49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive been reading about Virtual Function in my book and there is this programming that shows how and what happens, I understand what is happening but one thing that came to my mind is that, previously in my book, there was mentioned that you should allways …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tyczj

i have errors and i dont know y im gettin them here is the code. a majority of them are undeclaired idetifyers but they are function calls?!?! [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Array { public: Array(); Array(const Array& copyFrom); ~Array() { }; void append(int arrayA[]); void chop(int …

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Member Avatar for desiree

SORRY I GOT IT WRONG!! THE YEAR I MEAN!! before i typed it year 2005 and im sorry for that!! and now i correct it!! i tried to solve this problem!! and have a problem in sorting and searching!! hope you can guide me with this problem!!! thanks a lot …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for desiree

hello people!! im new here!! please!! help me to solve my problem in programming!! this is the problem: USING C++ *array of class, use struct *create a dynamic array of customers account record with the following attributes: a) account number b)last name c)firstname d)middle initial e)account balance f)status(o-open/ c-close) it …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for SpS

I am quite familiar with C++ language...wanted to expand my knowledge...so just wanted to ask you gurus...what would be better to learn next...Managed C++ or C#...or something else more demanding in the market.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mina1984

Hey can someone help me, my program has to do with dates, and asks the user to input a date on or after 1/1/1800, take that date and compare these statistics to my birthday(1/20/84) If the year is a leapyear how many days the month in the dates have one …

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Member Avatar for TimC

[COLOR=Red]Dear All, If i run the code below it will let me input a name. "John Doe" but it will only print out "John". I know how to create a char array[] and I also know how to use cin.getline but can the char array be used with the doctor …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for some one

HI I KNOW I HAVE ASKED SO MUCH BUT PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE ME I HAVE APART OF QUISTION THAT I COULDNOT COMPLETE IT HERE IS IT Then create an int specialization and in it add a function that returns the sum of all elements in the DoubleSubscriptedArray HERE IS …

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Member Avatar for TimC

the following code will print out all the names of patients I have in a linked list. I have given the user an option to choose which patient they would like to move in the linked list. i thought if I called S.insert(passed the new postition, and P (where P …

Member Avatar for TimC
Member Avatar for tyczj

how do u append and subtract a number in an array. i have no clue. any links to a site about this wouls greatly appreciated

Member Avatar for tyczj
Member Avatar for emailsrs

I have used arrays in the program; a[3] - now i want to change the program to dynamic array value If I enter more than allocated(3) characters in the input - it throws error and the program stops running error "Segmentation fault" (i am running c on unix) - i …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for sahil_logic

hi all, i am trying to generate a pattern [CODE] 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321 1234321 12321 121 1 [/CODE] but the code is not compiling i am getting the foolowing errors C:\Dev-Cpp\files\patterns.cpp:102: error: name lookup of `j' changed for new ISO `for' scoping C:\Dev-Cpp\files\patterns.cpp:98: error: using obsolete binding at …

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Member Avatar for imanust

Hi, Ihave got two data fiels. one for user and one for storing book details. I have written a code that can read from and file and write to a file successfully. Now i want to issue books to users. i dont know how to start. any ideas will be …

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for Dabdob

Hi guys,, i want to have C to my PC..i am using win XP. anyone can help me please

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for TimC

Dear all, when i run the prog below it works fine when I input an integer but if I enter a char by mistake the output to the screen goes mad. what i want to do is write a piece of code that 1) if char input then print to …

Member Avatar for TimC
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm getting errors on lines 8 & 43. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here (besides beating my head against the desk.) [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; { try { if (num1 < 0) throw low; if (num2 < 0) throw low; if (num3 < 0) throw …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for TimC

Dear all, I am in the process of writting a hospital/doctor prog. I have the majority working. BUT the program will only work ONCE. when I run the prog and input patient details (No.1), the details are inputed correctly. when I choose (No.5) I am able to correctly input the …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for some one

hi every please i need your expriment to help to complete this code my problem is with three functions i think so there is no errors the funcions are display account...>does not work just display name transection...>it count jyst one time standing order...>i do not know how to compare the …

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Member Avatar for kdw3

I have written a program that performs a simple version of Run-Length coding compression on a file. I thought everything worked, but after a closer look at the output from the program, letters after a space are counted 1 too many times. I.e, if the letter 'p' appeared 6 times …

Member Avatar for HyperEngineer
Member Avatar for Jon182

Hey guys, the following code is part of a program I am working on and as a newbie to c++ I have come across a problem. As you can see when the case is J the int J is increased by 1 but how do I go about doing this …

Member Avatar for perniciosus
Member Avatar for sahil_logic

i copied the code as is discussed by my professor and written in my course book but i am not getting the correct output. my logic is very clear but not getting the right output, its a bunch of positive n negative values. pls check . the code is compiling …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for magikman

Hola, Just like to say hi to everyone, i just joined the forums. Ok, I have been playing with C++ now for about 3 or 4 months and have now hit a brick wall and need your help. I am trying to write a program that will read in data …

Member Avatar for magikman
Member Avatar for complete

I am writing my first C++ .NET program. For reasons I will not go into, I have to write a GUI in a dll called from an executable. All this is done without MFC. Right now the button bar classes and the menu classes are not loading. So here is …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for frankieb

What two parts combine to make up the serialization of application objects in Visual C++? Is it the DECLARE_SERIAL and IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macros? What are the (2) categories of ANDs and ORs and how can they be described? I am having trouble understanding these questions and need some clarification please. Thank …

Member Avatar for frankieb
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm getting a parse error before '<' on line 26. What's going on that I don't seem to be seeing here? [code] #include <iostream> using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { int num1, num2, num3, num4; int avg; cout << "Enter four numbers to be averaged." << endl; …

Member Avatar for winbatch
Member Avatar for kahaj

I am trying to build a constructor capable of using the current time from the time function as declared in the C++ standard library ( <ctime> ). This constructor should initialize an object of the Time class. Is what I have below going to work? I guess I need to …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Naveena

Can anybody write a small program that will compile in C but not C++ Pls. reply me if any body knows the answer.

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Member Avatar for Nedals

I'm really new to C++, but not to programming, and don't really know what I'm doing. I had a bunch of programs working OK. Then I was messing with a window application and all my window programs would no longer compile. I get the following error (same for all projects) …

Member Avatar for Nedals
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hey guys I'm playing with structs and trying to get one to include the other: [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef struct data { string dat; } DATA; typedef struct name { string na; string age; NAME * DATA; }NAME; int main() { return 0; } [/code] …

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Member Avatar for Naveena

The End.