49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for humhaingaurav

Hi Guys, Can someone please explain me why this is happening [code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> using namespace std; class a { public: int a1; // If I remove this it'll work fine a() { cout << "Constructor of a \n"; } ~a() { cout << "Destructor of a \n"; } }; class …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Adrian99420

Hi, I created two window form (the two form call form1 and blank), when I click a button on the first form it will link to the second form. However, i face problem when I wish to change the second form text (name of the form) using the string I …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for scream2ice

i'm trying to write a program that reads a text from the user(keyboard) sentence by sentence and then prints the 'morse code' of them char bay char on a text file. I'm just testing it for the letter 'c' to start with, but it doesn't seem to be working well …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for amitpawar007

Hi All, I am using ACE. when i try to open a file with ACE_OS::fopen function in append mode, my program crashes. There seems to be no problem when i try ACE_OS::fopen function with write or read mode. code example. ACE_OS::fopen("demo.txt", ACE_TEXT("w")); // working fine ACE_OS::fopen("demo.txt", ACE_TEXT("r")); // working fine …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Indianblues

I am trying to learn c++ from past so many days.lots and lots of books are available.I am unable to find a good book which will teach me from basics to advanced concepts. please somebody suggest me good and complete book.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for anbuninja

i dont understand looping at all. plese help if you can. i know its like doing my work for me but yeah i dont know looping. create a program that keeps reading a sentence and a character and displays how many times the character appears in the sentence until user …

Member Avatar for hacker9801
Member Avatar for nurulshidanoni

How to change this data sturucture from vector <int> total; to float total;? because if I change it to float teher is many error.... [code=C++] #include <iostream> // std::cout #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> // std::string #include <vector> // std::vector<> #include <algorithm> //std::for each() using namespace std; // import …

Member Avatar for littlestone
Member Avatar for cmoney12051

i have to make the C++ program that will have the user input some test grades and exam grades and their personal info then output their stuff in the end. i have almost the whole thing done, but i would compile it throws up a list of 30 erros and …

Member Avatar for cmoney12051
Member Avatar for PirateTUX

I'm looking for a bit of advice. We're getting to the point in our game development where I need to start thinking how we're going to integrate scripting into the game engine. I was looking at Lua, but am also interested in what Perl or Python might be able to …

Member Avatar for hacker9801
Member Avatar for saint.h

[code=cplusplus] int Seats::AddEntry() { std::cout << "Please enter your desired seat position"; std::cout << endl; std::cin >> position; ofstream SaveFile("Traveler.txt",ios::in); SaveFile << "Your Seat postion is...:"; SaveFile << endl; SaveFile >> position; SaveFile.close(); return 0; } [/code] This is just a snippit of my code...This function is one of 3 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for big24fan

The following script was posted as a solution to a problem I did in school, however, when I run this exact script I get 3 warnings and the script will not complete. I have also attached the warnings. They are below the script. Any help is greatly appreciated. [code=c++] #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for f_rele

Hi, I'm embedded c coder and relatively new to c++. I'm working with borland 6. What i'm trying to do is call my "SerialThread" named worker thread which processes the line. Call [code] //char input_sentence[9]; this includes the textline "ANGLE 360" char * buff = input_sentence; thread = _beginthread( SerialThread, …

Member Avatar for f_rele
Member Avatar for Gresakl

Hello folks I have a question to ask in regard to functions and passing information between them. I'm taking an problem solving class and well the instructor went from simple cout and cin to functions and has been really vague since the class is mostly on problem solving and not …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for rsuh2000

Design a program that reads several lines of text from the keyboard and prints a table indicating the number of occurrences of each letter of the alphabet (a to z) found in the text. If a non-alphabetic character is found, simply count how many were found and display that total …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for didi00

Hi, I have two questions, if someone can help me please I need it urgently!! Thanks to all! 1. Tree class Make a function that counts the number of nodes with two children in a binary tree. 2. List class Make a function that prints the elements of the list …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

