49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for xfactornos

I have been writing my program and everything works like it should unless the user inserts a character then the whole thing blows up... how can I fix this. Is there something I can add to block characters from being added? any help would be appreciated! here is my code: …

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Member Avatar for xs.usman

can anybody give me the cocept of 2d n 3d arrays in c++ i will be very thankful.i am using this type of site 4 da first time but i m sure it will be good.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for lifei

i am new to programming.. i am now facing a prolem on how to turn the value in the combo box by automatically by using visual c++ 6. let's say the value in the combo box is 5, after i click a button, the value will increase to 10, 15 …

Member Avatar for lifei
Member Avatar for rajatC

How to output to an excel file and how to read from it?? i have done the writing part...to use [inlinecode]"\t"[/inlinecode] for moving to next cell in same row and [inlinecode]"\n" [/inlinecode]to move to next row... and is there any special format to save that excel file..because when i save …

Member Avatar for jacki
Member Avatar for teppuus

Hello, I have to create a double linked list array of pointers for the alphabet (one pointer per letter). Ok, so I tried starting by creating a double linked list: [code] struct word{ string newWord; word *next; word *back; }; struct wordList{ word *head; }; [/code] And then array of …

Member Avatar for teppuus
Member Avatar for anallan

can someone help me regarding my program? i am tasked to create a program called string censoring. it asks for two strings then it removes the characters in the first string which are similar to those in the second. Ex: 1st string= new york yankees 2nd string= absolutely result= nw …

Member Avatar for anallan
Member Avatar for i_suck_inc++

Is der an equivalent function to srand(),the random number generator, in g++ compiler?

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for yarita

I am just beginning in a C++ class and I am having a hard time setting up the code for using a modulus operator. The problem assigned has user input as name and hours worked. The program is to output the name, weeks worked, days worked, and hours worked based …

Member Avatar for Arpy Giri
Member Avatar for everlast

is there a way for me to write OOP programs in c++ for Texas Instruments TI 89 graphic calculator?

Member Avatar for everlast
Member Avatar for pepipox

Dear all In advance, thank you for your help. I am trying to initialize an object in C++ depending on certain parameter. Below is the source code I am using. if(ARG::metrn==metrnSMD) EventStream<complex<Lambda>> evstrTrain(fileTrain, evlsTrain); else EventStream<Lambda> evstrTrain(fileTrain, evlsTrain); if (ARG::FRandomEventOrder()) evstrTrain.SetRandomOrder(true); I am declaring and calling the constructor for 'evstrTrain' …

Member Avatar for pepipox
Member Avatar for maHvic

this is my code to convert characters into its decimal form...it is working and the next step is to convert the decimal form to its binary form...how can i do that....???? [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void input(); void process(); int main() { input(); system("PAUSE"); } void input() { string …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for deicer

I have the following code which is working properly, what I'm looking to do is add an additional function to it, but I'm getting stuck. What I need to do is add a function to my class called DigitalTime::interval_since(const DigitalTime& a_previous_time, int& hours_in_interval, int& minutes_in_interval) What this function does is …

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Member Avatar for eesti44

Hello, I am still working on the self study thing. I have decided to do or attempt to do a project that requires a header files with 2 other source files. The header file was given in the book. It is as follows: #ifndef GOLF_H_ #define GOLF_H_ //golf.h -- for …

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Member Avatar for #include<DAN.h>

I'm trying to write some code that will take each individual part of a 2D array and put it into the same part of a different array. Here's the code, tell me what you think!! ^_^ Thanks in advance for any help!! [CODE] bool repeat = true; int a = …

Member Avatar for zhelih
Member Avatar for rajatC

I recently saw this function in one of the online test paper i was going through. And i came to know that this is a standard library function but i dont know anything about it. And it is related to some Parent process - Child process kind of things. And …

Member Avatar for rajatC
Member Avatar for bhagyashanti

after i give the input the screen disappears all the commands are correct even then it only takes input how i can see outputs??

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Chris11246

What would be a good way to learn C++ online for free. I already found a site that shows me some stuff but I don't think it's the best site out there. Also whenever i compile and run a program it just flashes on the screen for a second like …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for kashmir323

I started c++ a few days ago and I am trying to make this program for my math class just to test myself. This is my code. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int goldennumber; int finalnumber; int ratio; cout<<"Welcome to Easy Golden Ratio Finder!\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; …

Member Avatar for kashmir323
Member Avatar for np2100

How do you search for a string in a system? I am trying to make a program that does a system ping then returns to you only a portion of the results such as only the amount of packets loss. Any ideas on how to do that? What I had …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Kiss_and

so ... i'm kinda new to these STL ... i wanna make a list of lists ... after spending some time to teach myself how to make a list of char I went one step further with a project I have to accomplish ... so the thing is that i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Syndication

Hello! :) I have a CMDIChildWnd (CStatusFrame) with a richedit on it. I am resizing the richedit when CStatusFrame is resized. Originally it was.. [CODE=c++] // Code from CStatusFrame PreCreateWindow: cs.style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_TABSTOP; cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, NULL, (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW), NULL); …

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Member Avatar for amna_aries1

can anyone help me with mouse handling in c++. espcially on how to check mouse clicking. i am making a game connect four so if anyone could help me with the code and explaining a couple of functions i would really appreciate it. help required urgently.

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Member Avatar for kv79

hi, I need text control . That control must be that nobody can not enter any key from the keyboard and that i use my windows who i creates button to enter the keys. And that keys from my windows when i enter must be visible for the user . …

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Member Avatar for octavia

[code=cpp] //array of pointers to person objects #include<iostream.h> class Person { protected: char name[40]; public: void getname() { cout<<"\n Enter name:"; cin.getline(name,40); } void putname() { cout<<"\n Name="<<name; } }; void main() { Person*persptr[100]; int n=0; char choice; do{ persptr[n]=new Person; persptr[n]->getname(); n++; cout<<"\n Enter another(y/n)? "; cin>>choice; }while(choice=='y'); for(int …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for hakeemtunde

Hello guys; Please I want to compile project that has a Static link Library of which I want it to automatically Copy it self(.Lib) to a specific folder when ever I build it and also copy the Include (.h) file to a specific folder of my choice. I will be …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Jade_me

Hi i newbie in this forum. i have dat file and i want to read this file but i dont know how to start. actually i really confused.. anyone know ho to do this? Pleas help me... Ok.thx in advance.. best regards..

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for memo_c++

[COLOR="Green"]Hello guys I need quick help I need a code that reads from a text file and then shows how many “a ,b, c ….” I have in the text[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for mr_fake

hey! friendz plz tell me how to insert time in a running programme ,which is similar to system clock time.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Alishaikh

This works and shows the factors or tells if the number is a prime number but doesn't show ODD factors please help!! I need to turn this tomorrow [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int prime(int num); int main() { int num; cout<<"Enter number: "; cin>>num; if(prime(num)==1) cout<<"The number is …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for tootypegs

Here is my scenario i have a file 2000 bytes long. I want to read bytes 500 - 1500 so that i have the middle 1000 bytes stored. I then want to disect the 1000 bytes into 20 bte chunks and preform calculations on ever 20 byte sectiong until the …

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The End.