I am trying to create a set of functions to allow the user to output a string to a file name EngineLog.txt

It compiles fine, but I get an Unhandled exception at 0x00444c36 in Test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000d. This occurs in the EnableLogging() function.

// The primary engine header file. This file links the entire engine together
// and is the only header file that needs to be included in any project using
// the engine.
// Programming a Multiplayer First Person Shooter in DirectX
// Copyright (c) 2004 Vaughan Young
#ifndef ENGINE_H
#define ENGINE_H

// DirectInput Version Define

// System Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windowsx.h>

// DirectX Includes
#include <d3dx9.h>
#include <dinput.h>
#include <dplay8.h>
#include <dmusici.h>

// standard library Includes
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

// Macros
#define SAFE_DELETE( p )       { if( p ) { delete ( p );     ( p ) = NULL; } }
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( p ) { if( p ) { delete[] ( p );   ( p ) = NULL; } }
#define SAFE_RELEASE( p )      { if( p ) { ( p )->Release(); ( p ) = NULL; } }

// Engine Includes
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "ResourceManagement.h"
#include "Geometry.h"
#include "Input.h"
#include "State.h"
#include "LogicState.h"
#include "NetState.h"
#include "RenderState.h"
#include "SndState.h"
#include "UIState.h"
#include "Scripting.h"

// Engine Setup Structure
struct EngineSetup
	HINSTANCE instance; // Application instance handle.
	char *name; // Name of the application.
	void (*StateSetup)(); // State setup function.

	// The engine setup structure constructor.
		instance = NULL;
		name = "Application";
		StateSetup = NULL;

// Engine Class
class Engine
	Engine( EngineSetup *setup = NULL );
	void EnableLogging();
	void WriteToLog(string log);
	void CloseLog();
	virtual ~Engine();

	void Run();

	HWND GetWindow();
	void SetDeactiveFlag( bool deactive );

	void AddState( State *state, bool change = true );
	void RemoveState( State *state );
	void ChangeState( unsigned long id );
	State *GetCurrentState();

	ResourceManager< Script > *GetScriptManager();

	Input *GetInput();

	bool m_loaded; // Indicates if the engine is loading.
	HWND m_window; // Main window handle.
	bool m_deactive; // Indicates if the application is active or not.

	bool logOk;		// Ensures that logging has been enabled.
	ofstream fout;	// variable to output to the text file.

	EngineSetup *m_setup; // Copy of the engine setup structure.

	LinkedList< State > *m_states; // Linked list of states.
	State *m_currentState; // Pointer to the current state.
	bool m_stateChanged; // Indicates if the state changed in the current frame.

	ResourceManager< Script > *m_scriptManager; // Script manager.

	Input *m_input; // Input object.

// Externals
extern Engine *g_engine;

// Engine.h implementation.
// Refer to the Engine.h interface for more details.
// Programming a Multiplayer First Person Shooter in DirectX
// Copyright (c) 2004 Vaughan Young
#include "Engine.h"

// Globals
Engine *g_engine = NULL;

// Handles Windows messages.
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc( HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
	switch( msg )
			g_engine->SetDeactiveFlag( !wparam );
			return 0;

		case WM_DESTROY:
			PostQuitMessage( 0 );
			return 0;

			return DefWindowProc( wnd, msg, wparam, lparam );

// The engine class constructor.
Engine::Engine( EngineSetup *setup )
	// Indicate that the engine is not yet loaded.
	m_loaded = false;

	// If no setup structure was passed in, then create a default one.
	// Otehrwise, make a copy of the passed in structure.
	m_setup = new EngineSetup;
	if( setup != NULL )
		memcpy( m_setup, setup, sizeof( EngineSetup ) );

	// Store a pointer to the engine in a global variable for easy access.
	g_engine = this;

	// Prepare and register the window class.
	wcex.cbSize        = sizeof( WNDCLASSEX );
	wcex.style         = CS_CLASSDC;
	wcex.lpfnWndProc   = WindowProc;
	wcex.cbClsExtra    = 0;
	wcex.cbWndExtra    = 0;
	wcex.hInstance     = m_setup->instance;
	wcex.hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );
	wcex.hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
	wcex.hbrBackground = NULL;
	wcex.lpszMenuName  = NULL;
	wcex.lpszClassName = "WindowClass";
	wcex.hIconSm       = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION );
	RegisterClassEx( &wcex );

	// Initialise the COM using multithreaded concurrency.

