49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for kisvirag21

I need to write a program that generates 10 problems, in which 2 randomly genorated numbers are chosen to multiply together, and the user has to input the correct answer for each program, and i have store the answers, and check to see if they are correct. I could just …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for beuls

Dear programmers, I have developed a graphics program in C++ to draw various shapes using virtual functions. While using the Turbo C compiler the graphics.h file is included to use the graphics functions. But now i am using the Visual C++ (MS Visual Studio 6.0) compiler. so what modifications shd …

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Member Avatar for complete

Visual Basic and C++ and Debug and DLLs Here is the problem I am having now. I have a C++ DLL that seems to work just fine. It has been tested with function calls from a executable written in C++. Now, using it with my Visual Basic GUI seems to …

Member Avatar for Alvein
Member Avatar for Nedals

I have limited experience with Object Oriented coding but not programming in general. Here is a stripped down version of my code. What I'm trying to do is set a variable declared in 'CProjectView::Handler' using a function in 'CtestClass'. Simple enough! but not for me. In the code as shown, …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for moznmar

I apologize, but I meant to make the below post in the C/C++ forum. I'm not sure how I may move it to the other forum or delete it and repost it in the correct forum. I would appreciate any guidance on how to correct my mistake. Thank you. I'm …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for calcop

Hello everyone, I hope I can write this question clearly. Anyway, it is about global variables. I have several files in my C++ project. One of which is main.cpp. This file comtains my main() function. I have a few other files in my project. They are server.cpp, server.h, strings.h, includes.h …

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Member Avatar for moznmar

I'm a newie and am in the process of trying to develop a book store as part of a class project. I would greatly appreciate any assistance that may be offered my way. Please do not give me any answers, but if you have any suggestions that may nudge me …

Member Avatar for moznmar
Member Avatar for mybrainhurts

Hi guys just trying to understand Getline and implement it in a problem im trying to solve. First off i have a program that is working: [CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void main() { ifstream fin("data.txt"); ofstream fout; char name[30]; char jersey_number[10]; char best_time[10]; char …

Member Avatar for mybrainhurts
Member Avatar for fluidDelusions

Suppose I have a class, Animal, that contains the virtual method eat(). Now suppose Dog is derived from Animal, and also implements eat(). Now somewhere else, I have a class Barn with a feed method that takes Animal& as a parameter. How can I force class Barn to call Dog's …

Member Avatar for NosKills
Member Avatar for mogey

Can anyone help here. I want to have some color in the intro page the a database program I am creating. DOS based. ie it will be used in a 98 OS in dos.

Member Avatar for calcop
Member Avatar for cheenu78

Hi All, I am an member of our java forum, but am a novice as far as c++ concerned. I need to program small application for symbian os. Programs like reading an addressbook on a device. Can you suggest where to begin? The prefered IDE and a small program would …

Member Avatar for Quan Chi2

Does anyone know a tutorial that teaches me how to code them in C++? I want to learn how to make my program send packets and recieve them.

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for Twins_effect

hey guys, im a new guy here in the forum and im also an IT student who gets into C++ troubles most of the time, but enough about that... i just wanna ask if anyone can help me in my linked list problem, i think its about pointers and address. …

Member Avatar for Twins_effect
Member Avatar for fsloke

:!: The Question is like this... About: Subject registration system. The lecture want 1. Name, Matric Number, Cumulative Grade Percentage Average (CGPA) CGPA........A=4.0,A-=3.7,B+=3.3,B=3.0,B-=3.7,C+=3.33,C=2.0, F=0. Name, Matric No,CGPA key in by user. So no need to worried. 2.Condition for CGPA if CGPA<2.0, can apply up to 18credit hours if CGPA>2.0, can …

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Member Avatar for fsloke

Reading Material Purchasing System ------------------------------------------ the program have a book sales User will select the type of book they want to buy such as Fiction, non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction ------- ------------- ////////....$ /////////////.......$ ///////......$ ///////////////....$ ///////.....$ //////////....$ at the end (print out) list down the book they buy Total of all …

