49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for CurtisBridges

[COLOR=#000000]Need help creating this to these instructions, mainly with the part where I call an existing files that has already been created and saved in Notepad as attached.(File one and File two). Below are the directions and some code. I think you will be able to tell what I’m trying …

Member Avatar for CurtisBridges
Member Avatar for bajanstar

hi, can someone help me with writing down a recursive algorithm for traversing a binary tree in reverse-postorder that also returns the rank of each node? So far i have (and i know thatit isnt much but this problem giving me issues). [code] postorder: save current posistion if(lchild) move to …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for CurtisBridges

Hi everyone. Iam a beginning C++ student having trouble with a simple one column char. aray. what I'm trying to do is : display the value of the seventh element of chaacter array f. Wich shoud b 6 if a=0. Please help. Below is my code, so far: [[COLOR=#0000ff] #include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for hoosier23

This is a simple Rectangle calculator that uses classes. Ok, so I keep getting errors like. [quote] Error 1 error C2660: 'rectangle::getLength' : function does not take 0 arguments Error 2 error C2660: 'rectangle::getWidth' : function does not take 0 arguments Error 3 error C2660: 'rectangle::getLength' : function does not …

Member Avatar for hoosier23
Member Avatar for nanodano

Hi everyone, I have a simple setback in my program. I'm not the best way to go about doing this. I'm trying to do it in the simplest way possible. I have an input file that looks like this 2.5 600 -2 10 20 30 I want to sort each …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for ToySoldier

Been working on this project for last 2 nights. Cant get rid of this error message on my [B]last method PAIR::area() [/B]. It's defined at the bottom of my program. Everything else compiles... builds... executes just fine. Rusty on the basics and trying to figure out methods.... here is my …

Member Avatar for ToySoldier
Member Avatar for sameer.mastek

I want to call a TCL script from a C++ code. Can anyone give me the suggestion to achieve so!

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shailesh1064

Hi friends, I have a program written in c++. This program is working 100% but it accepts only keyinput and displays output on the screen. I want to modify this program such taht it takes the input from infile (input.txt) and send the output to (output.txt). Please help me to …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Ajay Raj

Hi can anny one help me out optimizing the follwing issue: [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy]A C++ class has the following member:[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy] int status_[75];[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy]During performance analysis it was found out[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy]that the class (its object) was performing unsatisfactorily[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy]making it a necessary candidate for optimization.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][COLOR=navy]The following additional information was also found …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for Sashar400

[COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <iostream>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]<iomanip>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <cmath>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]using[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]namespace[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] std;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]int[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] main()[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#0000ff]char[/COLOR] choice; [COLOR=#0000ff]const[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]int[/COLOR] arraysize=20; [COLOR=#0000ff]int[/COLOR] num[arraysize]; [COLOR=#0000ff]do [/COLOR]{ cout<<"I will give you the Sum,Mean,Var & the Std Dev of any series of numbers?Y/N:"<<endl; cin>>choice; [COLOR=#0000ff]if[/COLOR](choice =='Y'||choice =='y') { cout<<"How many numbers will you enter? (up to 20)?"; cin>>num[arraysize]; [COLOR=#0000ff]for[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for sameer.mastek

Hi I would like to know how could we communicate between VC++ and TCL. I've tried it using SWIG. that was call for C++ function by TCL. Can a C++ give a call to TCL module. What is the ICE? Is it related to C++ and TCL communication somehow?

Member Avatar for sameer.mastek
Member Avatar for seanlo

hi, In recently, I have a mission for porting a source code from Pro*C. And the database is changed from Oracle to Mysql. The part of original source code(Pro*C) is shown below: char i_id_no[13+1]; char accn_name[16+1], account[7+1], b_no[20+1], code_type[1]; int ii; : : EXEC SQL DECLARE cursor_1 CURSOR FOR SELECT …

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Member Avatar for Zabby

Hi is there anyone willing enough to help me solve my problem. I'm using both Dev C++ 5 in windows and g++ in Linux to compile this code but was unable to do it successfully. Can any one help mi pliz [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // …

Member Avatar for risby
Member Avatar for ToySoldier

Hi, Appreciate any help. My code compiles... builds.... executes just fine. Only problem I'm having is... I cant figure out how to get PAIR::big() to simply print out the larger #. When I execute... it displays... the Larger # like I want... but then for some reason it displays the …

