49,762 Topics
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When running the following code i get a big compile error: [QUOTE] Linking... main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall debug::debug(int)" (??0debug@@QAE@H@Z) Debug/main.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe. [/QUOTE] Class definiation saved as : class.h [php] #ifndef CLASS_H #define CLASS_H class debug { … | |
Could anyone define "Memory leaks" well ? 'cause pretty hard for me to understand with C++ books. | |
I know about double arrays but haven't heard of a triple array It maybe a stupid question, but do they exist? example (obviously not real code): X = length Y = width Z = height array[x][y][z] = some point located somewhere in the area of a cude OR have you … | |
Hi, I am making some software for microchips. I am currently developing some algorithms or the PC, and was wondering if there is a way to access a mouse button in very simple C, not c++, in the form of a variable, either on or off. Also, switch bounce is … | |
Hi ladies and gents, I made this exercise in wich recursion has to be used and it worked as it should: [CODE] void ggd(short x, short y) { short a = 0; if (y == 0) { cout<<"The largest common divider is: "<< x <<endl; } else { a = … | |
I am doing a 5-way balanced sort merge. I have 1, 000, 000 records and a toal of 10 temp files to work with (5 for input and 5 for output). After phase 1, the temp files F0 thru F4 are populated with clumps of sorted records. The clump size … | |
Hey Guys, im trying to create a timer in c++ that starts at one, and every second the program displays the next number starting from -15, i have the start, but what i want is a breaker button... Such as while its counting, i want to be able to press … | |
I keep seeing these two words in Sams teach your self C++. Do they represent the same thing when talking about variables? I beleave that I know what "define" means. State it's type, it's name, and semicolon. However, I see that "declare" is used for, what seems, the same meaning. … | |
Hello, I have been working for hours trying to get my mortgage calculator program to work. The purpose of the program is to allow user input of the loan amount, interest rate, and term in years, and then display the mortgage payment amount. I also have to list the loan … | |
This is gonna take some time, anyway here it is: the student class : [PHP] #ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H class Student { public: Student(const char *, const char *, const Date&, const job&); char * getfirstName(); char * getlastName(); void getbirthdate(); void getjobnumber(); private: char firstname[25]; char lastname[25]; Date birthdate; … | |
"THINKING IN C++" a real cool book in C++ is available online and can be down loaded free of charge. The site is!!! [URL=http://www.codecuts.com/mainpage.asp?WebPageID=315]http://www.codecuts.com/mainpage.asp?WebPageID=315[/URL] | |
I have two programs that i have to write by next friday (april 1 ) but i have no idea how to do them. Can someone please help me out. These are the [B]conditions for the 1st one:[/B] 1) read floating point numbers into an array until teh sum of … | |
May anyone please help me with this: (I am new to c++) Create a [b]SavingsAccount[/b] class. Use a [b]static[/b] data member to contain the [b]annualInterestRate[/b] for each of the savers. Each member of the class contains a [b]private[/b] data member [b]savingsBalance[/b] indicating the amount the saver currently has on deposit. … | |
Hi everyone. My assignment is to take a line of text as input from a file and analyze it to give the following output . I ...identifier have....identifier 9....number apples...identifier. Anything like 2day will show that the string is wrong..I tried to write the program in simple c++ but unfortunately … | |
Hi I have installed Eclipse and I am trying to run C++ programs using the cdt tool which I installed it from the update manager present in the eclipse itself. But whenever I am trying to run a C++ program I am getting this error. Error starting process java.io.IOException: Exec_tty … | |
hello, i need to hand this in this week, someone please help me :p I need to do the followings: 1) allows user to add a new property to the collection 2) allows user to remove a property from the collection 3) allows the status to be changed from for … | |
pls help me in providing links to any tools or user guide which would help me to migrate from IBM C++ application using IBM open classes to Microsoft C++.Thanks in advance for your help. | |
[php] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class date { public: date(int = 1, int = 1, int = 1990); //constructor void Printdate(); void setday(int); void setmonth(int); void setyear(int); void setdate(int, int, int); private: int day, month, year; }; date::date(int d, int m, int y) { setdate(d,m,y); } void … | |
[CODE] #include <iostream> // required for input and output #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> // required for rand() function using namespace std; // function prototypes void storeData(char cellArray[][18]); void printArray(char cellArray[][18]); int checkNeighbors(char cellArray[][18], int row, int col); void makeContagious(char cellArray[][18], int dayArray[][18], int row, int col, int neighbors); int main() … | |
Hello i am writing a program and i really need help. here is what the program is about. 1. It needs to ask a number of tickets sold. 2. persantage which goes to some other coast. This input will be entered in percent format. program must convert this to a … | |
Hi, I am writing a couples class, one base, and one derived to track an employees pay records. It has a static private ptr array to store Employee and EmployeePay objects. [CODE]static Employee* empArray[];[/CODE] Employee has first and last name, ssn, id number and a date. EmployeePay derives from Employee. … | |
each time i put my Sims cd in my disk drive this message always comes up: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library Runtime error! program c:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\Sims.exe Abnormal program termination I have a windows 98! Do you have any ideas to fix this problem? Please help me :-| | |
i wanna start programming with c++ what would you guys suggest is the best compiler program out at the mo? :twisted: | |
Hi I am getting this error with my code as I try to pass a 2d array into a function : mymain.cpp:173: error: cannot convert `float (*)[((dimensions - 1) + 1)]' to `float**' for argument `1' to `float objfunc(float**)'])' The code is as follows: [url]http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=4356[/url] The lines 0030, 173 and … | |
[SIZE=2][B]TO CALL OTHER PROGRAMS FROM WITHIN OTHER PROGRAMS-[/B][/SIZE] Just include the standard c header file cstdlib (no .h!!). You can now use the function system( :eek: ). It takes only one parameter- the name of the program you want to call! Here is an example [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> // … | |
i got the program to work without any errors before i started to try to get the sort function to work in the [B]main[/B]. function. I need to get the function call for the [B]sortIndex.cpp [/B] to work so i can sort the user output by descending order of profit. … | |
I'm not finished with my program yet, but i've run into a few problems. The first main problem i see is that i seem to be doing something wrong to display the array that the user enters. It only shows one value, and it displays it twice. I cant check … | |
Hi, If any of you know JavaScript, you will know about the split() member function of a string. In it's simplest form, it splits the string that you call it from by the char argument and returns an array. I found this very useful, so I tried to write it … | |
The Acme Software Company sells its "Adding Tutor" software for $109.Quantity discount are given using the following table: Quantity Discount 10-19 20% 20-49 30% 50-99 40% 100 or more 50% Write a program that asks for the number of units sold and calculates the total cost of the purchase including … | |
I am new to C++ and have problem that isn't adequately addressed in books and online. Say have have a program doing salaries. In this program all inputs should be numeric. If they aren't the program won't execute properly and you will never know it. Using the cin.clear and the … |
The End.