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Member Avatar for Tryst

Im just learning C++ this year, and its going alright, until i came to arrays that have indexes with semantic content. I am asked to write program that will convert a user inputted string into the civil aviation alphabet, for example if teh user inputted "and" the output would be …

Member Avatar for Jakester
Member Avatar for scpriya

Q1- This program deals with strings and requires the use of pointers (in a fairly simple fashion). You might consider yourself writing a programmer for a book editor to place a set of index entries into alphabetical order. Some complications arise here in that punctuation in the entries is ignored …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for shortLived

<< moderator edit: split thread ([url=http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/showthread.php?t=36591]original[/url]) >> I must have a bad version of Microsofts C++ compiler. When I try the rounding it doesn't work. For example. [code] float salesTotal =6.010002; salesTotal = (((int)((salesTotal*100)+.5))/100.0); // I realize I have plenty of parentheses. [/code] results in a value of 6.010002 stored …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for masa

Hi is there anyone have an idea :idea: on how could i get the column 7 from the file, I did it for column 5. or how could I continue to make it take other columns. [code] if ( input_file.fail ()) { cout << "Error opening file."; } else { …

Member Avatar for masa
Member Avatar for bops

Hi everyone, I recently had to wipe my computer and re-install everything from scratch, including Dev-C++. When I create a Win32 application project and try to compile it, I get a "[Build Error] Error1" message in the compiler log. I know that the code doesnt have any errors in whatsoever, …

Member Avatar for Vzerbo
Member Avatar for aripaka

Hi All, I would like to know what is the Dev C++ by Bloodshed? In what way is this different from ordinary C++? I read somewhere that this is used to program Windows applications along with the C++ apps. So, is there any tutorial available on web to learn windows …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for biggymacdaddy13

I'm in a C++ class right now, and i need some help we're learning about vectors... and we need to know if in a list, of say 3, or 4... can you sort from a certain point, and end at a certain point, instead of just from the begining and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for anant

hi friends ... this is my 1st post ...m sure it gonna be beneficial to me.. wel m facing problem in dis assignment..as m nt dt gud in c++ programmin...pls help me out .....we have to use doubly linked list...n ya if its possible in Borland's C++ Builder6(pro)2005 compiler....as in …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for kisvirag21

I need to write a program that inputs an integer and a character, and outputs a symetrical triangle composed of the character that has the interger of new lines. I can only use 'while' loops at this stage of the course, and I know it has to be nested 'while' …

Member Avatar for kisvirag21
Member Avatar for red

I learned Arrays, Functions, Pointers, Classes and Structures. Now I am ready to move on. My question is, What is the difference between a DLL and an API, and how does one access a DLL in a C++ program? Can someone give an example on how to do it please? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for osean

Can someone who me an example on how to allocate memory in C++? I know I should be using [B]new[/B] instead of [B]malloc[/B] because i'm coding in C++ but I haven't found any simple examples anywhere.. Why i'm asking is because I need to create a function that searches through …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for red

Hello, Is there a function that would allow me to check the characters when they key is pressed....before the enter key? I am coding a program that requieres the user to enter only letters (from A to Z && a to z), but I want to check each character when …

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Member Avatar for MaaleaRogers

Perhaps someone can show me how to fix the following example code so either the function outputx() or outputy() is passed to the function print_it(). void do_it(); // prototype void outputx(); // prototype void outputy(); // prototype void print_it( print_character() ); // prototype void outputx() { printf("x\n") } void outputy() …

Member Avatar for MaaleaRogers
Member Avatar for server_crash

This is my double: double determinant = 2.8*5*-9.5; It should print out -133, right? It prints out some weird junk like: 1.8e + 04 How can I correct this?

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for mybrainhurts

Hi guys and girls, im currently struggling trying to work out all this array and file input stuff! I have been going round in circles for the past few hours, reading books and googling everything i could, so now im hoping some of your intelligence will help me :) Basically …

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The End.