Member Avatar for ToySoldier
Member Avatar for Sashar400

I have #include<iomanip> header also and it's still not working.I am getting 2 dec places but it's .00 Why is that?Please help. here is the code cout << showpoint << fixed << setprecision (2); cout<<"The Mean is "<<mean<<endl; also this code is not working ,when I use the [ ] …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for n3st3d_l00p

[code] cin.ignore(); cout << "Enter lecture notes/tutorials location.\n"; cout << "e.g C:/Lecture Notes/lecture01.ppt"; cout << ">>>"; getline(cin,lectut_loca); cout << "Enter lecture notes/tutorials name: "; cout << "e.g lecture01.ppt"; cout << ">>>"; getline(cin,lectut_name); string copy = "copy"; copier = copy + " " + lectut_loca + " " + lectut_name; const …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mikeallen

I'm completely new to C++, and my teacher gave us a card game to do for our first assignment. The card game has to deal a hand of five cards and determine whether or not it contains a flush, a pair, a straight, three of a kind, or four of …

Member Avatar for mikeallen
Member Avatar for Akks_3

hi I have a Borland C++ 5.5 command compiler. I needed to plot a graph using a C++ program. However, I discovered that there were'nt any graphics library (pls correct me if I'am wrong). So I copied graphics.h and BGI files from a Turbo C++ compiler. But I can't still …

Member Avatar for alexwinger
Member Avatar for matrimforever

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that computes interest and check fees and then prints a new calculated balance. So far it works okay, but seems like I have a lot of unnecessary work. Can someone help me simplify it down plz? ps: The premium acct has no check …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for compshooter

I am trying to grab an input file and outfile file from the user. I can grab the input file no problem, but Dev C++ just steps right over the following line... [code] cin.get(ofname, 150); //grab filename from user[/code] Here is some more of the code. Does anyone have any …

Member Avatar for compshooter
Member Avatar for Quan Chi2

I'm trying to use input from a text edit box to delete a file. The input from the textbox will be the file location and the delete button will use DeleteFile() to delete the file. [img]http://img436.imageshack.us/img436/5578/deleteboxvn0.png[/img] Do you know what I mean?

Member Avatar for Han1977
Member Avatar for herge

Hi All: I have downloaded C++ 2005 Express from Microsoft. I then run a date + time program, the compiler says the functions I am using are deprecated, and I should use localtime_s. So You go to Microsoft, search for localtime_s. You throw the example code into your compiler. Bingo …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for RichC

I created a random number game where the user tries to guess the number using a while statement with three ifs in it for high low and correct number. but after the user guesses the the number it ends the while and the program. How can I make it so …

Member Avatar for RichC
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi I'm using visual c++ express since yesterday and I have an error that visual c++ 6.0 didn't detect :p I think it can be some program configuration... :o [CODE] 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: IUCUNN, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'IUCUNN', configuration 'Debug|Win32' …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for darkeinjel04
Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for webspy

I'm trying to make a simple game using the Windows GDI, so I'm developing some C++ classes to take care of window class registration, window creation, painting and other common tasks. So far I've finished the OBJECT class (which will be the base object from which the other classes such …

Member Avatar for ATS

I am completing my degree in Multimedia and Software Developement. The two languages that are being focused on are VB.net and Java. When I finish my degree, I will have not had a class in C++. Is C++ not used very much any more? I was just kind of curious.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for LocoBird

Its a common problem but i've never had it before. source compiles fine. but get linker error when i build. tryed with Dev C++ and VC 6.0 same problem with both compilers. [Linker error] undefined reference to `CQTMovieFile::CQTMovieFile()' all libs and files are added any thoughts anyone.

Member Avatar for n3st3d_l00p
Member Avatar for hoosier23

i'm very much a newbie, so pardon me if i am breaking programmer ettiquette, but could someone debug this, please? i could use a lift after 8+ hours workin on this... this is player.h [CODE]#ifndef PLAYER_H #define PLAYER_H using namespace std; class player { private: char* name; int bankroll = …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for n3st3d_l00p

hello.. help me solve this :cheesy: when a new car or motorcycle created, the system should create a folder with the name of the car or motorcycle. the hierarchy should be like this: Vehicle(main exe folder) +Car -Porsche -Ferrari +Motorcycle -Suzuki -Honda new vehicle info's folder shoud be create as …

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The End.