49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for theflier13

Hey, I am in the process of writing a program that stores a integer entry into an array where each element in that array directly corresponds to a date on the calendar for that month. I think I have my code working, or at least almost working. My problem comes …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for amirwan

hi may be i ask this question befor but i did not get a good reply. i want a socket library that help me to send and recieve packet and deal with them simply like PacketX library. but the problem here is that the application that i want to write …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for flageolet

Why won't the 'luck' function get executed? Pasting the code of my tutorial in my compiler creates the exact same error as the little test code below: 'luck' undeclared. First use this function. I use dev c++ Thx ;) [code] int main() { printf("hellow (printed in main)\n"); luck(); return 0; …

Member Avatar for flageolet
Member Avatar for may4life

Hi, can anyone tell me how to configure DirectX (December 2006) in MS visual C++ 6.0 please, or at least where or what to read to finally do it? I’m having a real hard time figuring this out thanks

Member Avatar for may4life
Member Avatar for flageolet

hi these are some variables: [code] struct TIJDSTIP { int dag; int beginuur; int operatiekamer; }; struct ALLE_PATIENTENDATA { int nummer; char naam[20]; struct TIJDSTIP tijdstip ; int leeftijd; int discipline; }; [/code] first I only fill: nummer, naam, leeftijd and discipline (so the main strucure) using scanf. example: [code] …

Member Avatar for flageolet
Member Avatar for Riya_Sen

This program is correct, it repeatedly asks the user to enter a score till you enter a negative or a number over 100. Than it adds all the scores and counts how many scores entered. Now the problem is I have to write a function called "average" that will will …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for fesago90

Aright, now all of you might be tired of my sometimes info-lacking posts about binary files. ... but I have another quick question: How do I write and read a double in a binary file? Code as simple as the following does not work (which is the usual code for …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for !=logical not

Does anyone know how to make a console application open in fullscreen mode...Iv searched google,yahoo,MSDN, and other fourms and there was no specific C++ code for a console app fullscreen mode...Does anyone by anychance have an Idea on how to go about this?? :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for bops
Member Avatar for d1e9v85

[CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <string> using std::string; using std::getline; int main () { char string1[256]; char string2[256] ; cout << "\nPlease enter the first array string: \n"<<endl; gets (string1); cout << "\nPlease enter the second array string: \n"<<endl; gets (string2); int length1 = strlen( string1 ); int …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Boldgamer

[code=cplusplus]/*Make a program that allows the user to input either the radius, diameter, or area of the circle. The program should then calculate the other 2 based on the input. (Beginner)*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <cmath> int main () { double pi = 3.14159265, radius, diameter, area; char …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for lotsofsloths

Ok i just started c++ with no knoledge about any other programming language, so bear with me. I am trying to make a simple program that you enter a password and if it is correct, it says welcome. If it is wrong, then it says try again. Simple? Well when …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Jishnu

Using the Turbo C++ Project facility, I have linked some 5-6 files which consist of function definitions with a file which contains the definition of main(). main() uses the function definitions that are given in the other files. There are a lot of variables which need to be accessed by …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for shouvik.d

Hi all, we al know the preffered load address of any proj is 0x00400000 and DLL is 0x10000000. now if the OS is unable to use this address it relocates the project. now i have a need to use the Rva+Base address of all the methods available in a class …

Member Avatar for shouvik.d
Member Avatar for lotsofsloths

OK, here is my c++ program that i made with "Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition".... [code=cplusplus] #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Welcome To Danny's Game!.\n"; cout << "See if you can beat me.\n"; cout << "The First number below is your number.\n"; srand((unsigned)time(0)); int …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Riya_Sen

[COLOR=#000000]This my first C++ programming class and I'm not that good with C++, so please help me out. This is due in 4 hours. This is what i got and i got a lot of errors. Thank you and once again please help me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]1.Repeatedly reads a student score (for …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive got an exercise in which I have to fully parenthesize expressions using the higher-lower precedence, for instance: a+b*c would become (a+(b*c)) because multiplication has a higher precedence then addition. Here are my solutions for the following expressions: 1) a = b + c * d …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Marks256

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main() { double first_def; double secnd_def; int fibcount; int max; double curfib; int N; printf ("Please enter the number of loops (int value)... "); scanf("%d", &max); if(max <= 0) { printf ("Number must be greater than zero... seting to default 20\n"); max = 20; } first_def = …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for cpato

hey i am a 1 st yr college student in my country and im findin c++ programmin 2 b difficult n i found this site n i wud like to know if ne 1 here can help me with these 3 programs? 1. write a program that prompts for and …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for lotsofsloths

ok, i really want to learn how to use c++, but i can't find a site to download it from!! so if yall can be kind enough to list some sites that would be awsome!! :lol:

Member Avatar for lotsofsloths
Member Avatar for MBeckford05

Using C++, Allow a user to input a series of zeros' and one's. stored in an array representing a binary word. Then display the word horizontally on one line of the screen. Then the program finds the decimal equilivant on the screen. I would like some pointers on solving this …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for itchap

Hi, I'l be starting my graduation project in a few more weeks, and my group members and I still havent found the right topic. We've all been reasearching and all, but we still need more ideas. One of the ideas that we came up with is a text paraphraser. We …

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Member Avatar for amirwan

hi every one i am new and i want to ask if therer is any socket library in c that can work using Borland c++ to build network application in standard Dos and has the ability to reach the physical layer. thanks for all

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amishosh

Hi! First I'll say that I've searched this forum and read many threads and followed a few recommended links. I still need some clearifacation: I use Borlnad C++ V3.1 which runs in DOS. Can I draw an image in let say "Paint" and then display it with the above compiler …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for dinochom

Hi, i am using the visual studio 6.0 C++ compiler but i am using C programming console application. I have just learning C programming for 1 month and would like to learn more. So what is enum or playsound function? can i use them in C programming not C ++ …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for flageolet

I have made a txt file out of integers and chars that contains numbers and words. When I read the file and get to a line that contains a number, I would like to put it into back into an integer. How do i do this in c++? thx

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for uu666

Hello! here is what I wanna do: I have a while() statement, and inside of it I have some instructions to repeat. My problem is that, I want somehow to stop that loop ONLY when I press a key... I it's kinda like getch() but getch() waits for a keypress.... …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for raydogg57

I have a homework assignment that deals with creating a command line menu, and then selecting items from that menu that do something. the items need to be selected by using either a lowercase or uppercase letter that represents that specific menu item. for example, if i want to print …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jd_1604

G'day all. I have been trying some Allegro applications within my VC8 compiler. Everything has been linking fine until this one: [code] #include <allegro.h> BITMAP *myImage; int main() { allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(16); set_gfx_mode( GFX_AUTODETECT,1280,600,0,0); myImage = ( "G:\\My Images\\box.bmp", NULL); acquire_screen(); draw_sprite( screen, myImage, 200, 150); release_screen(); readkey(); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for JRM

For some reason this code is not accepted by the compiler. [code] template<class T, class A> void ShowMap(const map<T, A>& v) { for (map<T, A> ::const_iterator ci = v.begin();ci != v.end(); ++ci) cout << ci ->first <<": " << ci ->second <<endl; cout << endl; } [/code] The compiler says: …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Gotta few questions if you don't mind: 1) Exc_6_4) Wrote a table of values for the bitwise logical operators and was wondering if any of you could check them out whether they are correct this way. 2) I have to write five examples of undefined behaviour …

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The End.