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63 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, Using my application I've found a file path anywhere on my machine and store the full path in a CString variable. That is full path, like this, [CODE]G:\Work On\CPP\001_002_003.txt[/CODE] What I want to do is, find the name of the file(without the extension), 001_002_003 according to my example. …

Member Avatar for Gorf
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all. I want to read and update a ini file to do some processing. Here is what I have try. [CODE] public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here new ReadINIFile().readIt(); //new ReadINIFile().writeIt(); } private void readIt() { try { Properties pro = new Properties(); …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I just want to write a simple proxy to redirect client to different URLs. Say all users call the proxy server with the same URL and the proxy server redirect them to different URLs. How can I do such thing, can you please anyone comment on this. Thanks …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, First I create a dynamic buffer and set all element to zero. Then add a int value first to the buffer. Then after that int value add a string to the buffer, actually at the end of int value. But seems my code overwrite each other. Here is …

Member Avatar for kia_barghi60
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to create a Java product developer. That means a tool to update an existing version of an application automatically. You guys/gals have any idea. If you know any example regarding that, please put a link here to see. I really appreciate that. Thanks a lot. :)

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for C41R0

Yes, that code is too much to make a try pal. Too boring. Please specify your question with the simple code.

Member Avatar for C41R0
Member Avatar for orcboyx
Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I have a disk file define as [CODE]TCHAR szTempFile[MAX_PATH];[/CODE] What I want to do is, read that file into memory stream. To a buffer. How can I do it.

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, Here is the structure of my XML file. [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <data> <key>468</key> <name>pal</name> <option>10</option> </data>[/CODE] I want to read the option tag value, then increment it by 4 and write it to the same location. So at the end XML file content like this. [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <data> <key>468</key> …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, How it is possible to make curved vertex of a swing container like JDialog. Say I the property setUndecratoed() to true, so there is just a rectangular shape window I have. I want to curved a vertex there. Any suggestions really appreciate.

Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I use the swing timer to move a dialog from one position to another. Here is the code I have use. [CODE="java"] // Set the main window display location public void setWindowLocation() { int screenHeight = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height; int screenWidth = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width; int frameHeight = this.getHeight(); int frameWidth = …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to dispose a JFrame using a click-event. So I simply do this on Netbens. [CODE] private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } [/CODE] But it not work. Do you have any idea. I just want to dispose all the …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I already convert a C++ project to C# project. It's fine and working ok. On C++ I use DWORD data type. But in C# for that I used just a int value. Is that ok. Is there compatible data type which I can use for my project. Thanks.

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I have two C# projects (a service and a windows form) on the same solution. I want to send some parameters to the service on click event of the service start (serviceControllr.Start() method) How can I do that. Thanks.

Member Avatar for JerryShaw
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I'll explain my question as follows. I have a server application written using C++. Now I try to automate the server to start it automatically. So I write a .Net service to do that. It's fine, my service is working fine. But there is one issue. Actually my …

Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to add a string and a character to two columns of a sql database table. To do that I use a Command object rather to use the same connection on different functions. At the same time used a stored procedure to add data. Hear are some …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I've created two columns on the list view as follows. [CODE] ColumnHeader colHed; // Header one colHed = new ColumnHeader(); colHed.Text = "Name"; colHed.Width = 100; this.lwDetails.Columns.Add(colHed); // Header two colHed = new ColumnHeader(); colHed.Text = "Address"; colHed.Width = 200; this.lwDetails.Columns.Add(colHed); [/CODE] Then on a separate function I …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I'm working with some date formating, with local and UTC time format. At the end I've print the result to the console as follows. [CODE] cout << stLocal.wMonth << "/" << stLocal.wDay << "/" << stLocal.wYear << " " << stLocal.wHour << ":" << stLocal.wMinute << "\n"; [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I've use a CStringArray to store some CStrings in my application. Now I want to use another CStringArray on the same application. So I add another CStringArray instance on the class view, VC++ .Net 2003. When I add and compile it don't give any error message. But when …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, This question partially related to one of my old question. Reading the time zone information. Now I'm try to do it in this way. User enter the time offset. Using that value search the registry and find the time zone name. Where I'm stuck is how to search …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I've create a window as follows, [CODE=cplusplus] void CRtf::Initialize(void) { HWND m_hwnd_RTFBox = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_APPWINDOW, RICHEDIT_CLASS, "RichTextWindow", WS_BORDER|ES_MULTILINE, 0, 0, 100, 100, ::GetConsoleWindow(), NULL, 0, NULL); } [/CODE] After doing all the process, I've destroyed the window as well. My question is this. I use the above handler …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I'm going to learn a new subject on C++. Working with Windows API. Since I work with Java there is no API used, but I feel it is better to work a little with APIs. Here is my attempt for that. I want to read the system time …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I have a function that calculated two int values. I call the function only by using a string and calculated those two int values. I want to return that two int values from the function when I call it with a string. Look at the following function, [CODE] …

Member Avatar for rajatC
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I've create a window using CreateWindowEx windows API and do some work on it. Thats fine. But for the safer operation at the end of all the processing I want to close/destroy the window. I've try this, [CODE] BOOL clsWin = DestroyWindow(m_hwnd_RTFBox); if(clsWin != 0) { printf("SS"); } …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi, I want to count the number of characters of a string. Try to do it as follows. [CODE=cplusplus] int iSpace = 0; int iLength; string strTemp("This is a line of text"); iLength = strTemp.length(); cout << iLength << endl; for(int i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { if(( …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to find the number of words in a rich edit control. There is no direct class member to do this. So I think if I can count the number of word break and line brake then it is easy. But it is also not easy. On …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, For later use I want to create dll file, internally using MFC. I used MFC because it is so easy to do my job. So used the MFC-DLL Visual C++ project and code my project. Its ok. Later add another Console Application which support MFC as well. I …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, What is the easiest way to convert a CString into a standard C++ sting. Thanks

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to read a Rich Text Format file and get texts form it only. So, what I have done is according to RTF specification start to code detecting tags. Actually it is too hard, because RTF format has more that 1000 tags. If I going to find …

Member Avatar for eranga262154
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I want to store some data pairs. A variable name and the value. I've try it in this way. [CODE] //data map testing map<string, int> my_map;//map map<string, int>::iterator my_it;//map iterator my_map["first"]=10; my_map["second"]=12; string ss = "third"; my_it = my_map.find(ss); if(my_it == my_map.end()) { //insert new value my_map["third"] = …

Member Avatar for Narue

The End.