49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for Hamrick

I wrote strlen() for practice but it's really slow. Even if I copy the code from my compiler and run it, it's still slow. This is my test. [code=c++] /* strlen_comp Comparing my and Visual C++'s strlen by Kimberly Hamrick */ #include <assert.h> // for result tests #include <string.h> // …

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Member Avatar for bops

Hey, I have installed Kubuntu linux recently and I am looking for a compiler with an IDE to use with it. Does anyone know of any of these that will run on this OS and that I can get for free? Thanks.

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

I have both smartwin and devc++ on my computer. I am trying to develop a graphical user interface but when i try to import the smartwin.h file it fails. This is because the dev c++ can not see it. It says no such file or directory. The devC++ standard library …

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Member Avatar for bvgsrs

I am getting compile error C:\Dev-Cpp\Myproj\array.cpp cannot convert 'int (*)[3]' to 'int*' for argument '1' to 'int GetValues(int*)' at the lines indicated in Red. [code=C] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #define MAX 3 #define MIN 0 using namespace std; //int a[MAX][MAX]; int i,j; int Display(int *a) { int n=2; for (i=MIN; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for vladdy19

I delcared an enum type in my program: typedef enum {freshman, sophmore, junior, senior }level; then i declared a variable level x=freshman; how can i increase the enum type to go from freshman to sophemore etc.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vladdy19

I'm having trouble writing a Queue class using Book structures i keep getting this error where tried to assign the pointer front and rear to the next or previous link in the queue here is my entire Queue class i have highlighted the parts that gave me the errors <AD: …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ZachH26

I'm quite new to C++ and programming and general and I have a question about arrays. I realize this has been asked before but it has never been sufficiently explained, nor have I ever even been able to use the code given. I work with the standard C++ library and …

Member Avatar for ZachH26
Member Avatar for Brent.tc

I want to know how to remove the EWX_TOPMOST property from a window. Example: I have a window 900x900 that is relevently important, 810000 pixels is quite a bit of wasted space, and I need to get to another application, but the "big window" is very persistant in thinking it …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for vladdy19

along with that error i also get these for that same line error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) here is that line of my code [code=cpp]class Queue{ //Number 2 protected: struct Book *front; struct Book *rear; public: …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for vladdy19

these are the errors that i'm getting i dont' know whats wrong because most of it is given by the instructor any help with these errors will be greatly appreciated c:\documents and settings\compaq_owner\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\book.cpp(12) : error C2236: unexpected 'class' 'Queue'. Did you forget a ';'? c:\documents and settings\compaq_owner\my …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for banderson777

Hello, I'm a bit new at in-depth IE programming, and am having a bit of trouble with a couple of IE browser extensions (getting them to talk to each other). The first one is a C++ Browser Helper Object (BHO). I have a class (MyClass) that has a method called …

Member Avatar for unclepauly

hi, im creating a win32 dll using VS.NET 2005. actually im creating a COM component so i need to implement DllRegisterServer. The problem is that when i call regsvr32 on the dll, i get the error 'the dll was loaded but the dllRegisterServer entry point was not found'. Now, the …

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Member Avatar for bvgsrs

I have downloaded dev c++ IDE for C++ programmming and do have windows MediaCentre OS. Now to go for some widgets like buttons or textboxes in my program do I need to install gtk+ how would openGl with GLUT help me in this regard ? Do I have to download …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

I have three questions about MFC and their use in Visual C++ 2005. Firstly. Can one actually use the MFC in C++? I have taken a look at the internet and almost all the information seems to indicate that it, along with win API, is for use with C. There …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for stonecoldstevea

One-dimensional arrays in a function Ten students do a multiple choice assignment consisting of twenty questions. The lecturer wants to display their names and the mark obtained by each on the screen. Write a program to help him. Declare two global constants, namely NR_STUDENTS (set equal to 10) and NR_QUESTIONS …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

Hi, I'm basically trying to create captions that will go under an image in my project.. the problem is that if the caption line is too long, it will get chopped off... so I'm trying to write a function that will re-chop a string with endl's according to the width …

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Member Avatar for quintoncoert

can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong here? My program does not print any output after the attempted bucket sort. It only prints before. It is almost as if it does not run to its end.

Member Avatar for quintoncoert
Member Avatar for gaasha

I made an SDI application. I want to invoke it by clicking a button on a dialog in another application. I am using VC++ and tried including the header file of former [CODE]#include "..\TypingEditor\TypingEditor.h"[/CODE] and then creating its object with 'new'. [CODE]CTypingEditorApp *te = new CTypingEditorApp();[/CODE] But there are errors …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ridhimasatam

i hav classA hence A.h and A.cpp,i hav declared some member variables in A.h and defined/initialized them using object of class A in A.cpp.now i hav class B hence B.h and B.cpp ,now i want to use class A's same object and its member variables (which i hav already initialized) …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for kylcrow

I was asked to help make some test scripts at my work, and they use VBScript to write all their code. I pretty much only know c/c++ how hard would it be to learn VBScript if I am decent at c++? And does anyone have preference to which website they …

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Member Avatar for daddy89

I made an identical thread for PHP/MySQL, so I figured I would do it again, not only because I need to know, but so it can be stickied and others can use it. Please recommend: Tutorials Schools Books Etc. By the way, I'm speaking of C++, not C or any …

Member Avatar for hinduengg
Member Avatar for sadaka

Good morrow everyone, I have read a couple of threads regarding libraries and was getting the impression that I have to install libraries in order to link executables successfully. [COLOR=Green][I][B][U]Is this true that I have to first install libraries such as Mingw32 or CygWin into my drive in order create …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Hypnotik

Hello everyone. I'm working on the infamous TicTacToe program. I have created a class(TTT) with it's private and public members. The program is human v. computer. In the hmove function I ask for the coordinates (0,0;1,2; etc.). I'm not sure how to pass the user selection to the printb function …

Member Avatar for ridhimasatam

hi, if i hav member variables of a say class A defined and initialized in a class A how do i access its variables in a classB which is in diff file

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Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I have a server and client file. In Client I have [CODE]WSADATA WsaData; SOCKET Socket; [/CODE] In server I have [CODE]WSADATA xxx; SOCKET yyy; [/CODE] This is same in both files: [CODE]sock_addr.sin_port = htons(1234);[/CODE] Will this connection be established?

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for bvgsrs

Hi, I have the basic knowledge in C++ and C. I am now looking for workign on some game programming. Well, in C++ how can I get those buttons, text boxes frames etc as we have in Java or VB. would you suggest me some books or links also, that …

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Member Avatar for mahix

We want to build a C++ program to help a professor in grading a True/False class test. The description of the system is as follows: • The students’ IDs and their answers are stored in a file. • The first entry (header line) in the file contains the number of …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for bploog

Hi, DaniWeb Subscribers! I need to learn Cocoa with XTools quickly. I am reading Apple's Obj-C Prog Language manual and another book on Cocoa programming. I also looked at the examples provided by the ADC. I am still overwhelmed. I'd like to get the most simple example of the following …

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Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I d like to know how to call Blue screen of death under Windows Xp/Vista. (link to tutorial appreciated)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tonik69

Hi! I have the DEV-C++ and i want to install the Sparselib++ library. I have ever install a library again and I don't know what have to do.The foolowing instuction cannot help me. Can someone help me with e easiest way to install this library.It's very important fotm me. thanks! …

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The End.