I'm a newie and am in the process of trying to develop a book store as part of a class project. I would greatly appreciate any assistance that may be offered my way. Please do not give me any answers, but if you have any suggestions that may nudge me in the right direction I would be thankful. I must store the inventory of the books in an array of classes. Here is the code I have written so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#define MAX 100						//Maximum number of books in inventory array

using namespace std;

class CBooks						//Class definition

	CBooks(string bookName = "0", string author = "0", int isbn = 000000000, 
		   float price = 0.00): _bookName(bookName), _author(author),
		   _isbn(isbn), _price(price){}


	void inputBooks(string bookName, string author, int isbn, float price);
	void displayBooks(string bookName, string author, int isbn, float price);

	string _bookName;				//Name of book
	string _author;					//Author of book
	int _isbn;						//ISBN of book
	float _price;					//Price of book
}inventory[MAX];					//Array of class objects

double getProfit(double doublePrice);
void viewProfit();

int current;						//Used to count number of books in inventory
double netProfit = 0;

//Main Function
int main()

	//Declare variables
	int x = 0, transaction, another = 2, choice;
	double bookProfit, priceArray[99];
	string seller, password, bookInfo[99]; 

	while (another != 1)
			//display section header
			cout << "***********************\n";
			cout << "*Team A Book Inventory*\n";
			cout << "***********************\n\n";

			cout << "Please type the number of the desired action and press <ENTER>:\n" ;
			cout << "1. Buy\n";
			cout << "2. Sell\n";
			cout << "3. View Profit\n";
			cin	 >> transaction;
			cin.ignore();	//statement is necessary in order to make cin.getline() to work properly. 
							//Tells cin to ignore the line feed at the end of input

			//code to view profit
			if (transaction == 3)
			// code to sell a textbook
			if (transaction == 2)
				if (x<=99)
					//display section header
					cout << "***********\n";
					cout << "*Sell Book*\n";
					cout << "***********\n\n";

					cout << "I'm sorry, the database cannot hold any more books.\n";	//print if more then 100 books in inventory
			//code to buy book
			if (transaction == 1)	
				system("CLS");	//clear screen
				//display section header
				cout << "**********\n";
				cout << "*Buy Book*\n";
				cout << "**********\n\n";

				cout << "Book Name    " << "Book Author    " << "ISBN    " << "Price\n";	//print buy header
				cout << "---------    " << "-----------    " << "----    " << "-----\n\n";	//print buy header
				cout << "\nPlease enter the number of the book you would like to buy:\n";
				cin >> choice;	//the number choosen
				cout << "Thank you for your purchase!\n\n";

				bookProfit = getProfit(priceArray[choice-1]);	//call function to figure out profit of the book
				netProfit += bookProfit;						//add book profit to total profit
				bookInfo[choice-1] = "SOLD";					//over write selection with the word SOLD
				priceArray[choice-1] = 0;						//right 0 to element

			cout << "\nPlease type the number of the desired action and press <ENTER>:\n";	//print option make another trans
			cout << "1. Quit program\n";													//quit program
			cout << "2. Make another transaction\n";										//make another trans
			cin >> another;																	//get answer

			if (another == 1)	//check if user selected exit
				cout << "WARNING!! Data will be lost if program is exited. Are you sure you want to exit?\n";	//print warning about loosing data
				cout << "1. Yes, please exit.\n";
				cout << "2. No, stay in program.\n";
				cin >> another;		//get answer again

	return 0;

//Checks password and diplays profit
void viewProfit()
	string password;

	//display header section
	cout << "*************\n";
	cout << "*View Profit*\n";
	cout << "*************\n\n";

	cout << "Please type your password:\n";
	cin >> password;
	if (password == "upwd") //check password
		cout << "Profit = $" << netProfit << "\n";
		cout << "Invalid password.\n";

//Input books into inventory function
void CBooks::inputBooks()
	cout << "Please enter the book's name: \n";
	cin.getline(bookName, 64);
	_bookName = bookName;
	cout << "Please enter the book's author: \n";
	cin.getline(author, 64);
	_author = author;
	cout << "Please enter the book's ISBN: \n";
	cin.getline(isbn, 10);
	_isbn = isbn;
	cout << "Please enter the desired price: \n";
	cin >> price;
	_price = price;
	//Increments the number of books entered into inventory
	cout << "There are now " << current << "books for in our inventory.";

//Diplay books in inventory function
void CBooks::displayBooks(void)
	int loop;
	//Display all of the books in inventory
	for (loop = 0; loop < 99; loop++)
		cout << inventory[loop].bookName;
		cout << inventory[loop].author;
		cout << inventory[loop].isbn;
		cout << inventory[loop].price;

//Calculates the 10% profit and pass to called instance
double getProfit(double doublePrice)
	return doublePrice*.1;

As of now, I'm not able to get it to compile, because of the 4 errors listed below.

(80) : error C2660: 'CBooks::inputBooks' : function does not take 0 arguments
(100) : error C2660: 'CBooks::displayBooks' : function does not take 0 arguments
(155) : error C2511: 'void CBooks::inputBooks(void)' : overloaded member function not found in 'CBooks'
d:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Book Store\Test.cpp(9) : see declaration of 'CBooks'
(177) : error C2511: 'void CBooks::displayBooks(void)' : overloaded member function not found in 'CBooks'
d:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Book Store\Test.cpp(9) : see declaration of 'CBooks'

Thanks in advance for any guidance offered.

