49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for thisismyuname

Hallo, I must develop a Client application using (Qt) C++. The server application was developed by somebody. I need to register with the Server application to get data from it. I have problems here. Can anybody please let me know how to proceed. In order to register with the server, …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

From people who know what wxWidgets is, I always here a lot of grief about how it is to simplistic, but compated to VB what do you guys think? Ive only ever worked with wxWidgets for a short period of timebut thougt it was very good. What do you guys …

Member Avatar for clutchkiller
Member Avatar for HolstebroTS

Hello :) We are a group of 3 who has been given a task which we must develop our own little keylogger to monitor people such as employees in a company. Unfortunately, we encountered a small problem: We would like to hide the console, so you can not close it …

Member Avatar for HolstebroTS
Member Avatar for dp20

Hi im creating a cash register program. The user enter's the total price and the money given from customer and the customer's change is shown. It will tell the user what notes/coins to give to the customer. I could do this But the next part i have to do is …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for IT seeker

1.write a progrm to initilize the integer, double and character type values in an array and then print their values on the sacreen? 2. write a program to calculate the average of n number&then compute the deviation of each number about the average 3.write a program to multiply a 5 …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for CppBuilder2006

in Windows Task Manager --> Processes there is a list of running exe files. I am going to write a program that lists these running exe files. How can I obtain the list? I use Windows XP :$ & Windows API!:)

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for defeater_man

i make a program to multiply 2 binarry numbers [CODE] #include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { string y,a; string S1="00000"; cout<<"plz ener two numbers"<<endl; cin>>y; cin>>a; cout << "Sting S1\t\t" << S1 << endl; cout << "S1.size\t\t\t" << S1.size() << endl; int n=a.length(); n=a[4]; if(n[4]==0) { string …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for ireimaima

Hi..can anyone help me..debugging my codes.. when i compile and run it.. i dont get the accurate result..of sum and avg..can anyone help me telling where is the error?? thanks so much.... Here are the codes: #include <iostream> void getNum(int& num,int& sum); void doProcess(int num, int& sum, float& avg); void …

Member Avatar for ireimaima
Member Avatar for ahmedshayan

I have created this program, and it works fine for random values . But when I ever enter same Arrival time it gives error output ! .i.e arrivaltime bursttime p1 0 10 p2 0 6 now the problem is that instead of p2 running first p1 starts... plz help. Process.h …

Member Avatar for kashifhameed88
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, I am trying to validate a textbox that has a value of 1 and up so i am saying : [CODE]if (mytextbox.Text > 0) { }[/CODE] but it is not working any suggestions please bare in mind that the text has 0 as default value so i cannot say …

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for lucky_43

Hi guys:) I have an assignment about making an operand stack using c++ which receives a mathematical expression like ((3+2)*(5+6-2)) and the program gives the solve of that exp. the problem I have faced is how to change a character to an integer ? and how I can start?

Member Avatar for shreyajain33
Member Avatar for capsown

Hi I need help with some C++ code. It's pretty basic, but my teacher will not help me. He keeps saying "Just one second, I'm helping someone else." And then forgets about me. It just gets frusturating. The code is very undeveloped though, I'm just trying to get all the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dsakhare

I need Help!!:confused: I want to make a Welcome screen using C++ Graphics If You guys can help pls help me

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for faisal f

hi every one I have project in c++ and I don't understand this program I want help please.[CODE][/CODE]

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for neshaa

Hello, i'm having problem with this: I'm having binary square matrix, which i need to expand for given number (lets call it n). This should look like this- if dimension of matrix is 2x2 and n is 2. I should check which numer is in first matrix - if it's …