I am trying to create an ethernet socket inside a thread. The code works outside of the thread, but fails inside of it. Does anyone know what the problem is? Do I need to set up the socket outside of the thread? It compiles and runs, just fails to connect …

Member Avatar for Moporho

I am stuck on a problem. I am given code and I am suppose to do the follwong sway fucntion. The last three lines of code in the function selection_sort perform an essential operation that is commonly found in sort algorithms. Replace those three statements with a call to a …

Member Avatar for Moporho
Member Avatar for Princequarles

I want a name displayed when the letters beside it is entered from the keyboard eg when "ABC" is entered, Abraham is retrieved from .txt file when "CME" is entered, Camille is retrieved from .txt file A sample of the text file is below: CODE NAME ABC Abraham CME Camille …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy

[code = cplusplus] int serials[MAX_PAX]; for (int i = 0; i <MAX_PAX; i++) { int max = 0; serials[i] = randomnum(); // store random num in int serial max++; cout <<"serial" << serials[i]; break; } [/code] I have a return function that generates a random number, i want to store …

Member Avatar for Seamus McCarthy
Member Avatar for computer engW

Hi Everyone , I have 3 questions that need explaination (only explain),then i will try to solve them. [COLOR="green"]Q1[/COLOR]: Let g(x,n) = 1 – x2/2! + x4/4! - … …+(-1)n x2n /(2n)! Using a loop write a program to calculate g(x,n). [COLOR="green"]Q2:[/COLOR] write a program that accepts a positive integer …

Member Avatar for computer engW
Member Avatar for wleemitch

Hi everyone, big time c++ newbie here, in fact I don't know too much at all about what I'm doing. But what I am trying to do at this point is read into a file created by my program, check and see if a name to be inputed is exists …

Member Avatar for wleemitch
Member Avatar for only me

hi friends This is my assignment I have to send it today I have many tests please You are my hope befor I drop this course (C++ course) Please try to help me to solve it [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Write a C++ program that repeatedly display the following main menu : The …

Member Avatar for deeed
Member Avatar for alijafari

hi poeple , i am doing a project by dev c++ ,i need to make a function for calculating the Hadamard Matrix , i tried alot but i could not ,i also want to know how can draw sine wave or square wave by c++, i am using windows vista …

Member Avatar for scream2ice

i have text file with a series of words in it. some word contain the expression '.zip' , i'm trying to rerad the characters of the file and replace the .'zip' with '.rar' this is my prog, bu it's not responding [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> void main() …

Member Avatar for scream2ice
Member Avatar for TheFueley

This one of those typical Rational number programs. It takes a user-supplied fraction and then another. Then it does the 4 basic math operations on it. Finally it compares the fractions to each other. I have the program working fine. I just want to know how to fix this warning …

Member Avatar for TheFueley
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey guys, I was just reading again about classes and their functions and i made some code, the thing i want to do is have a function, eg. [CODE=C++]void Cat::Sleep()[/CODE] and have it to have three cout's and choose one of them to say at random, Heres my code. [CODE=C++]#include …

Member Avatar for Black Magic
Member Avatar for pierovic

Hello, I have the next problem, I want my turbo c++ explorer program are able to speech text. I download all SAPI and I know that the funtion for text to speak are in the library VText.dll. How I must configure the program to access this functions?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for hacker9801

Hey all. I'm making an online game. It uses XML maps, and I was wondering... what's the best way to transfer an XML file over a socket? I want my server to send an XML map whenever it's requested, but I dunno how I'd get the xml from the other …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for demroth

I have been reading some of the posts on reading integers from files but I have not seen any on reading integers from formatted files. I have a file which is a 6 X 6 matrix consisting of integers separated by tabs. I want to read each number into an …

Member Avatar for demroth
Member Avatar for imtnan

Hello all, I am badly in need of a simple to use Matrix library for C++ that can handle complex data type.. I am working in Bloodshed Dev C++ under windows XP. Waiting anxiously if anybody can be of help!! Imtnan

Member Avatar for iamthwee

The End.