49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shadowmoon

[quote] // play a wave file sound using the winmm library // For DevCpp add the library libwinmm.a to linker via // Project/Project Options/Parameters/Add Library // remember this is a console program! #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> // for PlaySound() #define SND_FILENAME 0x20000 #define SND_LOOP 8 #define SND_ASYNC 1 using namespace …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for lalalu

im trying to create a structure that contains an array of structures but i keep getting error when compiling the code (corrupt stack). just to make sure, is my struct code correct? [code] typedef struct status *StatusPointer; struct status { int item; }array[MAX_NUM]; typedef struct allStatus *AllStatusPointer; struct allStatus { …

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Member Avatar for jordan2005

hello people am new to c++ i dont have much knowledge about it what is the best book for a new comer to C++

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amishosh

Hi! I've tried to split it up a program I made for school into 3: header.h: has the functions declarations. func.c: contains the fundctions body. body.c: uses the functoins. Here's my code: [code] /* header.h */ void kelet(char *p); void copy(char *p1,char *p2); void insert(char *p1,char *p2); void reverse(char *p1); …

Member Avatar for Anonymusius
Member Avatar for gobiv

I need to write simple program in C++! I need to write program that read information from file,which contain <50,students name and respective score.My program need to calculate average score and print out students name,who get below average mark to screen!But,i don''t know how to use string to do it.... …

Member Avatar for gobiv
Member Avatar for chicagoavonlady

Could somebody help me understand what this is asking for? I have tried different c++ codes and I don't think im reading it right... NOTE: IM NOT ASKING FOR THE ACTUAL CODE... I want to try and figure this one out 1st....but I don't think the way I'm reading it …

Member Avatar for chicagoavonlady
Member Avatar for Mistro116

I want to do something like this: class foo { private: class foo2 { ... void Print (ostream & out) .... }; ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const foo & temp); public: ... } I want it so class foo can cout << foo2 objects only in the foo …

Member Avatar for Mistro116
Member Avatar for mlawson22

Im so lost in this C++ class I have a vague idea of what to do but am getting myself confused. If anyone would help me get started on doing this assignment I would greatly appreciate it. :sad: Assignment: A mail order house sells five different products whose retail prices …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Sashar400

Hi I am new to this forum and to c++.I am having problems reading data from a txt file into a 2d array. The data is in the file like this 1 5 87 3 3 24 2 4 62 4 2 22 I am only suppose to read in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for moussa.eltayeb
Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

I am writing a simple program.. enter first and last name and a search is performed.. and their phone number (if found) is returned. I have used vector class iterators before a couple of times.. but devcpp does not seem to like this code.. and stops compilation somewhere inside of …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone. I dont know if anyone here can help me but I run a site powered by the Joomla CMS. I wanted to design a component for my site and I was wondering if i could use C++ to design it instead of PHP and just use the 'system' …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey guys. Ive been trying to write this program for a while and I keep getting errors on line 78, "Circle undeclared." I think it has something to do with the constructors and templates. I dont think im calling it right. Can someone take a look at it for me …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders
Member Avatar for doraemon

I just start learning C++. I thought I can access an integer array by using pointer arithmetic method. why does the first program work but the second one does not??? [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int array [5], i, *p; for (i = 0; i < 5; …

Member Avatar for rowly
Member Avatar for amishosh

Hi! On different occassions (random as much as I can tell) the "gets" command does not work. The compiler simply skips it and moves on to the next code line. Like I said, other times it does work. Any suggestions? Thanks Ami

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for hoosier23

If I were to overload the subscript operator, aka '[]', it would probably look something like this: [code] int &operator[](int); [/code] If I filled this array with 10 digits.., etc... How could I return the largest digit, and then the next largest digit? etc... I'm not sure if a …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for TJW
Member Avatar for kaka_shi
Member Avatar for Gigs_

Hey people, does someone know program that can open something.X files and that is big about 2GB? thanks appologies for post here.

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Member Avatar for dhaya

i need a program urgently for round robin schedulng algorithm using circular linked list implementation.. please send a program using c++... post the prg to my mail id.. << moderator edit: removed email address >>

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for shiman999

:cool: can any one help me to get the latest version of borland C++/ turboC++, which is fully funcional.... plz help me.... i am planning to do project in C++... which shuld have a complete features.... i have turboc3 compiler..... plz any latest....:?:

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dev.cplusplus

Hi to all, I don't now if this is the rigth place, but I will ask anyway. I'm trying to improve the performance of my ISAPI application (written in C++), I'm looking for information to read in the web but I dind't found much, I was wandering I you have …

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Member Avatar for Niklas

I am trying to make my program more easy to use and not have computer illiterate people struggle to install my program. My question is can a C++ program install ITSELF into another directory upon execution. I want the program to run, but I also want it to make a …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for johnnyrocket

I've placed a CSV file into an array with C++ with each row being a single array element, but the file contains many, many columns that I don't need. I only need columns 1,2,3,4,6,7 out of about 50. Is is best to read the full value into the array and …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for phuduz

Hey guys im working on a a banking program for my cpsc class and i have the code finished and i just cant get it to run, i believe my brackets are wrong somewhere but i just cant figure out which ones so if someone could juss help me out …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for chicagoavonlady

I just started class about 4 wks ago. I just got my deitel's c++ how to program book and I already cannot figure out how to do this homework assignment... (I got shiested online...getting refund, just had to purchase book late.) use a while statement to determine and print the …

Member Avatar for chicagoavonlady
Member Avatar for mikeallen

I'm trying to write program that evaluates a poker hand and returns whether or not it contains a straight, flush, pair, etc. I've got every method except one to work. I cannot figure out how to correctly write the method that determines whether or not there is a straight. Every …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for mypranoygarg

hi everyone! can anyone help me with making a program which is to print a timekeeper like shape with "*"

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for computerages

I want a program, which will set an alarm on a computer at a specific time according to the day and time... and a window will pop up on the screen with your own text on it.... I want the yellow notification box on the toolbar to popup indicating a …

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The End.