49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for artisabang

I know how to generate numbers like 1-20, 1-1000 etc... but Im trying to figure out how to generate random letters from A-Z? any help please?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I'm having some problems dynamically changing the size of stucts. I know there must be a way to do it...but I guess it must be a bit different than with standard variables. I'll put up some code, maybe I'm just being dumb ;) [code=c++] struct SScore { char m_szFirstName[15]; char …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for cmoney12051

I suck at C++! like really badly, i just cant grasp it, and now i have to write a program for it that is suppose to input some values from a text file that would create like a gradebook thing. im also supposta use a void function, calculatedAverage to determine …

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Member Avatar for jeffige

I was browsing around the web looking for C++ tutorials and I found The Game Institute. I have been thinking about taking their course- C++ Programming for Game Developers - Module I - Introduction to C++ Programming Basics. Has anyone heard any info about this course?

Member Avatar for lAmoebal
Member Avatar for nannouD

hi please I want sm to tell me about the signification of the following expression: std::complex<float> (*W)[M] = &Z[k][0]; knowing the following declarations: Z[N][P][M]; et 0 <= k < N thanks for answer

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

This code should be complete but I cant get it what the problem is. It is a very strange thing that happening. I might need a professional eye to see if the problem could be found :) The problem is this: The mainthing is that I am using a for …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Exenteth

Hello, I've been trying to develop a simple client/server application that uses the bluetooth USB dongles of 2 PCs using windows sockets and the bluetooth support provided in the windows platform SDK I can create the sockets fine, but when I go to invoke "bind" or "connect", the program spits …

Member Avatar for himanshu anand
Member Avatar for himanshu anand

this may be in any of the three lang i.e c,c++,java i have got the algo but not able to solve it :P the question is that there may be at most 50 ballons in 3D whose coordinats should be enter by the compiler and there is a shooter who …

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Member Avatar for CoolFlame

Hi! I'm new to C++ programming. I learn some C++ from my friend, and now I want to learn my self and I don't know where to start. First things is I don't have a software or program to wirte C++. Can I get it free from internet? I think …

Member Avatar for Necrolis
Member Avatar for maggz

Hi..i need to know how i can make test with time.. I have implemented genric dynamic array with sorting algorith descending ascending and also operator overloading so ineed to test every function + sorting algorithm and it is template i do not know how to do that plz...help...

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for harishankarb

How can we delete a particular RegistryKey from the registry I want to delete it when the application get closed

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for sulabh

I have a c++ com code with source code now want i want to do is use the public class of that source code in my project( similarly the way in which we can add dll in c# and get acces to public class) .The class are not exported also …

Member Avatar for sulabh
Member Avatar for sfurlow2

Here's a problem we were assigned for homework. It deals with functions, and I'm not entirely sure how they work. The problem is : 1. Write a program that calls the following function. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function: print_splash // // formal parameters: none // // preconditions: none // // return value: …

Member Avatar for sfurlow2
Member Avatar for Havik82

Does anyone know of any good C++ software that is free and worth the download? Thanks for Replies!! (if any) :icon_wink:

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for jobob64

The compiler gives me a error C2955: 'Node' : use of class template requires template argument list. Some one wanna look it over and gimme some tips? [code] //list.h #ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H #include "node.h" #include <iostream> template <typename T> class List { private: Node * m_head_node; Node * m_current_node; …

Member Avatar for jobob64
Member Avatar for gothicmisery85

I have a bank account project using inheritance that I have to do for my C++ class, and some suggestions would be great as how to go about doing this project. Here's what we have to do. "Design a generic class to hold the following information about a bank account: …

Member Avatar for gothicmisery85
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have a vector that contains these elements( std::vector<string> Values(6); ) What I wonder here is how it is possible to remove "dublicates" from Values(6) ? As in this example there is 2 dublicates that are exactly the same. 5,1536 5,1537 5,1538 5,1537 //This is a dublicate 5,1538 //This is …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for maggz

[code] #pragma once #include <iostream> /* * Author: Makhdoom Shah 4872 * Date of creation:22/2-2008 * Date of revision: * Revesion #: 1 */ using namespace std; //typedef double itemType; // need for another type, change it here template<class T> class dynarray { public: dynarray( int s = 0 ); …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dev.cplusplus

Hi to all, it's been a long time since the last time I participated in the forum, I hope everybody are OK. I need your help with the following issue: I have a DLL that is used in a Web Application (ASP not APS.NET) and I need to debug it. …

Member Avatar for kittycat07us

I have a random question, but how would you link a string into a char? To explain the program, it reads from a standard input character by character. Then it rewrites the it to make the output characters from uppercase to all lowercase.. if you would like to see what …

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Member Avatar for atrusmre

I am currently trying to write a Telnet Client program in Visual C++. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a tutorial on how to write the protocals for telnet, or how to connect to a telnet server. I have written a small "chat" program (the one …

Member Avatar for Devoney
Member Avatar for Lensva

me and my amateur code again :$ This time if works somewhat fine, but gives a error table. any ideas mates? [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; long fib_sk(int); int fib_mas(int); //=========================== int main() { int iSk; cout<< "element count- "; cin>> iSk; if (iSk<0) { cout<< "need positive value …

Member Avatar for Lensva
Member Avatar for smithfield

May I ask you for help, how can I compare the elements of an array. I have to use threads, but I don't know much about it. For every 2 elements I create a thread and it compares them. The thread writes 0 in the element that is smaller and …

Member Avatar for amitahlawat20

[code=cplusplus] #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> int main() { int x; cout<<endl<<"enter x:"; cin>>x; int temp=x; int count=0; while(temp!=0) { count++; temp=temp/10; } char *p=new char[count+1]; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { *(p+i)='\0'; } for(i=count-1;i>=0&&x!=0;i--) { *(p+i)=x%10; x=x/10; } *(p+count)='\0'; cout<<endl<<"converted string : "; for(i=0;i<count;i++) cout<<(int)*(p+i); // int type cast used , if not used then …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for gast74830

Is it possible to find out the number of signals which are in the signal mask. If so, how?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for asadullah

How to make your program to be fast. 1. Use Pre Increment or Pre Decrement in place of Post Increment or Post Decrement operator. i.e. use ++i or --i in place of i++ or i--. Because ++i operator take increment and save it i.e. One CPU Instruction is required for …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

If my startform is Form1 and I will open Form2 from Form1 and press a button with this code on Form2. Form2 will close. Is it possible to write something here so the whole application will close wich meens both Form2 and Form1. [code] this->Close(); [/code]

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for begyu

Hi, I would like to define a function, but I get errors... What's wrong with this? [CODE] #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> #define N 5 using namespace std; const float M_2PIf = 6.283185307179586476925286766559f; const float M_PIf = 3.141592653589793238462643383279f; const float epsilon = M_PIf/(1e-06f); /* -----------------RANDOM_GENERATOR------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ravipawar1

i am new to the c++ prog. the main problem with me is that i have no teacher to teach me c++ prog. so i am doing it by myself. so i want to ask u that which kind of book should i use to understand the c++ and do …

Member Avatar for codeaa
Member Avatar for amitahlawat20

[code=cplusplus] #include<iostream.h> class mat { int **matrix; int row,col; public: mat(int r,int c); void get_element(int a,int b,int value); int &disp_element(int a,int b); int getrow() {return row;} int getcol() {return col;} friend mat operator + (mat &m1,mat &m2); friend mat operator - (mat &m1,mat &m2); ~mat() { delete matrix; } }; …

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The End.