49,762 Topics
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i need the difference between i++ and ++i, where is i++ used and where ++i is used | |
I have region: [code] Region r[/code] and I have a point: [code]PointF p[/code] is there any method that determines whether p is in r? something like this [code] bool is_p_in_r = graphics.Determine(p,r); if(is_p_in_r) Execute("theMan.kil"); :) [/code] | |
Hi, What kind of project is required for running this program in Visual C++ : [code] #include "ChessGame.h" int __stdcall WinMain() { Application::Run( new ChessGame() ); return 0; } [/code] Thanks ............................ | |
hi what is the meaning of const in the declaration below: [CODE]const int*const Method3(const int*const&)const;[/CODE] Thanks | |
Hey :) I have written this code, but it seems that theres an error in it, that i can't find. When i try to compile it i get this error: Call to undefined function 'sleep' in function main(). I know it has something to do with that sleep function, because … | |
Hey everyone, im trying to get to know vectors but i came to a point that my current knowledge stops and i need more help, i found a program which i would like to understand but i couldn't figure it out. here is the code: [code]#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<iterator> using … | |
Why do we overload operators ? Is it possible to add/subtract objects of a class without using overloaded '+' operator ? | |
Before I begin, let me start by saying that this is NOT homework. I am also not enrolled in a C++ class. I am simply trying to learn C++ as I have time. I am using random assigments/tutorials/whatever I can find on the net and shopping amazon for books. I'm … | |
how to create a program using C++ pls tech me :P ;) | |
Hello I am very, very new to this C++, and i have been working on something that could help us with something, but thats a long story... Anyways, i want the program to first delete a file then wait some time, and then delete another file. I got it to … | |
Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to clear up some questions I have on casting Objects vs Casting Pointers in C++. The first example below is compilaining that the constructor of XDeviceMotionEvent cannot construct a new XDeviceMotionEvent object from an _XEvent&. What I dont understand about this is … | |
Greetings all Is it possable to get the UDP packet header info from the function recv()? i specifically want the packet length data. If not with recv() is there any other way of doing this? (besides raw sockets) | |
what is the difference between memory allocated by [ICODE]GlobalAlloc[/ICODE] & memory allocated by [ICODE]new[/ICODE]. is GlobalAlloc used in C++ or is it for C? :) | |
I am trying to take an integer argument (1-65536) and turn it into two hex characters. If argument -t is -t20 then I need 0x01 0x04 in a character array for sending through a socket. Relavent snippets: [CODE] char tstr[3]; char timetxt[6]; struct pulsepayload { char chan; char state; char … | |
Hi, in my MFC dialog app i have a message, saying "Press any key to go on" I wanna make it in the way, that when the user presses any key it must do something(i have already done that). So, how can i check if any key is pressed using … | |
[URL="http://i50.tinypic.com/6homdv.jpg"]http://i50.tinypic.com/6homdv.jpg[/URL] heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelppppppppppp plz | |
Hi everyone. Recently I have been working on an XOR encryptor/decryptor. I have looked at tutorials to get ideas. Now, I have created my encryptor/decryptor and I have absolutely messed it up i think, because the output is not right. What I am trying to do here is: [LIST] [*]Creating … | |
Hi, [CODE]class base { int i, j; public: void set(int a, int b) { i=a; j=b; } void show() { cout << i << " " << j << "\n"; } }; class derived : public base { int k; public: derived(int x) { k=x; } void showk() { cout … | |
Hey all, Slight continuation on[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1092017.html"] this thread.. [/URL] Not essential though. Hence the new thread. The problem is that when I declare a [icode]static[/icode] attribute of a class, and later try using it in a static member function , I get a compile time error. The problem: (with code) OscServer.hpp … | |
I'm trying to study for my A+ exam, and in doing so I am having trouble finding a free computer program that asks relevant questions. With that being said, I'm looking to build my own which will help myself, and possbily future generations. My problem is, that I don't know … ![]() | |
these are my homeworks please help me... S8. create a class with the name complex. For that class, the requirements are; -define variables as relevant as possible for the above class ( re and im of type double ) ; -the class constructor ; -function display ; -functions to return … ![]() | |
consider the following (illustrative .. no NULL checking): [CODE]class MS { public: TCHAR _buff[1024]; MS() { ZeroMemory(_buff,sizeof(_buff)); } ~MS() { } LPCTSTR operator LPCTSTR() { return _buff; } void operator = (LPCTSTR s) { _tcscpy(_buff,s); } BOOL operator == (LPCTSTR b) { return _tcscmp(_buff,b)==0; } BOOL operator == (MS &m) … | |
Hi, I have a question regarding assignment operator. Can I use an overloaded assignment operator for copying character pointers. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi, everyone. I am studying Qt4. I want to write a function that reads from a file and the write to the same file. It is supposed to be simple, but I can't make it through the compiler. Here is my header file: [CODE] #include <QFile> #include <QString> #include <QStringList> … | |
hello!!!everyone..... i want to print all characters from zero to 255 in a file. i am confuse how to distinguise character and integer in c++..(dont make use of printf) i unable to point a pointer to file or can say point a pointer to character and increase it to next … | |
hi, i need to use both java and c++ for my project.but i don't know how to set path for both.i use jdk 1.5.6 for java compiler and mingw compiler for C++ .but i am able to use one compiler at a time. is there any option to use both … | |
Hi, [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <new> using namespace std; class loc { int longitude, latitude; public: loc() {} loc(int lg, int lt) { longitude = lg; latitude = lt; } void show() { cout << longitude << " "; cout << latitude << "\n"; } }; // Global … ![]() | |
Hi, i'm second year in college and i'm diving into the basics of c++ , basicly i have to read 2 numbers and divide them with each other by repeated substractions using a function, the function is to divide those numbers by repeatedly substracting one from another, and return the … | |
hi frnz.. have a bit of trouble here...:( i am allocating a dynamic integer array... after allocation i assign different values to every array element. now what i wish to do is to delete the array and free the memory element by element & not as a whole array at … |
The End.