49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for Androggles

Hey I have been having this problem, that my little program here, won't delete the file that i am asking it to. Can anyone help me? I am using Live Messenger as an example ;) [CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <windows.h> int start = 1; int main() { while(start == 1) …

Member Avatar for Androggles
Member Avatar for DaHandy

Hi! I have recently started to study C++ and I have already faced many problems. This is something I can't get solved on my own. 1st the program asks the user to type in his/her ID (string). Then it will be splitted in 3 parts: day, month and year. The …

Member Avatar for DaHandy
Member Avatar for DeathEater

:@ Hi every body, i tried recently to compile some old C++ codes but regardless of the compiler i use i get the same error message when i want to link the *.obj file. i even tried it with Tlinker and macrolinker but with no success, if any one could …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for JoaoC

hey ! i have a homework, actually is a work for note, and i cant resolve it :S:S its my first year in c++

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Carrots

Hi there, I am trying to read values from a .txt file using stringstreams and plan to enter the values into a map, I am reading into a buffer, but it contains spaces and I believe a character which represent the end of line. Here is my program so far: …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for carey_amanda
Member Avatar for ilyaz

I have to develop a C++ DLL using Visual Studio 6 (don't ask why!) I am supposed to start from a template DLL project and then add functionality. Documentation states that I need to copy certain files from the template project into my project. However, when I open the template …

Member Avatar for ilyaz
Member Avatar for Enhancelogic

I just purchased accelerated C++ and I'm working through the examples and I'm at a road block trying to figure out what this line means. I was wondering if someone could explain this to me in a different way? The part of the code I do not understand are bolded. …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for kevinkace

There's something wrong with my push function, or how I'm initializing the linked list. Can anyone tell why? The pointer 'operands' wont point to the new head, and always points to the first node created. Adding a second node appears to partially work, (second node->next points to the first node, …

Member Avatar for kevinkace
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi... I've passed through this question that want to print out the consonant,vowel, upper case letter and lower case letter separately..This is the example of the desired output.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER ANY WORD : Hello World THIS IS THE OUTPUT FROM THE WORD YOU HAVE ENTERED : 1.CONSONANT : HllWrld 2.VOWEL …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for DarkC0de

hi every body I have small system for emails which I must save all user in one file and all message in one file :( . the problem is : i want the user to write a message and when he end it click Ctrl+d then write Ctrl+d in end …

Member Avatar for DarkC0de
Member Avatar for lakshmi06

we need the Source code for biorthogonal and coiflet wavelets in c++. we need to analyse the performance of the wavelets so we need help. pl do reply.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for destroyed

HEY...I need some help......i need a c++ code that segments a image.....i need it for my projet...i tried so hard but didnot find it yet....Help Plzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

ok guys, i can not figure out the following problem that i faced just a while ago while trying out some filing in c++. the code is as follows: [code=c++] #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream readFile; readFile.open("Input.txt"); string sample; readFile>>sample; cout<<"Here is a line: "<<sample<<endl; …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for addikted

hi.can u plz tell me where to put printf for timecount.here is the code for quicksort i wanted to calculate the time it takes. [CODE]#include< stdio.h> #include< conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctime> void shellsort(int a[],int n) { int j,i,k,m,mid; for(m = n/2;m>0;m/=2) { for(j = m;j< n;j++) { for(i=j-m;i>=0;i-=m) { …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for number87

when I try to compile my project file in devcpp I get the following error: I tried googling but nothing seems to help when i tried them. CreateProcess((null), C:/cygwin/bin /sh.exe -c "g++.exe -c test.cpp -o test.o -I\"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include\" -I\"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward\" -I\"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32\" -I\"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2\" -I\"C:/Dev-Cpp/include\" ", ...) failed. Access is denied. C:\Users\dedl\Desktop\SAIM\SAIM3\OpenGLGLUT\Makefile.win [Build Error] …

Member Avatar for number87
Member Avatar for jefanot

Hey, I wrote this code that makes you type two things, then it checks if it is the same. Well, that was it was supposed to do, but then it kept saying: expected primary-expression before "else" expected ';' before "else" Here's the code [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> …

Member Avatar for muzamal
Member Avatar for blitz9

Hi, I tried to make a game trainer, static address can be done. But since the game change it's address every time the game restarted it's make me frustated. Do you have a solution for this?

Member Avatar for blitz9
Member Avatar for manishanibhwani

in one of the question for beginners a program for moving a file was asked. i cud not find the algo can anyone suggest me the algo????????????

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mrnutty

In this challenge there are 3 question, beginner, intermediate, and others. Beginner: [b] [ICODE]1) Find the sum of all Natural numbers that are a multiple of 3 or 11, from 1 to 100,000. [/ICODE][/b] Intermediate: [b] [ICODE]The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for niyasc

Hai..... May I know how to simply include external image file in Turobo C++? Where can I get a complete tutorial for graphics in C++?

Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006
Member Avatar for Skeen

So I'm quite new to c++, and I'm really into pointers, does anyone got like, an idea on how to really get to know pointers, assignments, tasks, tutorials, ect. Basically, my knowledge in C++, is classes, operator overloading, and like simple stuff, so if you're able to come up with …

Member Avatar for manishanibhwani
Member Avatar for mythili_sharon
Member Avatar for manishanibhwani
Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006

I have region: [code] Region r[/code] and I have a point: [code]PointF p[/code] is there any method that determines whether p is in r? something like this [code] bool is_p_in_r = graphics.Determine(p,r); if(is_p_in_r) Execute("theMan.kil"); :) [/code]

Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006
Member Avatar for Behi Jon

Hi, What kind of project is required for running this program in Visual C++ : [code] #include "ChessGame.h" int __stdcall WinMain() { Application::Run( new ChessGame() ); return 0; } [/code] Thanks ............................

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for johndoe444

hi what is the meaning of const in the declaration below: [CODE]const int*const Method3(const int*const&)const;[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Androggles

Hey :) I have written this code, but it seems that theres an error in it, that i can't find. When i try to compile it i get this error: Call to undefined function 'sleep' in function main(). I know it has something to do with that sleep function, because …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for gedas

Hey everyone, im trying to get to know vectors but i came to a point that my current knowledge stops and i need more help, i found a program which i would like to understand but i couldn't figure it out. here is the code: [code]#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> #include<iterator> using …

Member Avatar for gedas
Member Avatar for bigsurya

Why do we overload operators ? Is it possible to add/subtract objects of a class without using overloaded '+' operator ?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for monocog

Before I begin, let me start by saying that this is NOT homework. I am also not enrolled in a C++ class. I am simply trying to learn C++ as I have time. I am using random assigments/tutorials/whatever I can find on the net and shopping amazon for books. I'm …

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The End.