	// Create the window and retrieve a handle to it.
	// Note: Later the window will be created using a windowed/fullscreen flag.
	m_window = CreateWindow( "WindowClass", m_setup->name, WS_OVERLAPPED, 0, 0, 800, 600, NULL, NULL, m_setup->instance, NULL );

	// Create the linked lists of states.
	m_states = new LinkedList< State >;
	m_currentState = NULL;

	// Create the resource managers.
	m_scriptManager = new ResourceManager< Script >;

	// Create the input object.
	m_input = new Input( m_window );

	// Seed the random number generator with the current time.
	srand( timeGetTime() );

	// Allow the application to perform any state setup now.
	if( m_setup->StateSetup != NULL )

	// The engine is fully loaded and ready to go.
	m_loaded = true;

// Enable logging
void Engine::EnableLogging()
	logOk = true;

// Write text to a log file
void Engine::WriteToLog(string log)
		fout << log << "\n";

// Close log file
void Engine::CloseLog()

// The engine class destructor.
	// Ensure the engine is loaded.
	if( m_loaded == true )
		// Destroy the states linked lists.
		if( m_currentState != NULL )
		SAFE_DELETE( m_states );

		// Destroy everything.
		SAFE_DELETE( m_input );
		SAFE_DELETE( m_scriptManager );

	// Uninitialise the COM.

	// Unregister the window class.
	UnregisterClass( "WindowClass", m_setup->instance );

	// Destroy the engine setup structure.
	SAFE_DELETE( m_setup );

// Enters the engine into the main processing loop.
void Engine::Run()
	// Ensure the engine is loaded.
	if( m_loaded == true )
		// Show the window.
		ShowWindow( m_window, SW_NORMAL );

		// Used to retrieve details about the viewer from the application.
		ViewerSetup viewer;

		// Enter the message loop.
		MSG msg;
		ZeroMemory( &msg, sizeof( MSG ) );
		while( msg.message != WM_QUIT )
			if( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
				TranslateMessage( &msg );
				DispatchMessage( &msg );
			else if( !m_deactive )
				// Calculate the elapsed time.
				unsigned long currentTime = timeGetTime();
				static unsigned long lastTime = currentTime;
				float elapsed = ( currentTime - lastTime ) / 1000.0f;
				lastTime = currentTime;

				// Update the input object, reading the keyboard and mouse.

				// Request the viewer from the current state, if there is one.
				if( m_currentState != NULL )
					m_currentState->RequestViewer( &viewer );

				// Update the current state (if there is one), taking state
				// changes into account.
				m_stateChanged = false;
				if( m_currentState != NULL )
					m_currentState->Update( elapsed );
				if( m_stateChanged == true )

	// Destroy the engine.
	SAFE_DELETE( g_engine );

// Returns the window handle.
HWND Engine::GetWindow()
	return m_window;

// Sets the deactive flag.
void Engine::SetDeactiveFlag( bool deactive )
	m_deactive = deactive;

// Adds a state to the engine.
void Engine::AddState( State *state, bool change )
	m_states->Add( state );

	if( change == false )

	if( m_currentState != NULL )

	m_currentState = m_states->GetLast();

// Removes a state from the engine
void Engine::RemoveState( State *state )
	m_states->Remove( &state );

// Changes processing to the state with the specified ID.
void Engine::ChangeState( unsigned long id )
	// Iterate through the list of states and find the new state to change to.
	m_states->Iterate( true );
	while( m_states->Iterate() != NULL )
		if( m_states->GetCurrent()->GetID() == id )
			// Close the old state.
			if( m_currentState != NULL )

			// Set the new current state and load it.
			m_currentState = m_states->GetCurrent();

			// Indicate that the state has changed.
			m_stateChanged = true;


// Returns a pointer to the current state.
State *Engine::GetCurrentState()
	return m_currentState;

// Returns a pointer to the script manager.
ResourceManager< Script > *Engine::GetScriptManager()
	return m_scriptManager;

// Returns a pointer to the input object.
Input *Engine::GetInput()
	return m_input;
// System Includes
#include <windows.h>

// Engine Includes
#include "..\Engine\Engine.h"

// Application specific state setup.
void StateSetup()
	g_engine->AddState( new UIState(UI_STATE), true );
	g_engine->AddState( new NetState(NET_STATE), true);
	g_engine->AddState( new LogicState(LOGIC_STATE), true);
	g_engine->AddState( new SndState(SND_STATE), true);
	g_engine->AddState( new RenderState(RENDER_STATE), true);

// Entry point for the application.
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmdLine, int cmdShow )
	// Create the engine setup structure.
	EngineSetup setup;
	setup.instance = instance;
	setup.name = "Engine Control Test";
	setup.StateSetup = StateSetup;

	//Test our logging functions
	g_engine->WriteToLog("Did my implementation work?");

	// Create the engine (using the setup structure), then run it.
	new Engine( &setup );

	return true;

>>This occurs in the EnableLogging() function
I doubt it -- that function only has two lines of code, neither would cause that problem. You need to learn to use your compiler's debugger and step through the program line-by-line to find the real problem.

The problem was that I was trying to use functions in the engine before I created the engine itself. I solved the problem by moving the new Engine( &setup) above the three functions I was testing.

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