49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for comwizz

Where could I find tricks, riddles and puzzles in C and C++ as I have a technical quiz and have to prepare for that. Thanks, comwizz :?:

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for chaitanya.b

hi frieandz I am chaitanya, I am new to this forum, well I am posting my first thread to this forum, please reply to this with an answer, I got a string called "helloworld" I want to swap the two words in that string an di want to print it …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lothia

Well this program is suppose to not accept anything but s, S, r, R, p, P, or q, Q. When some one enters anything whether it be those or somethign different the while loop continues (it won't let me escape) Well any ways here it is. [code] #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for SkyFlyer1312

I need some help with the following assignment. I think I'm pretty close, but I'm missing something. Any help is very much appreciated. Assignment: [I]Part 1 : "Create a function template called average(). It will accept two arguments of the same type and computes the arithmetic average. The average is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello, I am trying to move data from a client to a server, and save it in a file. However, I am getting a "Runtime Error!" when I use the substr() function, here: [CODE]char buffer[256]; int sr = recv(acc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); string buffStr = buffer; outfile << buffStr.substr(9,buffStr.size()-1) << …

Member Avatar for ilikerps
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi.I have been trying to write a simple program that teaches how to read and write Japanese.Unfortunately not every windows does not support Jpanese characters.So like when my program starts I have a pop up which has to give a japanese chared message altough I write the code as such …

Member Avatar for AhmedHan
Member Avatar for Melissa111

Hello guys :) I have a prog. assignment due on Sunday! I need help to get me started. The task is implement a program for any hamming codes not just (7,4). The user input the following: 1. Desired hamming code (n,k) 2. Choose to encode or decode. So, I am …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for mntlnstituteflr

Hello, I know, i'm pretty much new because I don't post here often, so go ahead and jump on me if you want :cry: . My name is Patrick Cason. Anyway, I have come here to ask you this. Are there any C++ game programmers looking to join a team …

Member Avatar for sosy2001

Hello Everyone, I am a very green programmer, lol, and I really need alot of attention right now. My assignment consists of me writing simple codes, but I just cant figure this out out. > Question: > > > write a program using a function and a series of if/else …

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Member Avatar for kryptolite

i have to make a simple calculator program in c++ the program need to have the all the calculation in a function called do_next_op. i tried to make this program but it turns out that my program returns incorrect results, i think it may be caused by the value of …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for Twins_effect

How do you make an insertion sorting algoritm using a liked list, first of all, i really dont have the slightest idea about link list, can anyone pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase help me.... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :cry: :cry:

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for YoTaMiX

Hello to you all , i have recieved an assignment to build a recursive function which will recieve an array which has to check if it is "Up&Down" from both sides : Example : 2 5 6 12 7 5 2 . according to the specs of the H.W assignment …

Member Avatar for beuls
Member Avatar for sinrtb

Havent written any code in along time but took up a little project that requires some C++ , Just need a little help getting started. Does any one have the source code for a program that will Read file write what it reads to another file. Pick out specific tokens …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for WittyFool

Quick question while learning C++: Say you have class A, you can instantiate an object of class A like: A a; And then you can do stuff with that class (eg, a.method(), etc.) But you can also do: A a = new A(); And do stuff with that, and delete …

Member Avatar for kon_t
Member Avatar for masa

Hi evryone I using MVC++ and built my project using Win32 app. My program do not have any interfaces. it reads files and it put the output in another file. ( I do not mind put interface only to enter the path) the thing is I made my program read …

Member Avatar for kon_t
Member Avatar for kharri5

I have been having some problems with strtok. I'm not very experienced in C/C++ so I'm not used to using strtok. the code I have is this: [CODE] char *cmnd; string cmd[100]; char inpt[81]; while(1) { cout << "statsh$: "; cin.getline(inpt,' '); cmnd = strtok(inpt," "); int c = 0; …

Member Avatar for kharri5
Member Avatar for letmec

hi, :) I have just started doing programming for emmbedded devices. i'm using AVR atmeg16 microcontroller and Cygwin C/C++ 32-bit compiler. Can anyone of you tell me which processor is used in Nokia 3315. and where should i get the documentations. Please don't tell me to see GOOGLE, I tried …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mydadisadentist

Is there any way to resize a console program while its running also whats a better way to clear the console then [CODE]system("cls");[/CODE] cheers

Member Avatar for mydadisadentist
Member Avatar for monique83

Here is my attempt, could you look over it and tell me what I am doing wrong? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void add(float[],float[],float[]); int main() { float a[500000000],b[500000000],c[500000000]; for(int count =0; count<500000000;count++) { a[count]=rand(); b[count]=rand(); } add(a,b,c); return 0; } void add(float x[],float …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for qlp

I found this c source code in some website wich is very complex and interesting to study . so i get the code and look at it its really complex so i decided to try it out and compile it and i get errors. [CODE]Compiler: Default compiler Executing g++.exe... g++.exe …

Member Avatar for qlp
Member Avatar for ilikerps

Hello, I am working on a server program that deals with opening files, or at least that is all that is relevant for this post. I am using VC++. I use multithreading so that it can be multi-client, of course, but when I try to use this line: [CODE]infile.open(filename, ios::in);[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for ilikerps
Member Avatar for masa

Hi everyone I used MVC++ and built a project win32 app( world) which has in it folder(world.dsw, world.dsp, world.cpp,world..., Input.csv,output.csv) , my program do not have an interface. because it open and read in.csv and do some calculate to put the output in out.csv. Now I would like to make …

Member Avatar for Druark

Hello i am new the the programing sene and im trying to create a program for my help with my html and i am stuck! I can get basic HEX code from like CC to 204 dec. but i cant go backwards? and i want to be able to tell …

Member Avatar for beuls
Member Avatar for johnchristopher

I have developped windows dll from VB. (The site [url]http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2005/04/26/create_dll.html?page=3[/url] gives a way to generate windows dll from VB). when I try to access it from VC++, it gives run time error as access violation. If anybody knows the solution to access the DLL in VC++ , created from VB,

Member Avatar for l-o-s-t

If I have this struct : [code] typedef struct node { int key; struct node *leftp; struct node *rightp; } *Treep; [/code] and I have this function [code] int blah (Treep *tree); [/code] How can I pass the tree right pointer again into the blah function, I tried using blah …

Member Avatar for l-o-s-t
Member Avatar for mydadisadentist

i just started using c++ and ive been using this website alot. its been alot of use. thanks all you guys I saw a thread today about using the dos prompt to shut windows down. i had a idea to include this in a program. the command simple enough its …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for comwizz

Hello everyone, I wanted help on the exact use of copy constructors as I still havent got the idea of how they are used. If possible also I would like some info about them. Also I wished some guidance on which books to refer after studying linked lists in C. …

Member Avatar for comwizz
Member Avatar for monique83

Objective: to determine the MFLOPS for floating point addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on two different machines. I Write a very simple C++ program: 1. Create three float arrays A, B and C with 500000000 elements 2. Call a random number generator to fill up A and B with numbers. …

Member Avatar for monique83
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I'm trying to include a copy constructor and an assignement operator into this code wich has two separate classes, the idea is to copy the last name that was entered. Problem is, I can't seem to grasp how to get acces to the copy constructor in …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for mr_god_god

(I am a beginner, please don't be mean if I make any serious mistakes.) :sad: The purpose of this program is to cout the largest and the second largest number among 10 numbers. Although I have thought for serveral times, I still don't get what is the problem. [PHP] #include<iostream> …

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The End.