49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for Samier999

I need this program please..... Using array and functions crate a program that asks the user to enter the information of ten of his\her friends (name, phone, DOB) and than primo the information in a form of a report

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Rickname

Hello, * I want somehow to force the Firefox OR Chrome browser to open the browser windows hidden ( the windows to have the SW_HIDE style from the start when they are created ). **For example :** If I want to open a new browser window besides my current one, …

Member Avatar for Rickname
Member Avatar for ranar

Okay so i am trying to make it so i can unzip files using c++ and found a library called zlib i built all .sln file in the folder *contrib/vstudio* they all compiled succesfully but when i try to get this example to work /* unzips testfile.txt from C:\temp\test.zip and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for ztdep

Dear friends: Could you please give me some information about the parallel performance of TBB on a multicores pc. what is the difference between the tbb and mpi. Regards

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for andreagonz9

This part of the code in a program Im translating is giving me problems and I dont really know how to solve it. Could some one help?? does anyon know how to do it? void max(int int list1[], int list2[], int list3[], int n) { int j; for (j = …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Syafiq_1

#include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> class student{ protected: char name[40]; char roll[10]; char dep[5]; char batch[5]; void get(){ cout<<"\n enter the name"; cin>>name; cout<<"\n enter the roll"; cin>>roll; cout<<"\n enter the deperment"; cin>>dep; cout<<"\n enter the batch"; cin>>batch; } }; class cgpa:protected student{ private: char subname[10][20]; char subcode[10][20]; float gpa[10]; …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for vampersie

#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class A{ private: string id; string work; // same as class B int salary; public: void getid(string _id){ id=_id; } string returnid(){ return id; } void getwork(string _work){ work= _work; } string returnwork(){ return work; } /* if i need to use the data of …

Member Avatar for vampersie
Member Avatar for maryamalik

i need help to draw hollow square . i am done making completely filled square . anyone pls ?

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Learner010

i learned about 1D Array , 2D Array , 3D Array.But today , suddenly my friend asked my a question on "how to access Array Elements". i said "just use array with index".like a[0],a[1] and so on. and then he replied(it seemed that he knew very well about array) "is …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Krasen

Make flow chart from this code, how ? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> struct point { double x, y; }; struct point input_point() { struct point a; printf("x = "); scanf("%lf", &a.x); printf("y = "); scanf("%lf", &a.y); return a; } struct point reverse(struct point v) { struct point w; w.x = …

Member Avatar for darkenmac
Member Avatar for dhruv_arora

I recently installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on my computer. I wrote a C++ program and I can't find any Build/Compile/Run options in Visual Studio 2010. Please, any one can tell me how can I compile C++ programs in MS Visual Studio 2010.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for molu

Write a C++ program that stores ten numbers into an array, and determines the total and average of the numbers . The program uses a do - while loop to add

Member Avatar for kellyperry15
Member Avatar for clasp1

Hi I just recently started learning about using the windows form application for C++. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and I have came across this problem. For instance, I am trying to read and write to a text file. Many guides suggest using StreamWriter^ and using namespace System::IO; to …

Member Avatar for clasp1
Member Avatar for kymera

i need the whole c++ programming code for this because am making mistakes in it everywhere i think so pls help me.................. (printing distinct numbers) write a program that reads ten numbers and displays distinct numbers (i.e., if a number appears multiple times, it is display only once). (hint: read …

Member Avatar for stevedaniel
Member Avatar for Learningvinit

Hi I am trying to use counted_ptr with a class. Can anyone tell me about the syntax and how to use it. I tried as below but failed. class counted_ptr ; counted_ptr<MyClass>pmyClass= NULL;

Member Avatar for Learningvinit
Member Avatar for Neuman

The job market for c + + programmer is promising? And where it gets the best jobs? Thank you,

Member Avatar for Neuman
Member Avatar for Ahmadabbas

i want to solve this Q with out using any function i mean with simple programing plz help me

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for andreagonz9

Im having trouble translating this c++ program into pep8 assembly language if someone could help with at least part of it, I would appreciatte it, it would be extremely helpful thanks in advance # include <iostream> using namespace std; int get1(int list[]) { int j; int n; cin >> n; …

Member Avatar for andreagonz9
Member Avatar for ciocolatadulce77

De curand mi-am instalat windows-ul si aveam code blocks , imi functiona inainte sa instalez windows-ul dar dupa cand dau compilare imi apare o eroare de genul :No such file or directory, mi-am instalat iar code blocks si tot apare chestia ia :| Ce ar trebui sa fac??

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ali.mokhtari.560

Hi every body.i want to make a factorial program with do while loop in the easiest way without using 'for' loop but i cant do that.please help me out!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cambalinho

heres my variant class: // *** ADDED BY HEADER FIXUP *** #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> // *** END *** #ifndef VARIANT_H_INCLUDED #define VARIANT_H_INCLUDED class variant { string a=""; public: variant (string value="") { a=value; } variant (double value) { a=to_string(value); } friend istream& operator >>(istream &is,variant &obj) { …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Sugondo

i have some problem about link the library to executable. i tried to statically linking but when i create the .a file i always failed, what i want to know is there any way for the exe look up into current directory instead of the system if i has all …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for surfingturtle

#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; void TOH(int d, char tower1, char tower2, char tower3) { if(d==1) //base case { cout<<"\nShift top disk from tower"<<tower1<<"to tower"<<tower2; return; } TOH(d-1,tower1,tower3,tower2); //recursive function call cout<<"\nShift top disk from tower"<<tower1<<"to tower"<<tower2; TOH(d-1,tower3,tower2,tower1); //recursive function call } int main() { int disk; cout<<"Enter …

Member Avatar for surfingturtle
Member Avatar for Delters1

This is a homework problem. I have 5 modules to encode and decode a txt file using the huffman algorithm along with. I'm having some difficulty with where to start with the decoding module. I have to do the decoding using the functions from binary.h and binary.cpp and my priority …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

How do Vim and Emacs allow the whole console to be used, even after an enter has been recieved? (this can be Windows-specific) I've got unbuffered input, and I have methods for output to print to anywhere in the console. What methods do Vim/Emacs employ to make the entire screen …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, Unfortunately I learnt OpenGL from NeHe tutorials, which means that all of my current methods for OpenGL-ing are extremely deprecated. I tried to find a more up-to-date tutorial, but all they seem to do is teach how to get really complicated stuff out of OpenGL. I just want to …

Member Avatar for klfrancisco

I am in introduction to c++ and I have a homework problem that I am trying to do. The problem states display the average high temperature and average low temperature. The program should also display the highest temperature stored in the first column in the array and the lowest temperature …

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Member Avatar for AmrMohammed

Greetings, I urgently need a book/books for digital image processing can any ne help with books names or books URLs.

Member Avatar for AmrMohammed
Member Avatar for daino

As naive as this is going to sound, I have to ask it. I have a stream compressed in LZW encoding. I can decompress a stream provided it is in a numerical format. The below I have extracted from a pdf file stream compressed in LZW. I'm assuming the below …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for chetan.pal.376

The project must include the facilities of a blood bank including the registration of a new use/ donor, blood request, list of blood groups available, searching for the availability of blood.

Member Avatar for kal_crazy

The End.