49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for n.aggel

hello to everyone, i have the followign problem: i need to get the system date-time and then i need a way to add minutes(!!) to this variable.... in particular i want to make a program{part of a another program} that will print on a file dates&times. The problem is that …

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Member Avatar for edzness

Can you help me on this project of mine? Here's the problem. It's a payroll system where the employee can [B]enter[/B] his/her record. After entering his/her record it will be stored in a file. If their might be changes the employee might want to change he/she can be able to …

Member Avatar for n.aggel
Member Avatar for JRM

Hello all, I know this is borderline off-topic, but then again QT4 is a C++ based program... I compiled QT4.1.1 on a fedora 4 OS. I finally got all the registration issues worked so that it works in it's native X11 form as an executable. However codeblocks is having trouble …

Member Avatar for n.aggel
Member Avatar for blackjack

I'm not that used to C++ and hoping that someone can help me out with the [b]const[/b] keyword. If I make a parameter to a function 'const' ,and then try to reference it, like: [code=c++] int some_func(const char* param){ char* ptr = param; ... } [/code] to do something with …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for iaaan

Hey, i am trying to search an array of surnames. I am entering in a surname, and if that surname is in the array, i want to to bring out all other details for that surname that are stored in a structure. At the moment, i have this working for …

Member Avatar for iaaan
Member Avatar for spry

can someone tell me if they know any API's to view a remote desktop in vc++.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Birhane

Please i kind of need a quick help on how to plot polynomial graphs using c++.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

I would like to make my program grab an integer from the user (binary) and convert it to a normal number, I plan to do this manually but I need to know how to do something first: If the user enters, for example, 10110101 I need to be able to …

Member Avatar for Matt Tacular
Member Avatar for bigben09

Can anyone right a C++ program that does this? To make telephone numbers easier to remember, some companies use letters to show their telephone number. For example, using letters, the telephone number 438-5626 can be show as GET LOAN. In some cases, to make a telephone number meaningful, companies might …

Member Avatar for bigben09
Member Avatar for Mediamixerj

Okay I've just started learning c++ in college but I'm stuck on a bit of what to do to get the program to read from an file with floats. I've got floats like 38.5 33.6 44.45 42.86. I am told to read these floats ("temperatures") in the program. I start …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for SHWOO

The assignment is to write a C++ function using "pointer notation" that will write out the elements of an array of int in reverse order. The problem I'm having is with the sortAscend function and what the parameters should be to accept an array. I'm getting an error cause I'm …

Member Avatar for SHWOO
Member Avatar for tatumkay

just started c++ class.... we use the absolute c++ book after starting to read this book i decided to buy c++ for dummies and borrowed a book titled object oriented programming with c++ (book is from india written in english) i still have no idea where to start on these …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for Elfshadow

I started learning C++ as my first language. But some of the OOP stuff gives me trouble. I know C is a widely used language like C++ and has about the same syntax but isn't OOP.I have tried some basic C so i have not got parts that are different …

Member Avatar for Elfshadow
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Xzantose

I was wondering if it is possible to make a gui program in C++ without[COLOR=black] a toolkit, and if so are there any tutorials or books that I can read:?: [/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for blacklight
Member Avatar for revenge2

hello there, im new here and i want to start learning c++. I have a few books and tutorials however i could use some help with other tutorials and resources.. So basicly what i want to learn right now is how to make gui programms in c++. I know that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for KalebG

I'm 2 months into a vB.net class at my school and starting to grasp an understanding of programming. I would like to begin with C or C++ after my vB.net class is done or close to it. The point of this topic is to ask for any recomendatios you all …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Rickenbacker360

Hey again I need a little help with this assignment. What I'm supposed to do is have a user enter a positive integer and then the program should tell the user all the prime numbers before the number the user entered. However, with my program when I enter 22 for …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for abhinav.sharma

I'm new to these concepts but a derived class cannot access private members of the base class because they are simply not accessible externally. But what if I define the derived class in a friend function to the base class. will the private members of the base class be successfully …

Member Avatar for abhinav.sharma
Member Avatar for rwagnes

Hi, I have visual studio 2005 C++ Express Edition Installed. The instructions I have to create a library file are as follows: 1. Create a project 2. Add Header Files to the project 3. Change the Configuration Type on the Properties Menu to Static Library (lib) 4. Still in the …

Member Avatar for rwagnes
Member Avatar for lotsofsloths

[CODE] //The ATM Mahcine #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (const int) { int cash; int bank; int choice2; int choice3; char choice1; cout << "please enter amoount of $ in bank: "; cin >> bank; cout << "please enter amount of $ in cash(hand/wallet): "; cin >> cash; …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for smallpau1

[code=c] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; double power(double b, double p); void main(void){ int base = 0, power = 0, result = 0; cout << "Programmed by ." << endl << endl; cin >> base; cout << " ^ "; cin >> power; result …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for edy_ml

Hai guys My name Eddy, I'm HND Software Engineering at TATI, Malaysia, this is my 1st year of study, i need help ! somene can change below source code to templete by using C++ source code please help ... this is the source code: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for megabutt

Hi folks, from a newly created executable I am getting an "unhandled win32 exception" each time I run it. I don't even know how to begin to evaluate this error. Pls help. Debugger error dialog: Unhandled exception at 0x7831c5c2 in ATV.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for megabutt
Member Avatar for Aia

I don't visit any other forum but the C and C++, so I don't know if there's a different place where I can make this comment. However, I'm going to go ahead and say. I would like to give a public and loud THANK YOU! to this people: [COLOR=Blue]Mr.WaltP Mr.Ravalon …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for megabutt

Hello, I am learning the ropes here. I have a non-code question, strictly conceptual. How (generally speaking) do I design my project in Visual Studio C++ to acheive the flow in the block diagram, and specifically how do I access Var A and Var B from Main.cpp if they are …

Member Avatar for megabutt
Member Avatar for Mac.Z

Hello, I'm getting started with C++ and have some questions about the variable types: 1)The size of a variable type, is it defined by the compiler or computer or both? and why it differ from one to another? 2)Isn't [I][B]short int[/B][/I] supposed to hold smaller data than [I][B]int[/B][/I] can hold …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for herykl

I've been banging my head for a bit now trying to figure out why this isn't encrypting properly. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of resources out there for using wincrypt.h. I prefer to use the windows api's over having to use some external library to do the same task. …

Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

I have some code that generates numbers, and I wish to add them to some kind of list, I did research and an array seems to be close to what I want, but I can't find how to add a generated variable to it. Or is there some other kind …

Member Avatar for Matt Tacular
Member Avatar for Tauren

Well, is there a book I can get that teaches me all about How to create a game engine? Like how to create a game engine and stuff?

Member Avatar for John A

The End.