49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Alethea

heya... can any1 plz help me write this program. write a program that the user is converting from and to base, and also from value. thx

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for zandiago

Good day. My semester of c++ is coming to an end. I've got to complete a total of 7 assignments within the next 3 weeks. I've completed 5 out of the seven. I've got two left (1 has a separate thread by itself). So you can also take a look …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for dockuvn

Help me. My teacher force me make dll by C++ instead of VC or VB... I have searched anywhere and ask many people but I couldnt find out the way to do it. Please help me ASAP. Best regards

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for AXAsianXie

Hi can someone look at this program for me it wont fill out the whole address for me and when i search or go delete it doesn't do anything. [code=c++] #include<iostream.> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct Person { char Name[50]; char Address[80]; char Phone[30]; }; void add(); void search(); …

Member Avatar for AXAsianXie

Hey i have a HW to do an address book storing the names addresses and phone #s and add to address.txt. and the phone is the key so i have to create a search using the phone #. i'm also suppose to use a mygetline function that i don't quite …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for wjyeo

Hi i've have this problem in my code when i do the overloading of operator >>. My problem for this code isnt encounter error but my input like say i input 7, the num.a output will change this 7 to 55 and num.b output for 5 to 53. below is …

Member Avatar for wjyeo
Member Avatar for mank

I want to create two functions, one that takes array values and lenngth and the other displays array values and length Here is my code, it gives me segmentation fault [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void input_array(float a[], int &n) { int j; for (j=0; j<n; j++) { …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for disc

[code] class MyControl : public BaseControl { } class Base { proctected: BaseControl &mControl; } class MyClass : public Base { public: MyClass( MyControl &control ); void ReadControl(); } MyClass::MyClass( MyControl &control ) :Base(control) { } void MyClass::ReadControl( void ) { MyControl &control = (MyControl &)mControl; // <=== ??? control.DoSomething(); …

Member Avatar for disc
Member Avatar for amin3d

Hilbert is a game in which you control a robot on an infinite two‐dimensional grid. There are three commands available to you: • G: Go one square forward in the current direction. • L: Turn ninety degrees counterclockwise. • R: Turn ninety degrees clockwise. After playing this game for a …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for amin3d

Problem ::: Last night, I’d been invited to a party. After dinner, the host invited us to do a lottery game and gave each of his N guests (including me) a ticket. Each ticket was a white square piece of paper in which a positive number (with no leading zero) …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for noobyjoe

Hi There, It is my first post. I am currently workign for a company and have just been moved into R+D. Part of my new job involves C++ Programming. I am having trouble with numerous things, (was thrown in the deepend) Basically, This program is designed to keep track of …

Member Avatar for noobyjoe
Member Avatar for tnvkrishna

title was self explanatory.. i repeat .. can a class allow a friend method of a friend class to use it's protected or private members oh yes one more, can a friend method of a derived class use base class's protected members i am new to this type of concept …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ArrogantLegend

Create a text file with a letter on the first line, and two double-digit numbers on the second line. Write a program using fstream that reads in your text file, creates variables to manipulate that input and outputs the following results to a different text file: "The ASCII value of …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for bStiffler582

It's a phone book program. Takes number, name, and address and saves them to addressbook.txt. It has add, search and delete functions. I got all but delete. Here's the search function(works): [code=c++] void search(){ char num[50]; char search[50]; ifstream input; input.open("addressbook.txt"); cout << "Enter phone number: "; cin >> num; …

Member Avatar for bStiffler582
Member Avatar for Gadgetman_53

Hey, I'm still fairly new to C++, and even more new to this forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Could someone look at this segment of code for me and tell me what is wrong with the "if" statements to change the time. I'm not getting the output that …

Member Avatar for Gadgetman_53
Member Avatar for jaepi

I was advised by a friend of mine to use fread64, fwrite64 instead of fread and fwrite. Does this exist? Been looking for it's documentation but I haven't found one.

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for abarnett

I am to write a program that can be used to calculate the federal tax. The tax is calculated as follows: For single people, the standard exemption is $4,000; for married people, the standard exemption is $7,000. A person can also put up to 6% of his or her gross …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for IAmCalledDave

Alright, so, I have this project in my advanced C++ class for which I have chosen to create a simple audio player (if i get that done, video is a possiblity) I have a GUI already laid out and Im using an embedded WMP as the process bar/start/stop/pause/next, all that …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for danbellinger1

I have been trying to get this Binary to Decimal program to work. I'm sure I'm not doing this with the least amount of code, if you have suggestions (using modulus especially). The errors I used to get was binNum is too large for the "long" type. I then used …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for danbellinger1

I am working on an assignment (I know many have asked but none have asked about the number of digits I need plus some) that is to accept input for the fibonacci corresponding to that (i.e. 0=0, 1=1, 2=1, ..., 96=51680708854858323072). When it gets to 79 (should be 14472334024676221 since …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, I'm currently encountering a strange error which is I don't know why or could this one be possible. I have several for loops inside a function and I used the iterator outside the said loop, but I do get this error which is kinda strange. [code] error: name …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Dee76

I'm having trouble with the (dynamic_cast<Truck*>(vptr[k])) -> DOTLicense() part. If my numOfVehicles = 1 it works fine, but if numOfVehicles > 1 I get core dump error. I can remove the dynamic_cast statement and it works for numOfVehicles > 1. Any help or advise on what I'm doing wrong is …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for docdoc

The following bit of code is from the Atmel AtUsbHid example. Can someone please explain the line DYNCALL(writeData)((UCHAR *)"12") which i believe is part of a DLL, maybe.... I know the code turns on and off a LED but i want to know how the code works.... [code] void CUsbHidDemoCodeDlg::OnLed2() …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for harshalone

hai friends this is new one on dani i would like to ask u question about how to create a webserver (console based) on vc++ i have searched a lot on google and many more sites but i am not able to find out exactly what i want waiting 4 …

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for FireSBurnsmuP

Alright, I'm developing a program that is going to take in .pbm image files, manipulate them, and output them in .ppm (P3) format. That's all fine and good; I've got that down. However, I'm looking for suggestions on good and efficient ways to figure out if 2 points ( row …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for paradox814

what does it mean when you say z=1? Does it ignore what value you pass into the function? What is this called?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for jaepi

hello there, uhhmmm...anyone here could give me an idea or point me a reference on how web server application are created (console based) using c++...i'd be using threading, processes, synchronization and http protocol... a reference to any website or books would be nice...thank you...

Member Avatar for harshalone
Member Avatar for dasani

I am trying to make this program work but only getting halfway, i am supposed to have an output like this: Enter a string at least 8 chrs long: short The string is too short. Enter a string at least 8 chrs long: 1234567 The string is too short. Enter …

Member Avatar for dasani
Member Avatar for eranga262154

On my MFC application I read file and do some process on it. Here is the code I used to open and read only. [CODE=cplusplus] CFile srf_ReadFile; char * srf_FilePath = "ReadFile_001.txt"; if(srf_ReadFile.Open(srf_FilePath, CFile::modeRead)) { // Do the required process here on ReadFile_001.txt }[/CODE] So, the file should be always …

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Member Avatar for cjwenigma

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to write a simple and funny fighting game. I want to write the first class of the game called teacher and i'm not sure if i'm going about it right. I have the moves Punch, Kick, Deafening Whistle, and Textbook Takedown..haha.. don't ask! I also have …


The End.