49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for MattTobin

Hello~ I'm working on a project in which we are suppose to create our own class seperating the class and the implementation. When i try to compile the .cpp file im getting 2 errors on line 10: 1. new types may not be defined in a return type and 2. …

Member Avatar for MattTobin
Member Avatar for nayrb

I am making a lunar lander game, i have made the class and implementation file, but have no idea how to make the altitude reduce by the formular. Alt = time * velocity Could you also help me out with how to make time pass through the game, no idea. …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for proxystub

cant seem to read from this my file "d.txt", i know this is quite simple code but its just not working, and yes file "d.txt" is in the same directory as the .cpp & .exe [code] #include <fstream.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char ch; //int check = …

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Member Avatar for niyiment

I am new to c++ and i dont know where to start from and how to get materials on c++ from any site or member. thanks in andvance

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for arfmal

I have a problem - to copy a string from a vector and put it into another vector. It's ok if i use a string variable, where this variable will be used as a temp variable between these vectors....But i do not know what is the best approach to copy …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for nayrb

I wrote a program with classes. When in one file it works fine. But when i split them up into three the main program won't read the other two WHY? .H FILE [code=cplusplus] // FILE w.h #ifndef LUNAR_LANDER #define LUNAR_LANDER class lunar_lander { public: lunar_lander(float);//, float, float, float, float, float, …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Lord Vespa

im writeing a mud rpg game in class and i need some examples of combat systems. ive jest started programing in C++ and im in way over my head so if anyone has some examples i would be realy grateful thanks.

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for chubbywubba

My main has an unexpected end to the file and i am having problems finding the error. can anyone help? It also says where "case 81" is that i already used it but I have not. [code] void main () { HANDLE hOut; COORD NewSBSize; SMALL_RECT DisplayArea = {0, 0, …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Brent.tc

I've been working on a program (nothing big, or anything) and there are some things I'd like to work (That has nothing to do with the fact that there supposed to work :) Problems: 1 - Screen won't clear (This seems to be the most frequent question about c/c++ "ms-dos" …

Member Avatar for Brent.tc
Member Avatar for spacecowboy123

HI all, Does the U in at the end of 1234U signify that it is unsigned? The kind of number it is a uint64_t. Does this mean it is an usigned integer 64 bit? What does the _t at the end mean. Thanks for the help.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tikal777

Hi to DaniWeb. I've been checking out the forums from time to time to get help with C++. I'm a total beginner in C++, the only other language I have any knowledge of would be HTML, which is getting old. Anyways, I'm in a class that is requiring an assigment …

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Member Avatar for evilsilver

ok guys and gals here's my delema, i have this code: all it basically does is define two classes, one that defines the stuff for the player and his actions, the other for the enemies (or monsters) the problem is that i have funtions in both that require i include …

Member Avatar for evilsilver
Member Avatar for rostom99

my teacher told us to give the input of the following output given..using c++ loop formula.. pls help me.. output: 1) * *** ***** *** * 2) * * ** ** ****** 3) ****** ** ** * * hoping for your help.. thanks in advance.. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for notfornothing21

I am just learning linked lists and I need to start off my inputing integers and outputing them in a sorted list. I have written a code and pretty confident that the code make sense, but maybe it is out of sequence is why it is not working? I am …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for nayrb

I am having a problem with accessor. How can i get it to read height? They are 3 files .h(CLASS) , .cpp(IMPLEMENTATION) , and another .cpp(PROGRAM). i tried putting a getHeight in the class and describing it in the implementation, but that did not work. I want the getHeight to …

Member Avatar for nayrb
Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed

I want to generate the following pattern using for() loop only.... how can i do this i've tried but unfortunately failed to solve .... when user inputs 3 [COLOR=#008000]1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 …

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for RaCheer

I am writing a C++ program to convert feet and inches to meters and centimeters and vice versa. I am having a problem figuring out the conversions. What I have so far actually works...it gives me a result but my way of getting to that result is not the correct …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for livingsword

i wish to use this java code in c++. [code] String bname[] = { "Unix Environment", "Programming in Perl", "Comp. Architechture", "Operating System", "Java Programming", "DIstributed OS","Database Management", "J2ME","Operating Systems", "Algorithms in C++"}; [/code] how do I initialize char array in c++ ?:-|

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello. I use Linux, and I have no experience in windows. I have to write a C++ program that checks if Java is installed. I have no idea how to check that (there is no directory such /usr/bin ). I need this for a Java app and I want check …

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for nayrb

Hello, I am having problems with reading from a .h file to .cpp file it gives me a strange error i have gone over this thing 1000 times and can not figure out whats wrong. Could someone please help me? I am using dev.c++ compiler. I should mention i am …

Member Avatar for torbecire
Member Avatar for Dave256000

Using the skeleton below #include <unistd.h> // read/write #include <sys/file.h> // open/close values #include <string.h> // strlen int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *env[] ) { // C++ or C code } Write a C++ application myrm that removes (deletes) files passed as command line argument. Use only the …

Member Avatar for Dave256000
Member Avatar for covington_c

Im doing a calculator project for my c++ class but my operations dont compute properly and i cant quite figure out whats wrong any input would be greatly appreciated. [code=c] //Program Name: Calc //Author: Charles Covington //Date: Feb. 20, 2007 //Description : This is a simple calculator #include #include #include …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for youngone

"Develop a program that can be used to calculate the number of days between any two days from 1/1/1900 through 12/31/2099 The main program will call the same function twice- once for each date and have an integer returned to it each time. The function will prompt for a year, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for MattEvans

Is it incorrect to use the precompiler like a complicated copy-and-paste tool? I've been working on a system where a few objects are processed according to exactly the same 'pattern' so to speak; BUT they are not related objects. Although it would be possible to bring some of them back …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Rimm

I am using Visual C++ 2005 in my laptop. When I run the program, the answer shows up on the output window (similar to the > command window) and within a second or two the window disappears. How can I fix this problem? The same happens when there is data …

Member Avatar for Rimm
Member Avatar for torbecire

The a.cpp file will not read from a.h, could someone please tell me why? I asked earlier but did not get much help due to bad posting. My apologies to all you who i have burdened with my rookieness(not a word). Hopefully i did it right this time. [code=cplusplus] // …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Collapse Troll

Hi! When i was passing the test, i got this question: [quote] "You are asked to design classes for a board game system. The board has 8X8 squares. The board game will allow the user to play "Chess" and "Checkers". The GUI is done by another team; you have to …

Member Avatar for Collapse Troll
Member Avatar for RobertNashon

Hi I'am having a problem in debugging this code of mine .There is a problem in the execution of cl.e file. This is the code; [code=c] #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> class hospital { char password; int telno,mobno,fax; char name[20],log,address[20], website[20],email[20]; public: hospital; int loging(); void menu(); class reception …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for livingsword

i dont know if this the appropriate forum for this question, I wrote few programs on turbo c++ ide and they work perfectly fine. but when i try to compile the same code in openSUSE 10.2 , i get errors like : clrscr not recognised, clreol not recognised, gotoxy not …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for zebra59

Here is the ? [B]To use a template construct, what phrase must come before the class definition?[/B] My friend said that should be the [B]parameter[/B], but think that its the [B]argument, [/B]Next ? is [B]in the statement [/B] [B]List<int> mylist; [/B]the word [B]int[/B] is known as the template _______________? I …

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The End.