1.Prototype of functions inputbooks and displaybooks differs from their call.
2.Call with the object instead of class name


	void inputBooks(string bookName, string author, int isbn, float price);
	void displayBooks(string bookName, string author, int isbn, float price);


	void inputBooks();
	void displayBooks();

in the Class declaration.

Well, I've made some progress. At least, I think I have since I'm finally able to get it to compile. Now I'm getting two lnk errors that I don't have a clue what to do with. This is my code now that I've made some alterations to it.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#define MAX 100						//Maximum number of books in inventory array

using namespace std;

class CBooks						//Class definition



	void inputBooks(void);
	void displayBooks(void);

	string m_bookName;				//Name of book
	string m_author;				//Author of book
	int m_isbn;						//ISBN of book
	float m_price;					//Price of book
}inventory[MAX];					//Array of class objects

double getProfit(double doublePrice);
void viewProfit();

int current;						//Used to count number of books in inventory
double netProfit = 0;

//Main Function
int main()

	//Declare variables
	int x = 0, transaction, another = 2, choice;
	double bookProfit, priceArray[99];
	string seller, password, bookInfo[99]; 

	while (another != 1)
			//display section header
			cout << "***********************\n";
			cout << "*Team A Book Inventory*\n";
			cout << "***********************\n\n";

			cout << "Please type the number of the desired action and press <ENTER>:\n" ;
			cout << "1. Buy\n";
			cout << "2. Sell\n";
			cout << "3. View Profit\n";
			cin	 >> transaction;
			cin.ignore();	//statement is necessary in order to make cin.getline() to work properly. 
							//Tells cin to ignore the line feed at the end of input

			//code to view profit
			if (transaction == 3)
			// code to sell a textbook
			if (transaction == 2)
				if (x<=99)
					//display section header
					cout << "***********\n";
					cout << "*Sell Book*\n";
					cout << "***********\n\n";

					cout << "I'm sorry, the database cannot hold any more books.\n";	//print if more then 100 books in inventory
			//code to buy book
			if (transaction == 1)	
				system("CLS");	//clear screen
				//display section header
				cout << "**********\n";
				cout << "*Buy Book*\n";
				cout << "**********\n\n";

				cout << "Book Name    " << "Book Author    " << "ISBN    " << "Price\n";	//print buy header
				cout << "---------    " << "-----------    " << "----    " << "-----\n\n";	//print buy header
				cout << "\nPlease enter the number of the book you would like to buy:\n";
				cin >> choice;	//the number choosen
				cout << "Thank you for your purchase!\n\n";

				bookProfit = getProfit(priceArray[choice-1]);	//call function to figure out profit of the book
				netProfit += bookProfit;						//add book profit to total profit
				bookInfo[choice-1] = "SOLD";					//over write selection with the word SOLD
				priceArray[choice-1] = 0;						//right 0 to element

			cout << "\nPlease type the number of the desired action and press <ENTER>:\n";	//print option make another trans
			cout << "1. Quit program\n";													//quit program
			cout << "2. Make another transaction\n";										//make another trans
			cin >> another;																	//get answer

			if (another == 1)	//check if user selected exit
				cout << "WARNING!! Data will be lost if program is exited. Are you sure you want to exit?\n";	//print warning about loosing data
				cout << "1. Yes, please exit.\n";
				cout << "2. No, stay in program.\n";
				cin >> another;		//get answer again

	return 0;

//Checks password and diplays profit
void viewProfit()
	string password;

	//display header section
	cout << "*************\n";
	cout << "*View Profit*\n";
	cout << "*************\n\n";

	cout << "Please type your password:\n";
	cin >> password;
	if (password == "upwd") //check password
		cout << "Profit = $" << netProfit << "\n";
		cout << "Invalid password.\n";

//Input books into inventory function
void CBooks::inputBooks(void)
	cout << "Please enter the book's name: \n";
	cin >> m_bookName;
	cout << "Please enter the book's author: \n";
	cin >> m_author;
	cout << "Please enter the book's ISBN: \n";
	cin >> m_isbn;
	cout << "Please enter the desired price: \n";
	cin >> m_price;

	//Increments the number of books entered into inventory
	cout << "There are now " << current << "books for in our inventory.";

//Diplay books in inventory function
void CBooks::displayBooks(void)
	int loop;
	//Display all of the books in inventory
	for (loop = 0; loop < 99; loop++)
		cout << inventory[loop].m_bookName;
		cout << inventory[loop].m_author;
		cout << inventory[loop].m_isbn;
		cout << inventory[loop].m_price;

//Calculates the 10% profit and pass to called instance
double getProfit(double doublePrice)
	return doublePrice*.1;

The two errors I'm receiving now are:

Test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall CBooks::CBooks(void)" (??0CBooks@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _$E1
Debug/Book Store.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I've been scouring the message boards trying to find some guidance on these error codes, but haven't come up with anything useful yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Do this


You hadn't defined the Constructor. Only declared it.

Do this


You hadn't defined the Constructor. Only declared it.

And remove the semicolon:


I just want to thank those of you who provided me some assistance on this thread. I appreciate it.

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