Member Avatar for samweb$

[CODE] if(m_playSound) { const char* soundToPlay = layout->GetWinName(); char* soundTemp = NULL; if(m_playAltScatterSndSymbol != -1) { for(int i = 0; i < layout->GetNumPositions(); i++) { ReelWinSymbolPosition* rwsp = layout->GetReelSymbolPosition(i); for(int i = 0; i < layout->GetNumPositions(); i++) { ReelWinSymbolPosition* rwsp = layout->GetReelSymbolPosition(i); if(rwsp && rwsp->GetSymbol() == m_playAltScatterSndSymbol) { if(m_alternateScatterSndSymbolName && …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for samsons17

how to make a my program to finish repeated the loop when the user enter the sentinel value?? for example the "-1"... this is my attempt..but still something wrong here.. [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int printreverse(char letter_box[],int i) { for (int x=i; x>=0; x--){ cout<<letter_box[x]; } } char …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for samsons17

how could i make a triangle thatgot spaces/hole at it's centre.. : for example like this : ---------------- * --------------*----* ------------*--------* ----------*------------* ---------*********** -->> which the "------" is actually the space... i've tried working with this code but its not working :( : [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for xavier666
Member Avatar for hdef

The program gets the hexdump of a file and saves it in a text file (temp.txt). The program should then get the contents of temp.txt and two other text files (virus1sig.txt & virus2sig.txt) and display them. The problem is only the contents of virus1sig.txt & virus2sig.txt are being displayed. Thank …

Member Avatar for hdef
Member Avatar for sman13
Member Avatar for Ihatepullups

Hello, this is my first time here, although I have hit this website many times on google looking for quick fixes to my problems. I am a student in high school and I persuaded my teacher to let me study c++ (as opposed to 3ds max). I have been working …

Member Avatar for niyasc
Member Avatar for vrnadh123

Hi, I want to create a virtual partition inside a hard disk. This partition should be usable for booting purpose. Please help me out in this regard by providing me source code in C/c++. Bye...

Member Avatar for amol_d
Member Avatar for lonelyday91

i have to do a code that takes the word from the user and seperate them from uppercase and lowercase. i had done the code, but the words that are printed out are not as aspected (symbols) [CODE]#include<iostream> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int i=0; int total_char=0; cout<<"enter …

Member Avatar for lonelyday91
Member Avatar for fadia

Hi all.. This function should work recursively.. Meaning call the function inside the same function. So i'm supposed to write a recursive function that takes a single parameter from type integer and decrements that number until it reaches zero. Ex. If the user entered 7, he'll get this output: 7 …

Member Avatar for fadia
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Ok, straight to the point here's the code: [code=cpp]#define UWM_KEYBOARDHOOK_MSG \ _T("UMW_KEYBOARDHOOK-" \ "{B30856F0-D3DD-11d4-A00B-006067718D04}") UWM_KEYBOARDHOOK = RegisterWindowMessage(UWM_KEYBOARDHOOK_MSG); [/code] I put only 2 lines which makes the error Compiler output [code]1>.\DLLMain.cpp(25) : error C3861: '_T': identifier not found[/code] I tried to insert the _T to different places and search internet and …

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for a7med sh

I need to know how to count each letter in a file using Array and then outputting each letter & the number of times of each letter an example of the output : Letter count ------------------- e 20 s 16 a 15 : : ------------------- can any 1 help me …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for serra01

In my perception C++ is better than C language. The first window (in illume downcast) shows the inspiration cypher for our low system. The wares one (in condition grayish) shows the ending of the performance erstwhile compiled and executed. To the socialistic, the intermediate numbers permute the curriculum, and are …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for bhas_purk

hello, I am using a bitset constructor to pass an unsigned long and create a bitset object. [code] bitset<32> bvec(012); string mystring=bvec.to_string<char,char_traits<char>,allocator<char> >(); cout << "mystring: " << mystring << endl; [/code] here the least significant 4 bits are- 1010 when i write [code] bitset<32> bvec(12); [/code] the least significant …

Member Avatar for bhas_purk
Member Avatar for Hatem Faheem

I'm working in implementing an elevator the project is about a building which has 2 elevators working together I wrote a function (switch) to determine the direction of each elevator and that's my code [CODE] if( E1.loc == E2.loc ) { if(upup1!=0 && dndn1!=0) { E1.status='u'; E2.status='d'; } else if(upup1!=0 …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for sodak

I have created a program that generates an application which I have saved in a certain location, lets use C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop\Folder\ as an example. The program uses this base location, then searches through some subfolders, alters a file, and saves the altered file in the base location that the …

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The End.