49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for raydogg57

Hi all. Eventually my program needs to prompt you to enter a year between 1800-2007 and then it will print off the calendar for that year. In order to do this I must create functions that determine what day of the week Jan 1 was that year, and a function …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for james_eblin

Hey, i'm new (as you can see i'm a freshman in high school) and wondering how to get started on learning c++. Obviousley their are no classes available to somebody my age so i'm pretty much on my own. Anubody know a good book or somthing on how to start …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for sandeepmuleymca

hi , i got project which already developed in c/c++ as visual studio project so i have to convert it into the java so can u give any information regarding whether any tool is available for conversion or suggest me any way to do this in short time waiting for …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for confussed!

Hi all. I am required to create a application which allows a user to drag images to a icon/ folder. This image file will then be copied. A thumbnail is then created and the thumbnail uploaded to an online Gallery. My first question is whether this is possible to achieve …

Member Avatar for confussed!
Member Avatar for Rickenbacker360

Hello, this is my first time posting here, so I'm new to the site and C++. First off I'm not asking anyone to do my homework, but I'am having some homework troubles. I've been working at it for awhile and I'm not really sure where to turn next. so any …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for degamer106

>_< I've been searching for nearly an hour and trying to find this memory leak. If you guys could help me find it it would be great. Thx. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <crtdbg.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::ios_base; /////////////// user defined data ///////////////////// /////////////// function prototypes //////////////////// class …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for iaaan

Hey everyone, this is my first post. I have viewed these forums alot in the past for C++ help and it has helped me out alot, however I have reached a problem myself. I have been doing C++ since last September and until then i was a complete newbie at …

Member Avatar for iaaan
Member Avatar for ankit_the_hawk

How can i include graphics in my C program which is compiled in windows compiler like Dev-c++? I was wondering whether it was possible to make the game "SNAKE" in C [B]without[/B] using commands like [INLINECODE]gotoxy[/INLINECODE] But a few moments later I realised that it was practically impossible to make …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Firestone

I'm starting to learn C++, and I wrote this program as a test: [Code=c] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { char *cString; ifstream File("file.txt"); File >> cString; cout << cString << endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } [/code] And when I try to run it it gives …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for wait4the1

Hi guys, I have a really puzzling question... I really want to start programming more. (Programming will be more of a hobby than a job for me.) The problem is that I can't figure out which language would be better to learn...C or C++ I want a language that: * …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for amirwan

hi, i want to add library to borland c++ it consist of header files and .lib files I try to put the header files in include file and .lib in lib file but they still not working, does that mean the .lib files are corrupted

Member Avatar for amirwan
Member Avatar for bluecat

Do you know how to save the content of a vector that is in a different form? Do I have to do a dynamic_cast or something like that? The vector has some numbers and I have to save them with a TSaveDialog that is in a different form.

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for bluecat

I'm making a shape editor. When I choose the circle button if I press the mouse button it appears a circle in the form, if I choose the square button it appears a square in the form. But I have to do an MDI Application with this. When I want …

Member Avatar for bluecat
Member Avatar for GuruGhulab

Hi there, I need to create a program that generates a random number, and asks the user to guess the number and the program tells them higher or lower, and if the program tells them higher, and they enter a number lower, or vice-versa, you call them a moron. For …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ameeroman

hiii every body. well i am a new member . well my problem is that i am a first year students and obvoisly i am studying c++. but i got an assignmet to do. i still not writing the code and i need help as soon as possible . please …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am working on a struct. The two requirements are for the user to be able to input an entry and then view it. I have two questions, when entering the data shouldn't I be able to enter spaces when entering the address i.e. 654 smith st and store that …

Member Avatar for disc
Member Avatar for tgmtgm1

I need to convert a code having arbitary number of nested loops using tail recursion. can any one provide me its solution in c/c++. For example: [code] for ( int a = 0; a < 3; a++ ) { for ( int b = 0; b < 3; b++ ) …

Member Avatar for VatooVatoo
Member Avatar for Marks256

As you probably have already read, i am new to c/c++. I have a simple little question, as i am not sure what happens in c/c++. If i were to start using Visual C++ Express 2005, would some of that knowledge work with something that is not visual? I know …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Noora

hey everyone.. Im new to this website and I really like it a lot:p I would like to ask you please to help me with the following assignment.. OC Transpo is doing a survey of its service. They have had somebody record the times at which #95 busses pass the …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ankit_the_hawk

I wanted you people's point of view on this project I made in C++ sometime back...I would be glad to recieve comments from anyone and everyone...Pls do check it out...So that I can know the quality of my project

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Member Avatar for khoramdin

[COLOR=#000000]Hello everyone,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I wish to develop an application which can be downloaded from WEB to user's PC (With the KNowledge of the users) and then it creates some soft of interaction with the hardware device of the user's computer. I basically wish to know when the CD/DVD player has been …

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Member Avatar for edek

Would you be so kind and tell me what does ^ symbol mean in definition of object, example: [code]class ^Object[/code] Thanks in adv

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for jd_1604

O.K. Ive compiled my program for debugging. I really don't know where to start looking. My program consists of two blocks of source code (Robotmoves.cpp and Character.cpp) and one header file (Character.h) Once I have compiled and attempted to run the program the error tells me my Robotmoves.EXE had triggered …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for raz81

hi all, I'm new to visual c++ and currently im doing a school project which involves using a smart camera-projector system....I need to use visual C++ 6 in order to connect to system and I just do not know how to do it......this is just the first step of my …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for theflier13

Hey, I am in the process of writing a program that stores a integer entry into an array where each element in that array directly corresponds to a date on the calendar for that month. I think I have my code working, or at least almost working. My problem comes …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for amirwan

hi may be i ask this question befor but i did not get a good reply. i want a socket library that help me to send and recieve packet and deal with them simply like PacketX library. but the problem here is that the application that i want to write …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for flageolet

Why won't the 'luck' function get executed? Pasting the code of my tutorial in my compiler creates the exact same error as the little test code below: 'luck' undeclared. First use this function. I use dev c++ Thx ;) [code] int main() { printf("hellow (printed in main)\n"); luck(); return 0; …

Member Avatar for flageolet
Member Avatar for may4life

Hi, can anyone tell me how to configure DirectX (December 2006) in MS visual C++ 6.0 please, or at least where or what to read to finally do it? I’m having a real hard time figuring this out thanks

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for flageolet

hi these are some variables: [code] struct TIJDSTIP { int dag; int beginuur; int operatiekamer; }; struct ALLE_PATIENTENDATA { int nummer; char naam[20]; struct TIJDSTIP tijdstip ; int leeftijd; int discipline; }; [/code] first I only fill: nummer, naam, leeftijd and discipline (so the main strucure) using scanf. example: [code] …

Member Avatar for flageolet
Member Avatar for Riya_Sen

This program is correct, it repeatedly asks the user to enter a score till you enter a negative or a number over 100. Than it adds all the scores and counts how many scores entered. Now the problem is I have to write a function called "average" that will will …

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The End.