49,762 Topics
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Hi.. I'm using VC6++ with window xp.. and my coding is like below.. [code=cplusplus] try { CString szConn; hrResult = m_Connection.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection)); if(SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) { szConn = "Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:\\PSMotion\\Database\\IO.mdb"; _bstr_t bstrConn(szConn); hrResult = m_Connection->Open(bstrConn,"Admin","",-1); if(SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) { _CommandPtr pCommandResult; _variant_t vtEmpty1(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR); _variant_t vtEmpty2(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR); sprintf(sql,"DELETE * FROM IOList"); _bstr_t bstrResult(sql); pCommandResult.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Command)); pCommandResult->ActiveConnection … | |
Hello World! (to all of you DaniWeb guys!) I want to build 3D Online Chat but I don't know how to start. Does anyone can tell me how to send message between 2 PC? (An output of this message I want to show in 3D character's shout box.) Right now … | |
How to convert this algo into c++? [CODE]while 9more students) read studentID countexam =0 while(more examination) read exam code ExamID = GetExamID (examcode) Incerement Count exam examlist[count exam]=ExamID; endwhile for (i=1,to CountExam-1) do for (j=i to CountExam) do if (i!=j) Inceremnt conflict value of row exam List[i] and column Examlist[j] … | |
Hi, I have an existing .ocx file which contains a map. I need to open this file in C++ and not in MFC. MSDN help suggested me that it can be done throuch " #import "file_name" " However, the description is not descriptive and helpful. If anyone can provide me … | |
Hi guys I am trying to implement golden section search method to obtain n-th root of any number.I am testing it by finding the square root of 25 in range [4,6].the function to minimise is:[B]x^2-25.[/B] [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int fnc(float &,float &); float n,num; int main() { float … | |
![]() | I have been writing my program and everything works like it should unless the user inserts a character then the whole thing blows up... how can I fix this. Is there something I can add to block characters from being added? any help would be appreciated! here is my code: … ![]() |
can anybody give me the cocept of 2d n 3d arrays in c++ i will be very thankful.i am using this type of site 4 da first time but i m sure it will be good. | |
i am new to programming.. i am now facing a prolem on how to turn the value in the combo box by automatically by using visual c++ 6. let's say the value in the combo box is 5, after i click a button, the value will increase to 10, 15 … | |
How to output to an excel file and how to read from it?? i have done the writing part...to use [inlinecode]"\t"[/inlinecode] for moving to next cell in same row and [inlinecode]"\n" [/inlinecode]to move to next row... and is there any special format to save that excel file..because when i save … | |
Hello, I have to create a double linked list array of pointers for the alphabet (one pointer per letter). Ok, so I tried starting by creating a double linked list: [code] struct word{ string newWord; word *next; word *back; }; struct wordList{ word *head; }; [/code] And then array of … | |
can someone help me regarding my program? i am tasked to create a program called string censoring. it asks for two strings then it removes the characters in the first string which are similar to those in the second. Ex: 1st string= new york yankees 2nd string= absolutely result= nw … | |
Is der an equivalent function to srand(),the random number generator, in g++ compiler? | |
I am just beginning in a C++ class and I am having a hard time setting up the code for using a modulus operator. The problem assigned has user input as name and hours worked. The program is to output the name, weeks worked, days worked, and hours worked based … | |
is there a way for me to write OOP programs in c++ for Texas Instruments TI 89 graphic calculator? | |
Dear all In advance, thank you for your help. I am trying to initialize an object in C++ depending on certain parameter. Below is the source code I am using. if(ARG::metrn==metrnSMD) EventStream<complex<Lambda>> evstrTrain(fileTrain, evlsTrain); else EventStream<Lambda> evstrTrain(fileTrain, evlsTrain); if (ARG::FRandomEventOrder()) evstrTrain.SetRandomOrder(true); I am declaring and calling the constructor for 'evstrTrain' … | |
this is my code to convert characters into its decimal form...it is working and the next step is to convert the decimal form to its binary form...how can i do that....???? [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void input(); void process(); int main() { input(); system("PAUSE"); } void input() { string … | |
I have the following code which is working properly, what I'm looking to do is add an additional function to it, but I'm getting stuck. What I need to do is add a function to my class called DigitalTime::interval_since(const DigitalTime& a_previous_time, int& hours_in_interval, int& minutes_in_interval) What this function does is … | |
Hello, I am still working on the self study thing. I have decided to do or attempt to do a project that requires a header files with 2 other source files. The header file was given in the book. It is as follows: #ifndef GOLF_H_ #define GOLF_H_ //golf.h -- for … | |
I'm trying to write some code that will take each individual part of a 2D array and put it into the same part of a different array. Here's the code, tell me what you think!! ^_^ Thanks in advance for any help!! [CODE] bool repeat = true; int a = … | |
I recently saw this function in one of the online test paper i was going through. And i came to know that this is a standard library function but i dont know anything about it. And it is related to some Parent process - Child process kind of things. And … | |
after i give the input the screen disappears all the commands are correct even then it only takes input how i can see outputs?? | |
![]() | What would be a good way to learn C++ online for free. I already found a site that shows me some stuff but I don't think it's the best site out there. Also whenever i compile and run a program it just flashes on the screen for a second like … |
I started c++ a few days ago and I am trying to make this program for my math class just to test myself. This is my code. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int goldennumber; int finalnumber; int ratio; cout<<"Welcome to Easy Golden Ratio Finder!\n"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\n"; … | |
How do you search for a string in a system? I am trying to make a program that does a system ping then returns to you only a portion of the results such as only the amount of packets loss. Any ideas on how to do that? What I had … | |
so ... i'm kinda new to these STL ... i wanna make a list of lists ... after spending some time to teach myself how to make a list of char I went one step further with a project I have to accomplish ... so the thing is that i … | |
Hello! :) I have a CMDIChildWnd (CStatusFrame) with a richedit on it. I am resizing the richedit when CStatusFrame is resized. Originally it was.. [CODE=c++] // Code from CStatusFrame PreCreateWindow: cs.style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_TABSTOP; cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, NULL, (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW), NULL); … | |
can anyone help me with mouse handling in c++. espcially on how to check mouse clicking. i am making a game connect four so if anyone could help me with the code and explaining a couple of functions i would really appreciate it. help required urgently. | |
hi, I need text control . That control must be that nobody can not enter any key from the keyboard and that i use my windows who i creates button to enter the keys. And that keys from my windows when i enter must be visible for the user . … | |
[code=cpp] //array of pointers to person objects #include<iostream.h> class Person { protected: char name[40]; public: void getname() { cout<<"\n Enter name:"; cin.getline(name,40); } void putname() { cout<<"\n Name="<<name; } }; void main() { Person*persptr[100]; int n=0; char choice; do{ persptr[n]=new Person; persptr[n]->getname(); n++; cout<<"\n Enter another(y/n)? "; cin>>choice; }while(choice=='y'); for(int … | |
Hello guys; Please I want to compile project that has a Static link Library of which I want it to automatically Copy it self(.Lib) to a specific folder when ever I build it and also copy the Include (.h) file to a specific folder of my choice. I will be … |
The End.