49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for zprise

Hello! in a case where int a=5; if((!a)++) or (++(!a)) gives me an error message saying that the operator ++ requires l-value, but the boolian result of if (!a++) is false. If someone would be so kind to explain this!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for teppuus

Hello, I wanted to post some code with line numbers and can't figure out how to do this. I searched the FAQ, and tried [list=1], but it didn't turn out right. I would hate to manually insert line numbers in my code. Can anybody help or point me in the …

Member Avatar for teppuus
Member Avatar for groundy

HI Guys, i am trying to develop a c++ programm, that accept a path to a .txt file from the user to read it, make it lowercase, sort it and give the output in the concole. and some other functions later... Now my problem is, that i dont know how …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sgw

I'm completely new to using compilers such as Borland Turbo C++ or MS Visual C++ to create and run C++ programs. They both involve "form" and "projects". Could some kind folks tell me how exactly to create, compile and run a simple program in such environments? In other words, I …

Member Avatar for sgw
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

I've searched for linked lists quite a lot (and read some books), but I've yet to find one that suits my needs. I wanted one that is: templated, provides only the bare bones of what's needed and easy to read and understand the code (simple, consistent variable names, meaningful and …

Member Avatar for CoolGamer48
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi, I'm using winxp with the latest version of Dev-cpp (none of that dotnet please) and I was wondering what is the easiest way to send an email. Are there any libraries I could use?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for k2k

Anybody please show how to convert a string, for example in a text doc, to an int... and then maybe add 1 and show total output. text.doc could simply contain I have 3 apple. output: 4 this is my try, i know i used atoi() incorrectly.. please show how to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kelvinskk

Hi, I'm using fedora core and i'm trying to write a c++ program to read the ESSID of my current wireless connection. Is there a way to do so? KiaN

Member Avatar for kelvinskk
Member Avatar for Jessyi

hello i have a project that is due in 2 days and i need help immediatly i just need the steps i have to do to solve the following: "Write a program to compute numeric grades for a course. The course records are in a file that will serve as …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jarhead741

Hi, i've tried to get my quicksort to work, but i think because i have been looking at it for so long i cant see the problem with it so if someone can spot my mistake that would be great! [code=cpp]int parttition(int myArray[],int first, int last); void quicksort(int myArray[],int first, …

Member Avatar for jarhead741
Member Avatar for tootypegs

Hi i use borland c++ builder as my c++ compiler. As a default option you can use a form defined as below [code] __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } [/code] does anyone know how to get a handle on this form, ive tried always but none with success thanks

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for ithelp

You would have seen this message when you telnet to an unix machine, it displays last login from <ip address> message What is the sytem command for displaying the same ? Can I code it in C++ without using system command ?

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for shankhs

I am new to windows programming in visual studio(i mean visual c++) I made a C++ file to include WndProc(containing WM_PAINT,WM_DESTROY and WM_KEYDOWN),then I thought to include a class name CEventHandler store it in EventHandler.h The class definition in EventHandler.cpp and main in try.cpp,They all are part of a project …

Member Avatar for shankhs
Member Avatar for carlos++

:'( , before, sorry for my poor english please. I make a program whith Borland c++, this use time function localtime and other time`s func. Under win 98 run OK, under cmd line win XP the proramm take only first call to localtime and frezze there. What' s the possible …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for renaad

HI everybody: I'm renaad & i'm 21 &student of computer science . i've a problem & I despairet 4 a help: l keep having this message "fault access violation at(##) write of address" when I compile my program & i don't know why this is the code: (it's a linked …

Member Avatar for renaad
Member Avatar for venomlash

I cannot link GL Utility Toolkit (lack know-how), so I need a way using only [ICODE]gl/gl.h[/ICODE] and [ICODE]windows.h[/ICODE] to get keyboard input. Help please!

Member Avatar for zhelih
Member Avatar for bmaglar

I am a student of electronics and i have to do a homework in C++. The problem is the following: how to write a code in order to find the most frequent value of two different one dimension arrays. the first array has for example 10 elements and the second …

Member Avatar for bmaglar
Member Avatar for CE Student

Hi! I am a new member here and I want any body to help me in this program becuase I am a new student in c++ and I don not now a lot in it sorry for my wrong language, because I do not speak English very will please help …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tuannie

Hey everyone, I am new to C++ and I was wondering if anyone could help me start off or by guiding me to which method of steps I should take first in solving the following problem: write a c++ program that with a loop structure that reads in 5 intergers …

Member Avatar for khanh1975
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, Would anyone show how to delete a specific line from a txt file? Is there a member function from the ios class? thank you.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for matthewjay54

Hey, if anyone can help me, Im in an intro to C++ class, and I was having problems with writing a program that converts seconds to Y M D H Min Sec...and I have no idea where to start..can anyone help me???

Member Avatar for np2100
Member Avatar for driplet

In FORTRAN, we can have a common data block in which all exchanging data are stored. When a subroutine/function needs data from the data block, it can automatically get them from the data block if the program found data with the same variable name. In C++, I am wondering how …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for beast

yo i got this code right [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Complex { double real1, real2, imag1, imag2; public: Complex(double, double, double, double); double addcomplex () { cout << real1 + real2 << " + " << imag1 + imag2 << "i" << endl; } double subcomplex () { …

Member Avatar for sarehu
Member Avatar for scru

Can somebody go into detail with me about what I need to do from scratch to the point where I can hit build and run and successful compile a valid C++ program without any build/linker errors? I use Windows Vista.

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, I need to resolve this problem: I need to create string array that contains another string array. For example, it can be like this: [products] => [name][version] so products[5][0] gives you a name of the 6th product and products[5][1] gives you a text version of the 6th product. Maybe …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for darussalaam

How to solve this equation using functions in c++; y=x/2+3∑(i=1,m){2*i+b)-4∑(i=1,m+2){i/a-b) please who can solve it today it will be so helpful for me. Regards

Member Avatar for darussalaam
Member Avatar for olams

I urgently need help with this program that i wrote. it is an expandable array. it performs different functions as shown below. I have shown the outputs of the code below. My problem is with the output of the compLfact(int) function. How do i get rid of the leading zeros. …

Member Avatar for olams
Member Avatar for honeyS

WHere can i get free reference on commands and syntax for Borland C++ builder 6?? Specially commands for internet applications..

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for k2k

Can I have regular function and class function together? if so, where should i place the regular function declaration? The compiler wouldn't compile this one... the problem is function showlist() Thank you [code=cpp] # include <iostream> # include <string> # include <fstream> using namespace std; class Name { public: int …

Member Avatar for Lerner

The End.