
Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello. I am trying to convert my chat client from a C++ program that runs in DOS into one that runs in a Windows Dialog. I am using Visual C++. However, I am already getting a strange error: [CODE]#include <string>[/CODE] That links without error, but when I try to use …

Member Avatar for ilikerps
Member Avatar for NosKills

I have somewhat of a weird problem which probably is caused by my compiler, but when I include <fstream> some of it's members cannot be found back in the std namespace. When i use <fstream.h> these methods are availabe. The methods are ios::nocreate and ios::noreplace, anyone who has had the …

Member Avatar for NosKills
Member Avatar for winbatch

Is there a way in C++ to deal with this? (a way to force that a boolean is strictly a boolean and cannot be converted to another numerical type?) line 42: Error: Overloading ambiguity between "MultiLog::writeLog(const long&)" and "MultiLog::writeLog(const bool&)"

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for davalend
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Does anybody know the limit of nested for loops in C or C++? If there is a limit, what is the reason?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I was trying to write a small example of a pointer to a two dimensional array like this after looking up how to write the syntax at Narue's Et.Conf. world like this: [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> void array(short (*myArray)[4][4]); using namespace std; int main() { …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for wigster84

Ok, here is a program....im getting an error, "est.cpp(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stream.h': No such file or directory Error executing cl.exe." I know something is wrong with the header...and i think it cannot read the cout (in bold). Im trying to run this in (Microsoft) …

Member Avatar for wigster84
Member Avatar for wigster84

Hi, Im a beginner at C++...trying to learn it on my own. Im doing an exercise that i cant seem to tackle. I have to read a set of numbers from a word file seperated by commas and convert them to integers. For example, say my set was [B]48909, 3453, …

Member Avatar for wigster84
Member Avatar for Virii

Is the book "Wiley's Teach yourself C++" a useful book or is it one of the sub-par books? Also, for a beginner is the book Object-Oriented Programming In C++ by Robert LaFore a good book to get and read?

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for kisvirag21

I need to write a program that generates 10 problems, in which 2 randomly genorated numbers are chosen to multiply together, and the user has to input the correct answer for each program, and i have store the answers, and check to see if they are correct. I could just …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for beuls

Dear programmers, I have developed a graphics program in C++ to draw various shapes using virtual functions. While using the Turbo C compiler the graphics.h file is included to use the graphics functions. But now i am using the Visual C++ (MS Visual Studio 6.0) compiler. so what modifications shd …

Member Avatar for beuls
Member Avatar for complete

Visual Basic and C++ and Debug and DLLs Here is the problem I am having now. I have a C++ DLL that seems to work just fine. It has been tested with function calls from a executable written in C++. Now, using it with my Visual Basic GUI seems to …

Member Avatar for Alvein
Member Avatar for Nedals

I have limited experience with Object Oriented coding but not programming in general. Here is a stripped down version of my code. What I'm trying to do is set a variable declared in 'CProjectView::Handler' using a function in 'CtestClass'. Simple enough! but not for me. In the code as shown, …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for moznmar

I apologize, but I meant to make the below post in the C/C++ forum. I'm not sure how I may move it to the other forum or delete it and repost it in the correct forum. I would appreciate any guidance on how to correct my mistake. Thank you. I'm …

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.