49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for asilter

[code] typedef map<string, Attr_info, less<string> > AttrMap; [/code] i do not know what "map<", less and ">" represents? What I little understood from the code is AttrMap is a collection of Attr_infos. If so how can i add a Attr_info into AttrMap? could u plz help? thanx

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for nive

Kindly let me know Code for (a) Checking whether a number is a prime number or not, (b) to generate the first 10 prime numbers, (c) finding HCF of 3 numbers in C++ and a programme to print the first n number in the fibonacii series. An early reply from …

Member Avatar for Sturm
Member Avatar for eranga262154

I have a binary data block(a byte), and I want to convert it to decimal. Is there any inbuilt function to do that.

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for SammyHasibi

[6 #include <stdio.h> 7 int main () 8 /* Declare and initialize variables. */ 9 int number1 = 4, number2 = 7, sum; 10 /* Calculate sum. */ 11 sum = numberl + number2; 12 /* Print the sum. */ 13 printf("The sum is */.d \n", sum); 14 /* Exit …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I have just start to work on C++. I want to open a text file, then write few text there. This is the code I wrote for that. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream file; file.open ("example.txt"); if(file.is_open()) { file << "Write a …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, do you have any idea of what is the corresponding standard lib function of Win32's WideCharToMultiByte()? Thanks!

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey guys, Just got started on this, and I keep getting an error saying Missing ";" before "." starting at line 25 and pretty much on all of my functino calls in main. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Here's my code: //driver - main #include "prob6.h" int main ( …

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for rainbringer

Hello! How can it be done? I've the two things installed, but in order to get help about anything within the VC++ I must manually open the MSDN Library. Pushing the F1 button on a needed function to get help for it is much more comfortable... Respectfully, Alex

Member Avatar for rainbringer
Member Avatar for daniweb2013

I'm trying to calculate sin(x) without using #include <math.h> i need to use Maclaurin Series to calculate sin(x) with recursive process. thanks

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for aslamkhan24

I just started to implement Call Control Gateway for CTI Gateway. I want communicate with Micorsoft Office Commumicator 2007 to provide call control functionalities. Communicator use CSTA over SIP protocol and i just new to SIP. I want to implement SIP protocol in C++. Is there any body to help …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ehsen

I started to learn C++ few days ago. When I Run a program it show a console window for a moment then return to IDE. I even couldn't see the output. for example followig Hello World Program [code] // a small C++ program #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() …

Member Avatar for sd.lamba
Member Avatar for vijayan121

there seems to be nothing much happening in the c++ forum today. so here is something to chew on for programmers who are relatively new to templates: c++ can also be used as a metalanguage. [code=cplusplus]#include <iostream> using namespace std ; // compile-time computation of fibonacci numbers template < int …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Crouchinho

Ok guys, I could sure use some help regarding this search methond in C++. I have a 2D vector which i read from a text file. It looks like this: 000000000 000100001 000010000 The idea here is I have to search for the leftmost '1' in the highest possible row …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for daniweb2013

Hi, I'm using suse Linux 10.1, i wonder if there is any good compiler such as turbo c v.3 in Microsoft windows?! if anyone knows please help me.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for hungdt

I have an annoying problem with this piece of code: [CODE] int len = 5; char str[5]; do { cout << "Enter a string: "; cin.getline(str, len); } while (true); [/CODE] when the length of str is less than 5, the code runs fine. I can re-enter the string over …

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Member Avatar for kahaj

Anyone else using Dev C++ v. ? I can't figure out how to make it word wrap. Also, when I go to run a project, the window comes up for a split second, then just disappears. Never an error message, just disappears. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cathy01

Hi im new to this site, im sory if i post a message on a wrong section.. i juzt wana get some help on my assignment,, that is, doing a round robin or short job first cpu scheduling algorithm on c or c++.. please help me. thankz a lot!..

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for icetux

Hey, everyone. I am having getting my code to work. I have tried to add in a selection for the users. Not to mention I think I broke my table. here is the errors I get. 1>c:\users\keith\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\wk5mortgage\wk5mortgage\wk5m.cpp(51) : error C2446: '!=' : no conversion from 'int' to 'void …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mark busenitz

wanted something fast for writing a rendering engine so i wasted way to much time writing metatrix, then started having illusions of getting a job with it and now i'm closest to bum status i've ever been. maybe somebody can learn or actually use it, and if i get some …

Member Avatar for venomlash

Hi, I took a course in JAVA and learned about exceptions...I'm not sure how to throw and catch in C++. Can I get some help please???

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for trey.jonn

Is there any need to escape a Registry Key path when reading it from a file? eg. For the path :[B] HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT[/B] When reading input from a file , is there a need for escaping the''? If I use [B]" HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT"[/B], I get the same string [B]" HKEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT"[/B] back - …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for xxCattehxx

Everytime i turn on the pc i get serval things come up. First its Error Loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\fslvndya.dll Then its Error Loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\wxstofsr.dll Then finally its Microsoft visual C++ Runtime Libray C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe Here is my HiJackThis Log file. Please help me sort it out, its doing my head in. Thanks alot …

Member Avatar for kananga
Member Avatar for Crouchinho

Guys, Your help will be appreicated in this matter. i have to read a text file which has rows and columns into a vector. The text file could be of any size. 000000000 010010001 010010011 001001001 Now, how do I upload this text file on to a 2D vector? so …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for gaggu82
Member Avatar for n.aggel

This question goes out to everyone who knows the latest c++ standard by heart:P. We have the following program: [CODE=c++] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void wow(int& x, int& y, int&z) { x=x+1; y=z; z=z+1; } int main() { int i=0; int A[2]={10,11}; wow(i, A[i], i); cout<<i<<endl; cout<<A[0]<<endl; cout<<A[1]<<endl; } …

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Member Avatar for Ashu@sym

hello everyone, i am a rookie in C++ programming, can someone please clarify my one doubt regarding difference between handles and pointers ?? actually i am little confused about handles, can any one please clarify what exactly is a Handle and why is it used??

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, If any body is interested in learning C++ on his own then here is a site which I have been using to a great effect and satisfaction. Although many might be aware of it. [URL]http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/[/URL] I have bought some books on the language but none of the seem to …

Member Avatar for Ashu@sym
Member Avatar for complete

Can anyone tell me anything about manifest files? Anything at all. I have never worked with them until now and they are a mystery to me. I have to include one in a build and I only get an error at run time and the error is not helpful in …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for ciuchi

I have been searching for a solution to this problem: I'm given an expression in infix which can contain *,/,-,+ and I have to find the reduced form of this expression. Ex: Input: ((A+45)*16+(B-C)*D/4 )/8+ 55 Output: A*2+B*D/32-C*D/32 +145 All that can be calculated must be calculated and the simplest …

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Member Avatar for ajay.sontakke

Hi, Could someone please provide me an e-book (or a link to one), I can study Design Patterns from? Also, please do suggest me some good titles for the same. Thanks.

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The End.