49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for dsakhare

Hi Guys I Need A Program Code Of Hospital Management For My mini-Project (Need Diploma Level Code :D) I hope That u guys will help

Member Avatar for DTV
Member Avatar for new programer

hello all.. I have been working on a code to deal with cryptex .. please take a look at it and tell me what am doing wrong if you may.. here's the code: [CODE]//This program takes the number of rings, the unlocking word and the secret word in the form …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for Jibran_

Hi! I am a student doing bachelors in Computer Science & IT. (2nd year) Please, can you people give me some decent ideas for my software project this year in C++? Last year, I built a small typing tutor (6800 lines of code) in C. I want to do something …

Member Avatar for Jibran_
Member Avatar for NativeCode

I seem to be getting an error in this code gdb tells me the segerror is comming from the code: data[dpos]+=cmd[d]; [CODE]//Strip tags data[0]="";data[1]="";data[2]="";data[3]=""; dpos=0; for(int d=0;d<cmd.size();d++){ if(cmd[d]==';'){ dpos++; } else{ data[dpos]+=cmd[d]; } } cmd=""; //end strip[/CODE] Could anyone please tell me whats going on?

Member Avatar for NativeCode
Member Avatar for dre1234

Hi, I've just installed GraphicsMagick-1.3.7 under MinGW on Windows Vista OS. I'm trying to compile an exemplary piece of code included in the documentation using the C++ API (Magick++). [code=c++] #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <Magick++.h> using namespace std; using namespace Magick; int main(int /*argc*/,char **/*argv*/) { try { // …

Member Avatar for zinia

how do i make a very very simple game using c++?? pls i need the syntax.

Member Avatar for Dany_08
Member Avatar for BobFX

Hi, I need to convert some C# code into C++. It starts with: [code=c#] Dictionary<string, ListViewItem> mItems = new Dictionary<string, ListViewItem>(); [/code] I can't find a full example in the C++ Visual Studio documentation. How do I declare a Dictionary object? A small example would be appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for BobFX
Member Avatar for marirs07

i've done a c program which involves creating and updating of files,i'd like to run my exe online,and moreover i want my files to be updated automatically after i work on that exe ,is there any way to do this.Plz Reply Soon.Thanks in advance.....

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for foxmulder

Hi all! Merry Christmas in advance! My question is "easy", I am looking for a "finished game" that I can revise. The game must be text-based and in C++. The game description is the following: A bow must be set in both angle and force to hit a balloon in …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

I have a mathematical problem that I am not sure how to solve. I am trying now but still cant find a solution. What I is doing is this: The example is that I have a number: "129" that I will need to round down to the nearest value. The …

Member Avatar for Darth Vader
Member Avatar for arshad115

i have so many functions in my program,what i want to do is, i want to return back to the main() but in somewhere middle of it!. should i use goto statements? i tried 'em,it gave some error! if i should use goto then please explain how to,thanks

Member Avatar for Cokaric
Member Avatar for tkud

Hey everyone, since nobody has decided to assist me in my problems, I guess I have to throw it at you guys this way: I am using Visual C++ 2008 Express edition, I have a win32 tutorial that I'm using, and I'm saving my files as .cpp. However, the codes …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for qwertymk

I have the following code and was wondering if it is a memory leak [CODE] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> using namespace std; template <class T> class live { vector<T> _data; live<T> *_next, *_temp; public: live(int elements, int chunk = 10) : _next(NULL) { if (elements > …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for bhas_purk

Hi guys, Merry Christmas. I created a program to delete duplicate songs from my computer. It is working nicely and for it to be really helpful I want to package it somehow so that I can give the software to my friends for use. Now I know giving just the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for muska

Hi, i got the same problem with installing allegro to dev-cpp. i've already reinstalled but it's stil the same: "No such file or directory" or "undefined reference for install allegro version check". Sorry, i'm absolute newbie, can anyone help me? thanks

Member Avatar for DTV
Member Avatar for Galf

Hi all, I'm a little wary of posting this, since there were no posts on autoexp.dat, and this is a general C++ forum, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm trying to create an AddIn to display some custom datatypes for an application that uses RogueWave. I created …

Member Avatar for elspork

I'm having a bit of trouble finding the info I need about copy constructors. Actually, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the right way to use them in the first place. My question: How do I correctly call copy constructors for a derived class so that it correctly …

Member Avatar for barfoo
Member Avatar for charlize

I'm very new to C++ and I keep getting a parse error for the bolded line below. I'm not understand why this is. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; cout<<"\nPlease make me easier to read..."; a=2+2 [B]cout<<"\nLook what I can do:2+2" <<a;[/B] cout<<"\nIcan do more, but only …

Member Avatar for crobicha
Member Avatar for rsaska

There is a script that I have been tasked to run and modify. However, I am having quite difficulty in understanding the signifigance of return codes, and it would make my life easier if I can redirect the system console output to file. In Windows, I tried going to run, …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for MyRedz

hello guys...i just done my assignment and here's the code [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CelestialBody { private: double size; public: CelestialBody (double ); ; class Planet : public CelestialBody { private: double orbit_time; public: Planet(double , double); }; Class Earth : public Planet { private: unsigned long …

Member Avatar for JugglerDrummer
Member Avatar for anthonytan

[Warning] It not the completed code. its just a rough idea[CODE] do{ printf("Please enter a number :") scanf("%d", &no); if (no <=0) printf("invalid"); }while(no<=0); [/CODE] Hi Guys! I've a issue with scanf. First loop the program. I entered '1', a valid input. Once i retry the program, i entered a …

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Member Avatar for tech291083

Dear Friends, First of all, I would like to apologize to forum administrator if this is not the right place for my thread. Forgive me if you can. I just want to tell you all in general and forum/site owners what a fine job they are doing and expanding the …

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Member Avatar for mrnutty

Some of us were having some discussion about posting some challenge question for the community to participate in. This way people could learn from the more experienced person's solution. Here is the question that : Intro : [b] [ICODE]A multiplied Sum Of digits is the sum of the digits of …

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Member Avatar for 28daniela28

Hi, I want to read/write data from a file and I don't know how (I'm using Visual studio c++). More exactly, if I have the following code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream newfile; newfile.open("exemplu.txt"); myfile<<"I want to write this in a file\n"; newfile.close(); return 0; }[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for 28daniela28
Member Avatar for spiderphp

Given a system of n independent linear equations ([I]n[/I] equations in [I]n[/I] unknowns). Write a program to solve these equations using Gaussian Elimination method with scaled partial pivoting. In other words solve the system Ax=b(where the n*n matrix A, and the vector b are known) for the values of unknown …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Adrhian77

how to create asterik star like this [B][COLOR="Red"]>[/COLOR][/B] with 10 Asterik star (*)

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for invincible35

Hello friends, I have two laptops. One of them has a window application software which is working perfectly in that system. But now i want to copy the same software in other laptop but couldn't do so. I have the original CD of that software but somehow it doesn't seem …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for emmawatson4u

Here's a question for you. create two arrays to store roll and marks of students respectively whose name will be known at run time (use pointers)

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for sivaprakas
Member Avatar for kevintse

I am building applications targeting Windows Mobile, I need to read and write files. I am not sure whether to use the C++ standard library (iostreams) or the Windows API (ReadFile(), WriteFile()...). I think the Windows API is faster than the C++ standard library, but they are not object oriented, …

Member Avatar for Frederick2

The End.