49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for rack

this is a bonus question..the doctor didnt give this subject to us..but i need these marks.plz someone help me. write i binary file that: 1.add new student. 2.delete student. 3.update student. 4.search student. 5.display student. 6.exit. each student must have first name , average, SID

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for niyasc

Hai, This is a source code written in turbo c for car racing game as a part of my higher secondary project. May I get some advices to improve it? 1.Did I use the real method to constitute motion in c? 2.How can I include sound in c? { Function …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Nikhar
Member Avatar for Nikhar
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i DO have searched the google to do multithreaded programming using c++ and found there were few like the ones supported in BOOST libraries and zthreads .. I would be glad if u guys could help me in suggesting much better ways in doing so .

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for AddyMan

I need help to make a function that checks to see if a position is already occupied by an X or O. The game just checks to see if the random pc spot is the same as that chosen by the user on their last turn. I'm trying to get …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for rag84dec

HElp needed to create a windows service , to launch a simple thread created by the user. I got an article here... [url]http://www.devx.com/cplus/Article/9857/1954[/url] But how to create a thread at apropriate places , like STOP , RESUME , SHUTDOWN?.PLease give me some pointers , thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for mahela007
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

This shows how to get the size of all the files in a folder, and all its sub-folders on MS-Windows operating system. It uses recursion to transverse all the directories, and return a 64-bit integer. It was compiled with VC++ 2008 Express and Code::Blocks Version 8.02 with MinGW compiler.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I will start with SDL_mixer to make media player I have longed to make for long now. Here my question goes. Do I need to know SDL before I can use SDL_MIXER or I can just start directly? and good tutorial for begginner? Thanks all

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for sman13

I need help by saving a codded file like making a internet explorer what should I do email me at <EMAIL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for prashw

hey all.........i m new here!!!!!! I am at my wits end on this problem.....i would appreciate it if you could give any help..................................................... i managed to compile and run a C++ program that intializes and reads/writes to a serial port . I was using the Dev C++ compiler to write …

Member Avatar for Ivan85
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey I read one tutorial and tried to edit a code a little bit now I can send messages from server to client. Im wanting to shutdown process on the client computer if the buffer matches kill and it won't work. Heres code: Client: [code]#include <iostream> #include <winsock2.h> #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") …

Member Avatar for laelzio.mosca

I finished my tic tac toe game program, I`d like to know if anyone can tell me what I need to do in order to send the .exe file to someone and make it so the file executes without problems. Thanks guys

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Member Avatar for ge6a93

Hello, i'm using VC++ 6.0 and i have a problem with pressed keys in my program. When i press some key i make my program do something. For example i have a falling circle in a timer and if i press 'Z' when the circle gets coordinate Y = 500 …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for cjwenigma

OK so here is a fighter game I made..except my fighters power won't decrease and I can't get my fighters names to show up....*sigh*... any idea.. My functions could be wrong.. but I always thought it went above int main().. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int fighterOne (char fighter1Attack){ string fighter1Name; …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Earendil

Today is my second day with *<Accerlerated C++>,* and so far I've read until chapter three. Below is the code written in the book and as a part of solving the chapter's exercise problem 3-0, I typed and compiled the code. (using vc++ 6.0) I assumed there would be no …

Member Avatar for Yiannis_Sp
Member Avatar for packrisamy

// Samy1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "math.h" using namespace std; int main() { float c; c = log10(100.0)* 10 ; cout<<c; int a; cin>>a; return 0; } Hi All, I tried above program in VC6, and compiled fine in both debug …

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for primalka

after having 10 years career - u know my age now- , I badly need a change in my career, I hope to spend 6 month learning and then look for a job. i have been working in non software but IT career over 10 years. can do self study …

Member Avatar for shishio1014

can you guys suggest a way for me to code c++ without using IDEs? a link or two could really help

Member Avatar for pspwxp fan
Member Avatar for abbel
Member Avatar for bbonik

Dear all, I am new in using Borland C++ and I face a difficult problem to solve. I would be most grateful if you gave me some advice on it. I use Borland builder 6, with winXP+SP3 I have created a dll (mydll.dll) which opens a binary file, makes some …

Member Avatar for patildh

Cause of Problem. Issue is generating from OCI API. When we select same fields multiple times in a query. then OCI API is not returning record count of same table. it is generating/adding new record into same table? i.e if MNAME with VARCHAR2(30) then in new record MNAME field value …

Member Avatar for eduard77

How can I define this algorithm to calculate the matrix that has uneven nr of rows and columns? //============================================================================== // // Linear System Solution by Gauss method // // // //============================================================================== #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <cmath> //============================================================================== void VectorPrint(int nDim, double* pfVect) { int i; printf("------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=0; …

Member Avatar for eduard77

Hello I am really new in c++ but I read a lot of books. But I haven't found in any book how to add an interface to my program. So, what is necessary that the program to not run in the windows console?

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Member Avatar for abel kaleab

write a programm which out put is a triangle example 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for baron919

Hi guys. Just joined the forums. I was quite an admirer for this community and the source codes here really helped me in learning process and for that i thank you. I am a student of 1st semester in BS(CS). I want to become a Game Programmer and am trying …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hello I got a little problem with winapi programming I can edut dialogs graphically with resource editor but is there any way to edit mainform in similar way? Writing on iPod so there may be typos

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bhas_purk

Hi guys, Im doing this project in VC++ 2005. I cannot seem to get the size for my directory. No error is returned when I use GetLastError(); Both Low and High are coming out as 0. I do get a handle value for MF ( dunno how to verify if …

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for new programer

hello all please help .. whenever I enter a path it tells me it cannot open the file here is the code: [CODE]# include <iostream> # include <fstream> # include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct count_type { int count; double percent; }; void intial_struct(count_type count[]); void open_file(ifstream&, ofstream&); void counter(count_type …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I have made a simple win32 application that converts temperatures. [B]Problem:[/B] I am displaying a bitmap image in a static control that is scaled using StretchBlt(). But when the application runs it goes into an [B]infinite loop, doesn't display the bitmap & crashes[/B]. I believe the problem is either …

Member Avatar for tkud

Hi everyone , I have an edit control and 2 APIs for saving text from and loading text to the edit respectively. However, when I load text, instead of giving out the exact alphabets in the text, it gives chinese!! Please, I need help to tackle this problem,any psitive help …

Member Avatar for Frederick2

The End.