49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for Androggles

Hello I am very, very new to this C++, and i have been working on something that could help us with something, but thats a long story... Anyways, i want the program to first delete a file then wait some time, and then delete another file. I got it to …

Member Avatar for Androggles
Member Avatar for rmawatson

Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to clear up some questions I have on casting Objects vs Casting Pointers in C++. The first example below is compilaining that the constructor of XDeviceMotionEvent cannot construct a new XDeviceMotionEvent object from an _XEvent&. What I dont understand about this is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for astropirate

Greetings all Is it possable to get the UDP packet header info from the function recv()? i specifically want the packet length data. If not with recv() is there any other way of doing this? (besides raw sockets)

Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006

what is the difference between memory allocated by [ICODE]GlobalAlloc[/ICODE] & memory allocated by [ICODE]new[/ICODE]. is GlobalAlloc used in C++ or is it for C? :)

Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006
Member Avatar for peterpanic

I am trying to take an integer argument (1-65536) and turn it into two hex characters. If argument -t is -t20 then I need 0x01 0x04 in a character array for sending through a socket. Relavent snippets: [CODE] char tstr[3]; char timetxt[6]; struct pulsepayload { char chan; char state; char …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ge6a93

Hi, in my MFC dialog app i have a message, saying "Press any key to go on" I wanna make it in the way, that when the user presses any key it must do something(i have already done that). So, how can i check if any key is pressed using …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for mcuk2001

[URL="http://i50.tinypic.com/6homdv.jpg"]http://i50.tinypic.com/6homdv.jpg[/URL] heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelppppppppppp plz

Member Avatar for mcuk2001
Member Avatar for amatallah
Member Avatar for slim2hott

Hi everyone. Recently I have been working on an XOR encryptor/decryptor. I have looked at tutorials to get ideas. Now, I have created my encryptor/decryptor and I have absolutely messed it up i think, because the output is not right. What I am trying to do here is: [LIST] [*]Creating …

Member Avatar for slim2hott
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Hi, [CODE]class base { int i, j; public: void set(int a, int b) { i=a; j=b; } void show() { cout << i << " " << j << "\n"; } }; class derived : public base { int k; public: derived(int x) { k=x; } void showk() { cout …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for harryhaaren

Hey all, Slight continuation on[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1092017.html"] this thread.. [/URL] Not essential though. Hence the new thread. The problem is that when I declare a [icode]static[/icode] attribute of a class, and later try using it in a static member function , I get a compile time error. The problem: (with code) OscServer.hpp …

Member Avatar for harryhaaren
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I'm trying to study for my A+ exam, and in doing so I am having trouble finding a free computer program that asks relevant questions. With that being said, I'm looking to build my own which will help myself, and possbily future generations. My problem is, that I don't know …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for stoudemire132

these are my homeworks please help me... S8. create a class with the name complex. For that class, the requirements are; -define variables as relevant as possible for the above class ( re and im of type double ) ; -the class constructor ; -function display ; -functions to return …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jbarwick

consider the following (illustrative .. no NULL checking): [CODE]class MS { public: TCHAR _buff[1024]; MS() { ZeroMemory(_buff,sizeof(_buff)); } ~MS() { } LPCTSTR operator LPCTSTR() { return _buff; } void operator = (LPCTSTR s) { _tcscpy(_buff,s); } BOOL operator == (LPCTSTR b) { return _tcscmp(_buff,b)==0; } BOOL operator == (MS &m) …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for arpit.mishra

Hi, I have a question regarding assignment operator. Can I use an overloaded assignment operator for copying character pointers. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for arpit.mishra
Member Avatar for vespasianvs

Hi, everyone. I am studying Qt4. I want to write a function that reads from a file and the write to the same file. It is supposed to be simple, but I can't make it through the compiler. Here is my header file: [CODE] #include <QFile> #include <QString> #include <QStringList> …

Member Avatar for vespasianvs
Member Avatar for anushri

hello!!!everyone..... i want to print all characters from zero to 255 in a file. i am confuse how to distinguise character and integer in c++..(dont make use of printf) i unable to point a pointer to file or can say point a pointer to character and increase it to next …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for bernadlosini

hi, i need to use both java and c++ for my project.but i don't know how to set path for both.i use jdk 1.5.6 for java compiler and mingw compiler for C++ .but i am able to use one compiler at a time. is there any option to use both …

Member Avatar for bernadlosini
Member Avatar for johndoe444

Hi, [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <new> using namespace std; class loc { int longitude, latitude; public: loc() {} loc(int lg, int lt) { longitude = lg; latitude = lt; } void show() { cout << longitude << " "; cout << latitude << "\n"; } }; // Global …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for damaged

Hi, i'm second year in college and i'm diving into the basics of c++ , basicly i have to read 2 numbers and divide them with each other by repeated substractions using a function, the function is to divide those numbers by repeatedly substracting one from another, and return the …

Member Avatar for damaged
Member Avatar for ayan2587

hi frnz.. have a bit of trouble here...:( i am allocating a dynamic integer array... after allocation i assign different values to every array element. now what i wish to do is to delete the array and free the memory element by element & not as a whole array at …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ayesha91

Hey everyone,,, tomorrow is my c++ final,,, and am having a problem with a simple code,,, it seems logical but i do not know why it is not working,,, I wrote two function one that get the length of the string and another to reverse the character in the string,,,, …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for SasseMan

Hi! I am having some problems with using the operator= on an dereferences object. I have the code... [CODE]Julian j1(2319,1,7); Date * dp = new Gregorian(2319,1,23); cout << (*dp) << " " << typeid(*dp).name() << endl; *dp = j1; cout << (*dp) << " " << typeid(*dp).name() << endl; j1 …

Member Avatar for SasseMan
Member Avatar for anakondaksa

I want to develop this program through the arrays to work on more than how Server؟ [CODE] /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Program For Simulation 2 server in 2 line //// /// Create By :Anakonda-ksa //// //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<cstring.h> int main() { int na=0 ,nb=0; float time=0,total_time,no_of_completion_a=0,no_of_completionb=0, total_area_a=0,event_time_a,total_busy_time_a=0,total_area_b=0,event_time_b,total_busy_time_b=0, Ra,Rb,Xa,Xb,Ua,Ub,Na,Nb,prev_event_time_a,prev_event_time_b; string event_type; { …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for safenaa

i want to know how make dequeue in queue . please, the answer with a complete program. thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for BazookaJo

Hi guys, first of all let me say that I'm a Delphi guys, but I've been cleaning up some old legacy C++ code without any real issues. The following piece of code however baffles me! It looks like it simply copies the binary input file to another file bit by …

Member Avatar for BazookaJo
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

I've written a DLL with keyboard hook inside, how do I load the dll in my code and like activate it, the hook function inside dll writes keyboard presses to a file, I would like to activate it from my exe.

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for new programer

Hi, How can I create a program that detectes plagarism lets say we have two files and we want to compare them and at last to have the percentage of smilarity I am aware of strcmp and compare and I know how to use them it's just the methodology that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for fadia

Heey guys... I'm in a rush.. I don't know how to write on definition of a function here. Please help. The function interval_since is supposed to compute the time. The previous time and the current. I'm confused how to write the definition. Here is my code.. and the very last …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for _Michael_

Hello, I am making a console application for a window home computer. The application will search for factors of a number that the user enters. Everything works fine up to about [10^10 = 10000000000]. I am unsure if C++ has a maxium number allowence. If this is the case can …

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.