49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for mr.cool

i want to return 2 values but i don't know how i can do that. this is part of what i have done, i want to have choice[0] and also choice[1] be returned. also how can i store them in 2 different variables in the main. [code] int pick() { …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for Suraine

Dear c++ gurus, i have thk all over wat is means by the following hightlighted text, but not understood, can anyone explain to me what do they mean? or how do they function? [code=cpp] class RotationSensor : public Sensor { public: RotationSensor(const Port port, int position = 0) : Sensor((Sensor::Port) …

Member Avatar for Suraine
Member Avatar for kelvinskk

Hi, I'm still pretty new to c++ programming in Fedora Core. I've successfully done up my c++ code and it can run when i did: gcc -o test test.c ./test However, is there a way which i could run this test file from any directory? For example, u can run …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for #include<DAN.h>

The easiest way that I've seen to make sounds with C++ is with [code]Beep (frequency,duration);[/code] But, I've run into a snag. This command only outputs to the internal speaker which was all good on my old computer, but on my new laptop I either don't have an internal speaker or …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for xeroz

I ahev to make a project of daewoo a bus servise reservation system in c++ please help me so that i would make it in a better way thanks xeroz

Member Avatar for wamuti
Member Avatar for Jishnu

Can ne-1 explain 2 me the output of the following code ? (Mind well, it's completely legal C code !! ; n it actually won the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.) #include<stdio.h> main(t,_,a) char *a; {return!0<t?t<3?main(-79,-13,a+main(-87,1-_, main(-86, 0, a+1 )+a)):1,t<_?main(t+1, _, a ):3,main ( -94, -27+t, a )&&t == 2 …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for Deiwos

Hi folks. I'm having some trouble with a program I'm working on. What it is is a chatbot based on eliza. Part of the program tokenizes what ever the user inputs. The problem I'm having is that the tokenizeing function stores the input into a vector. What I need to …

Member Avatar for Rajith Cherian
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

Is there a tutorial on learning to work with api's. I am trying to automate a telnet connection to a router. I figured out how to telnet, but how to i type the commands inside the telnet session.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am trying to create a set of functions to allow the user to output a string to a file name EngineLog.txt It compiles fine, but I get an Unhandled exception at 0x00444c36 in Test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000d. This occurs in the EnableLogging() function. [CODE]//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The …

Member Avatar for SHWOO
Member Avatar for guitarrick

Still stuck on this one. I am not back in class yet. This is my personal research/review for the upcoming semester. I am not where I'd like to be with my review, but I really want to solve this one; but I can't seem to get started. Can someone please …

Member Avatar for superjacent
Member Avatar for The Midnighter

Alright, so I've got a linked list program going here, and I've succesfully loaded a text file, and I fed each line from the text file into my linked list nodes. Now I want to create a few commands that's going to allow me to alter this text file, while …

Member Avatar for The Midnighter
Member Avatar for FireSBurnsmuP

This is going to sound wierd at first, but I found a really cool usb controller. Let's see if I can find a link to it... [URL="http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8609696&type=product&id=1192233008066"]here it is[/URL] Now this is the wierd part - the first thing I thought when I saw this was "how sweet would it …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for k2k

First of all, i hope the [code] [/code] thing is what i was asked to do to encase the my code. And please help on the set() function. I don't know why the string type in the parenthesis gave me compile error undeclared identifier. thank you. [code=cpp] # include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for k2k

Anyone please take a look at the set() ... i don't know what went wrong that string in the set() gave me compile error saying undeclared identifier, which shouldn't even be a variable [code=c++] # include <iostream> # include <string> # include <fstream> using namespace std; class Name { public: …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for Clascli

Hey, I'm performing research on tracking applications using video cameras. My background however is civil engineering, so my programming experiece is limited. I'm starting to play around with Visual c++ but haven't found a way of opening a live video stream (my cameras are connnected to a network) in a …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for jmvr_danga_14

Hello! im new here and i have a problem regarding programming. We are required to compute for the distance of a certain city to another city...for example whats the distance of new york to los angeles..then the program will compute its distance... the output of the said program should be …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Thew

Hi, ahm, I'm trying to make dll that will have 5 simple functions. For example bool GetHTTPResponse(string url, string *buffer); So, my DLL includes curl DLL, that includes 3 anoother libraries. I just created simple function with name GetHTTPResponse, here is the source: { cout << "Test" << endl; return …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cbattagler

Hello, I am having trouble with the memory size of an array I am using. At the moment I have an array to pointers of objects. These objects get read in from a file and sorted, then a new file is outputted after some filtering is done on the array. …

Member Avatar for cbattagler
Member Avatar for merrona

:icon_question: Hi friends i have got a problem on the template class. that is why do i need to declare the key word [B]template<class t>[/B] on every function defintion of the member function. since we have declared it as global declaration on the top of the class.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for WhiteHatHacker

I'm only a few days new to C++ and I'm working on a program where I need to give commands and a coresponding function is called. At the moment the code uses the given string and goes through "if string = functionname then..." but I am trying to be more …

Member Avatar for WhiteHatHacker
Member Avatar for sweRascal

Hi all, I am a novice c++ programmer with php experience and am trying to learn to do some usefull stuff in c++. To learn I try to write a chat client with a mySQL backend and so far it works great. To make it useable I need to get …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Convert

I am converting from VB to VC++ (which might give you an idea of why I would be asking stupid questions). I already have a working Win32 program written using VC++ and I now need to create Drive, Directory and File List boxes that allows the user to select a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chihuyu

Hello,I am new for C++.The following are the codes I wrote to calculate the sum of 2^n. The result is 2046 after running the program.That is correct. But when I change the condition to n<=100,the result comes with -2,which is obviously wrong.Then I tried different n and found if n<=30,the …

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for microgoogle

hi all Following is the code which is giving me the aforesaid error : [code] #include "MessageHeader.h" #include "MessageProcessor.h"//contains the class MessageProcessor .. class RequestCacheHandler { private: public: /*********************************************************************** * Functions related to handling of requests ***********************************************************************/ MessageProcessor msgRequest; TcpPacket tcp; ..... ..... .... [/code] Am i missing something? plz …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i have a txt file "names" containing 300 set of personal info such as: 3765 // id thomas //last name barry // first name 876-988776 //phone number 16.37 // a price of what he purchased 8765 // id repeat dionisio // last name repeat tom // first name repeat …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for honeyS
Member Avatar for nu2cpp

Hi I am using BCB6 and have a memo component in my project. I want to change the color of a line(font color) depending on my message I need to display i.e. red color when I need to show an error message and black when no error. But when I …

Member Avatar for nu2cpp
Member Avatar for kami7125

Hello. I would like If possible get some input and assisstance on operations with external files. So this is what i have so far: [code=cpp]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void main (){ cout<<" Input into the file '.' " <<endl; char zbor[20]; ofstream dat; dat.open("tekst.txt"); do{ cin.getline(zbor,20); if(strcmp(zbor,".")){ …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Selrahcthewise

i started to put in the hello world code in my compiler and i've tried to build it and it pops up this message error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)how do i fix it here is the code [CODE] #include <stdio.h> ; int main (void) ;{ …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Red Horse

This code hangs on me running. The problem is that "r" does not count right (not like it is directed under FOR expression). Does the problem lay beyond the code? #include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; // using std::cin; // using std::endl; // using std::cout; // using std::string; int main() …

Member Avatar for Red Horse

The End.