49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for dchunt

Say i have this 10,000,000 (10 million) byte file. I want to perform multiplication,addition and few other operation on all those bytes(total of 5). And after it is done say if i want to repeat the addition and other operations on the same file like a loop,then How many such …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for yanseung

Hello, Please help me to resize BMP image to bigger and smaller. Actually I'm trying to build PC wallpaer image with some function. And changing wallpaper has no problem but I want to change any image to screen size. Since desktop screen has some infomation section, bmp image should resized …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for sara_sara

I see a runtime error wz message "Unhandled exception at 0x009f5900 in trial4.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xcdcdcdd5." each time I run the following code. // trial4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #define NULL 0 …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for pac-man

Hi guys, I understand the difference is that the params of ctor 2 are declared const with n being passed by reference. However, I don't seem to understand what difference having these params (n and a) declared constant with n being passed by reference makes? I mean, I'd understand the …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for manosha

hI 2 all, plz I need help in this program I need to draw a right-angle triangle, but empty from inside. this what I did till now: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main () { int n; int i=1,j; cout<<"Enter the length"; cin>>n; while(i<=n) { j=1; while(j<=i) { cout<<"*"; …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for rgpii

I am attempting to program a doubly linked list template. My program is setup with the class node defined in a header file,the list itself in a header file and finally the main in a separate cpp file which calls the list header. The list header calls the node header. …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for xzero_x

Write a program that will correct a C++ program that has errors in which operator, << or >>, it uses with cin and cout. The program replaces each (incorrect) occurrence of cin<< With the corrected version cin>> And each (incorrect) occurrence of cout>> With the corrected version cout<< For an …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for rajif desmara
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jan1024188

I want to know how to write a program that moves for example C:\ex.exe to D:\ex.exe.... What header to use? stdio.h? what function to use? Can i get a link of source(this program) ?

Member Avatar for luigi10011
Member Avatar for jagan605

i recently started typing the code for the program to convert a binary number to its decimal form and i got stuck when my compiler reported this error. this is what i have typed till now. [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<math.h> main() { int n,s=0,k=0,a,b,c; cout<<"\n\n\tPROGRAM TO CONVERT BINARY TO …

Member Avatar for jagan605
Member Avatar for Excizted

Heyloo ^_^ I've stumbled upon this code :D [CODE]#define VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define VERSION_MINOR 1 #define VERSION_PATCH 2 #define VERSION ((VERSION_MAJOR << 16) | (VERSION_MINOR << 8) | VERSION_PATCH)[/CODE] I've been searching for some time now, unable to understand what << 16 and << 8 does, and why. I converted VERSION …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for doraemon79

Hi boys, I am working for a job interview and I was writing a nice piece of cod in c++, partially copied and pasted. This is supposed to work but now i am obliged to use dev-c++ last version for windows, usually I just use gcc on linux and I …

Member Avatar for doraemon79
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello. I'm wondering if I'm duplicating this class by doing the following. [CODE]SimpleClass *point; SimpleClass sc; sc.somevalue = something; point = new SimpleClass(sc);[/CODE] This post is quite tiny, I'm not being lazy, but I couldn't think of anything else needed for this question. Thanks :)

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for ShadowScripter

Hey, I've been working on a project for a while, and had some difficulties at the beginning with the d3dx9.h and lib files, then after some threading here I got the help I needed, or so I thought. It worked well until I decided to make a new project, using …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for eduard77

Hello I am rather new in visual c++ and I learned to code but I didn't find in any book how to ad an interface to my program. So please tell give me some references where from I could learn how to add a proper interface in visual c++. Thanks

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for shock1

Write the definition of a function printGrade , which has a char parameter and returns nothing. The function prints on a line by itself the message string Grade: followed by the char parameter (printed as a character ) to standard output . Don't forget to put a new line character …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for overpower8

Hello. I have a program that reads from file, modifies its content and saves. But there's a problem - when i write only one block of data, two of them are been written! [CODE]class person { ... }; ... person User; fstream File; File.open("file.dtb", ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); // Adding 1 record: File.seekp(number, …

Member Avatar for overpower8
Member Avatar for randomkid73

Hello, I have done some research and keep getting results to hide the console window. What I would like to do is to hide the output of a command. For example, I have a segment that renews the PC's IP connection, so I get a long stream of the new …

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for localp

I need to OCR a image and get the text of it .. i wanted to do this in java but , i found out that its hard to implement it that way. so i am trying to do this in C++ .. is there any possibility to do this …

Member Avatar for localp
Member Avatar for nguyen duy khoi

this is the small game using mouse device, I write it in turbo C++, it is a example about using asembler in Turbo C++, but when I write it in Visual C++ 6.0, It haves many error, I think it is a big difficult. Could you help me solve this …

Member Avatar for ankurnit
Member Avatar for timtianchen

I am coding a program that requires a dynamic 2-d matrix. it is a finite element analysis program using stiffness method to give you some context. Can someone suggest a good free library for matrix operations? Thanks!

Member Avatar for timtianchen
Member Avatar for samsons17
Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Is there any way to hide the command line window where the program runs on? I got a little program and I want to it to go hidden if user writes hide. Is there any way?

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for ASHAR VIRK

I am a new student in this field tell me tips for getting skill in this field

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Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hi, everyone! I'm having trouble with a linker error (I'm using Visual Studio 2008) and I would like to have some tips on solving this problem: This is my code: Bill.cpp [CODE] #include "Bill.h" #include "../Exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h" Bill::Bill() { } Bill::Bill(string shopName) { if (shopName == "") { throw(InvalidArgumentException("The shop name …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006

is there any GDI or GDI+ function or method that copies part of client area? something like this: [CODE] char p[100000]; copy(hdc, p, rectangle(10,10,100,100)); paste(hdc, p, x, y); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for kevintse
Member Avatar for NicAx64

we have already known that there should be some initialization to work with the stl. To use that library. There are objects that there should be initialized before entering main. I think that I receive this run time SIGSEG due to that. So any idea ? I have use a …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for KaZu88

This is my program, it causes memoryleaks. I show only a small part where the problem exist. Starts with the header then the cpp. ParticipatorRegister.h [CODE] #ifndef PARTICIPATORREGISTER_H #define PARTICIPATORREGISTER_H #include "Participator.h" class ParticipatorRegister{ private: Participator **arr; int inc, init, elem; void initiate(); //void expand(); public: ParticipatorRegister(); ~ParticipatorRegister(); //void save(ofstream&); …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

How do I see what key user presses I suppose I have to do it with winapi? I want my program to write to text file what key user presses, like when he presses M it writes M to text file. I looked and I found one function but it …

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for لولا

Hi everyone ,:) [B]I need a function in c++ to calculat the age of a user, by asking the user to enter his birthday.[/B] :S

Member Avatar for siddhant3s

The End.