i have a txt file "names" containing 300 set of personal info such as:

3765 // id
thomas //last name
barry // first name
876-988776 //phone number
16.37 // a price of what he purchased
8765 // id repeat
dionisio // last name repeat
tom // first name repeat
..... // and so on ...

i am trying to read them into array and cout them in a backward order... however, it stopped displaying content in around the middle... Any body please tell me why.. thanks

# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int id[300];
	string lastName[300];
	string firstName[300];
	string phone[300];
	double amount[300];
	ifstream reader;

	int i=0;
	while(reader>> id[i] >> lastName[i] >> firstName[i] >> phone[i] >> amount[i])
	//total number is known as i
	int x = i-1;
	for(x; x>-1; x--)

	return 0;

what is the value of i when that read loop finishes? Is it greater than 300 ?

what is the value of i when that read loop finishes? Is it greater than 300 ?

the array size, i, is supposed to be 271.. i set x = i-1 //270, the last index for cout...... and then i-- ,,,, up to 0....... i don't know why it doesn't read or display from the beginning of the txt file eventhough if i test with a code like id[0] or lastName[270] , they will give me the right index value

the array size, i, is supposed to be 271.. i set x = i-1 //270, the last index for cout...... and then i-- ,,,, up to 0....... i don't know why it doesn't read or display from the beginning of the txt file eventhough if i test with a code like id[0] or lastName[270] , they will give me the right index value

"Supposed to be" is evil. Never assume. display the value in both loops and be sure.

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