49,762 Topics
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i have a sample program,can someone help to find the error of this program or someone to correct this program coz i don't know what is the error of this program this is the sample program of mine [code] #include<windows.h> #include<string.h> #include<strstrea.h> #include"mydialog.h" void main() { LONG FAR PASCAL _export … | |
can someone help me to get my program to sort i have the logic but this is my first time doing a sort program and i cant get it to work can some tell me what i'm doing wrong [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void sort(); const int … | |
This seems like a simple task but the microsoft visual c++ 6.0 compiler is giving me a problem with this. Its complaining about the lines where i try to use a passed array such as "fin[i]=0". Its giving this error for the following code. "error C2109: subscript requires array or … | |
How can i create a directory in c++ other than writing [CODE]system ("md directory");[/CODE] | |
Hello, i'm a novice who have some ideas of the basic concepts and some advanced topics like templates and exception handling. I now want to improve my programming skills. I would very appreciate if anyone could recommend some good books to me. :) | |
Can someone help me to output each array element [CODE]#include <iostream.h> void array(); const int LIMIT = 50; float MYARRAY[LIMIT]; float value = 0; int x; void main() { for(x=0;x<LIMIT;x++) { while(value < 999) { cout << "\n\nPlease enter a number: "; cin >> MYARRAY[x]; value = value + MYARRAY[x]; … | |
Given the integer variables x , y , and z , write a fragment of code that assigns the smallest of x , y , and z to another integer variable named min . Assume that all the variables have already been declared and that x , y , and … | |
cout<<"how many slots are there?: "<<endl; cin>>s ; cout<<"Please enter\t" <<n<<" " "size of each slot"<<endl; j=k; for(int counter1=0; counter1<krfd; counter1++) { cin>>job_size[k]; } | |
cout<<"how many slots are there?: "<<endl; cin>>s ; cout<<"Please enter\t" <<n<<" " "size of each slot"<<endl; s=k; for(int counter1=0; counter1<krfd; counter1++) { cin>>slot_size[k];//this suppose to print out #size of each slot where there is s # of slots and how would I name each slot according to the number of … | |
Can someone help me to output the numbers in the array that are user inputted and sort them in ascending order please this is the code i've come up with so far it .... prompts the user no less then 50 elements and a value no more than 999 it … | |
im a beginner game game programer with C++ but i dont understand how to use a game engine so if someone could help me by giving tips or website with free info on this topic that would be great. | |
Aloha, I am trying to add some basic error checking to my program. I have it only accepting the correct numbers (Positive) but when a 'char' is entered, it displays my message infinately. Any ideas? cout << "For DEBUG information press 1, to omit, press 0:"; cin >> DEBUG; if … | |
Does anyone know how to compare a old style character string with a character in qoutes? Example: I want to compare the first character in a record that is stored in an old style character string with a `*`. Here's what I have in my code: char FirstCharacter[1]; // Character … | |
I'm stuck, I have a base class String, derived class Pstring, and trying to develop another derived class Pstring2. Pstring2 needs a function called left. Main will call the function by Text.left(Text1,N) // Text2 is assigned the leftmost N characters from Text1. I'm having a hard time understanding how to … | |
i have to define a function that tests number from 2 to 10000 to see if they are prime. heres what i have so far. [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; bool find_prime(int); int main () { int i, counter =0; bool test; for (i =2; i <= … | |
hi i have just got my self a Borland 4.5 from ebay and would like some help in using it. i am very new to programing and i would like to be able to put a shoping cart on my website but i know nothing about it all help very … | |
I wanna create an array whose size would be determined by a variable, but i when i write the following, i got an error int main () { int a; std::cin >> a; int intArray [a]; return 0; } the error is "an constant expected". | |
in a book there is a code that i am trying out and my compiler keeps giving me diferent errors (compiler is Borland C++) and i dont know how to fix them. the code is [code] //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Skeleton Application // C++ Source - Skeleton.cpp //----------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Include Files … | |
Yes - I'm a noob. :rolleyes: I just wanted to be 100% sure that I understand what a parameter is before I go on lol. [Code] #include <iostream> //header of function? int Add (int x, int y) { using std::cout; //Parameters x and y? cout << "In Add(), received " … | |
In this book I'm using, Sams Teach your self C++, it says to: Start compiler, choose file, choose Win32 Console Application, choose empty project, choose C++ source file, edit source code, choose build, check that you have know build errors and run the program. Whats the difference betweeen Build and … | |
Iam reading in a 4row 3column table. Iam refering to char_function[4][3] in the following code.This is a part of a larger program. You can neglect all other things and look at char_function my aim is to print it out [code]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int N, Q, M;//number of user inputs, … | |
There used to be a a clrscr () function in conio.h include file which clears the screen, but this function is not in the conio.h file in visual C++ 6. How can i clear the screen without clrscr()? | |
I am new to programming in any language and right now i am using C++. im having trouble getting started with programming because i dont know how to use code together very well to create my own programs if anyone would refer some book or website or just give some … | |
ok so im taking a class at school and we have a lab that i am stuck on. "the program must read in an inventory list of items at a small retail store." i have most of it but im stuck on getting a discount price and having it line … | |
How can I use the Checkboxes of a Tree Control in Visual C++ 6, I add it in properties but I don't know how to program de detection of the click over the checkbox. The idea is that the user can make multiple selections, in order to store every item … | |
i am suppossed to write a program using an array of strings to hold the words of the ICAO alphabet, and index the array by the positions of the letters of the alphabet. I started it off but cannot figure it out please help!! #include <iostream> const int n_row=26; const … | |
Hey, I am in a beginning C++/C# Class and we are jsut starting the Math LIbrary. I need to write a program that displays all perfect integers up to 100. I am required to write a boolean function, IsPerfect(), to use in the program. My problem is I was either … | |
Hi I am in the process of developing a series of tutorial cds for programming and web designing like C C++ Java html etc My first Cd is on C programming languages I need feedback 1) Completely flash based or completely html based...... if a combo of both which more … | |
I am trying to create a random access file from a sequential file. I have the random access file skeletonized with "dummy records". An example of my dummy record is: 100 *********ZZZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY00.00 -1 *********ZZZZZZZZZZXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY00.00 -1 The "*'s" are a SSN, "Z's" are the last name, etc, etc. The 100 and … | |
[FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT] hi.!! guyzzz.... i am an eng'g student.. nyways... im using turbo c++ 4.5, i cnt run programs that is in graphics mode :confused: ... it tells that it didnt support a BGI..(graphics.h)... can you suggest me on how to solve my problem??? PLEASE???? :sad: hope you could help me … |
The End.