49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for duybk

Dear friends, do you know how to convert the following codes from C++ into C# ? Thanx for your helps Duy BK [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define max 100 int isdigit(char ch) {return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9';} int isoperator(char ch) {return ch == '+' ? 1: …

Member Avatar for duybk
Member Avatar for sadafkhan

hi; i m student of MCS-1 i want to make a project in c++; in dat i want to make window... can any one hlp me and tell me how an i do so...?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for evilguyme

hi guys im having an error with my code but cant seem to figure it out. its a windows form and im just trying to make it function but the compiler gives me these errors: [code] 1>c:\\\desktop\\c++\twisttut\twisttut\Form1.h(89) : error C2059: syntax error : '{' 1>c:\\\desktop\\c++\twisttut\twisttut\Form1.h(89) : error C2334: unexpected token(s) …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I have been attempting to create a fast class for OpenGL's Vertex Buffer Objects. I finally got all the libraries to work and now i am getting a sigseg but cant see why. Can someone find my error? (I will keep looking too) [CODE]#ifndef GLMODELS_H #define GLMODELS_H #ifndef GOODGL …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for kainat0615

[CODE]#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> void *thread(void *vargp); char **ptr; /* global */ int main() { int i; pthread_t tid; char *msgs[2] = { "Hello from Thread A", "Hello from Thread B" }; ptr = msgs;for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,thread,(void *)i); pthread_exit(NULL); …

Member Avatar for kainat0615
Member Avatar for treepig

I am having trouble replacing the numbers on my Tic Tac board with the X and O from my if and else if statements. I would also like to know how to make sure how to keep the X and O in place without it being replaced after every loop. …

Member Avatar for danb737
Member Avatar for bigdan182

hi Is there a way to pass a structure into a function in C++? ie if I have a structure of data, can I pass it in and use all the members without having to pass them indevidually? I basically want to pass team data into a function and that …

Member Avatar for danb737
Member Avatar for MareoRaft

error: ‘void __stderrp(MattsMatrixSpace::Vec)’ redeclared as different kind of symbol I have a function called "stderr" in my program. I'm not sure where the "__" or the "p" came from. Any idea what this error is related to? PS, the next error is: /usr/include/stdio.h:169: error: previous declaration of ‘FILE* __stderrp’

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for mrnutty

Meant mostly for windows, uses system("cls") although you can simply set USE_NON_STANDARD_CLS to false and it will use newlines to clear screen. Test it out. [code] /** * Note: Use at own risk, this is just for fun */ #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <windows.h> #include …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for jp071

Hello, I would like to know how to read multiple files without using DIR. For example, program will search ".bin" file and create a new variable for the file. But the exception is my compiler does not know the directory (like opendir or readdir). I am doing dsp programming. I …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for maxzoel

Hi, First of all i am a newbie, trying to learn machine vision... I am trying to use opencv 2.3 in visual studio 2010 on windows 7 ultimate(64bit). I tried in various ways like pre-built versions, built using vs 2010 from SVN source and not even a single attempt is …

Member Avatar for maxzoel
Member Avatar for shizu

Hi All.. I using VC++ 6.0..with windows XP.. I have bmp image which I would like convert it save as jpeg format.. can anyone teach me the steps..?? Thank you.. Shizu..

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Tomi1988

Hi! I created an object (Jack the Pig) in the dynamic memory (heap). Because it is a pointer, I can erase it by delete. So I deleted Jack the Pig, but it is not deleted, because Jack->Row function still is working (writes out Rooooow). Why can Jack->Row function still work, …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for wingwarp

if you have read or use [U]Learn C++ in 24hours [/U]is it a good book to learn formor object oriented Programming in c++ is that a good book to learn OBJECT oriented programing to learn graphics...

Member Avatar for tiredoy
Member Avatar for visom

Hi everybody I'm not sure where to put a question like this so forgive me if I'm in the wrong spot. I've just passed my college course C++ (had VB.net experience... if it matters) with a B. Is that knowledge enough to get a job somewhere or do I need …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for berniefitz

Hi there, I'm having some real issues with restoring a piece of legacy software at my workplace. I have an offending line of code that I can't debug. [CODE]bFound := tblComp.Locate('CompPhone;Title;AddLine2', VarArrayof([sPhone, sTitle, sAddLine2]), [])[/CODE] When the script gets to this point sPhone, sTitle and sAddLine2 are correctly populated. When …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for mrblippy

Hi everyone, Does anyone know how to tell if all elements in an array but one are the same. I know how to check if all elements are the same but this other problem has me stumped. Any ideas would be great Thanks

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for br0wnm4n

Hi all, I am new to C++ and I am having trouble with the syntax. I am suppose to write code for this question: //Write a program in which the funtion main prompts the user for one of the six letters a, b, p, q, x, or y. The function …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Weird Nerd

Hey everybody, I need a way to browse your computer's files from a program without the use of a separate dialog box (I'm running in fullscreen, you see). It should start from a specified default folder and list all folders (except hidden ones) and files of a specified format in …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for wd.hamaden

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> void main(void) void change(void); int x=4,y; y=x; { printf("\n The value of x is = %f and the value of y is = %d",x,y); change(); printf("\n The value of x is = %d and the value of y is = %d ",x,y); } void change(void) { x=x+3; } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for chubakueno

I've been attempting to do a basic XOR encoder but I got this problem: Everytime the result of the XOR operation is 10, the app writes 0xA 0xD, and I can't avoid this. Code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; char* readfile(char * filename,int* size){ int …

Member Avatar for chubakueno
Member Avatar for brynjar

Hi, I'm pretty new to C++ but have a lot of experience in Python. In python its pretty straight forward to make functions that both take arrays/vectors as input and return arrays/vectors. My thought here is to make a function to calculate the gravitational force between to bodies with mass …

Member Avatar for lcordero
Member Avatar for aimdharma1990

sir i created the strucutre. and i created the vector. i push the structue in the vector how to send the vector to the server . in the socket programming under windows. in c++

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for bxdfjmkl

[B]What kind of windows version do i have?[/B] i need to know what version of Windows i have for costomer service from iTunes, but i dont know what version, Windows 7, Windows Vista or what, so how do i tell

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for emir_gradacac

Is there a GUI Builder for Code::Blocks, something like BOA for Python? Greetings, Emir

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hi, i am trying to make a BMI calulator and here is my code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<fstream.h> using namespace std; int main (char argc) { double ff1; double ii1; double ww1; for(;;) { system("cls"); cout << "Enter feet." << endl; string f1; cin >> f1; stringstream(f1) >> ff1; if(ff1 >! …

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I'm not sure where this post fits, but after staggering here and there I Thought I would throw it here! I find difficult to make coordinates by hand (Not very good at x-y-z though I know the XY coordinate). Is there a tool that will allow you to draw let …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for triumphost

Why does it always return true?! No matter what I do it says the bitmaps are the same.. I want it to tell the difference between the two bitmaps.. like if they look alike with a slight tolerance to make sure that it doesn't have to be a perfect match.. …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for vergil1983

I'm trying to display rotating "HELLO!" in my program, but instead i get a just flashing "HELLO!" rather than rotating "HELLO!" which is mean to display 'H'1st, then 'E', then 'L' and so on in new line. Hope some master here can point out my mistake. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Jack Martin

# include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "By this program you can know about Whether a number is a or not" ; cout << "Enter a number less than 1000 :- "; int a,b,c,e,f,g,k ; cin >> a; if (a < 1000) b=a/10; k=b+2 ; c=a-(k*10); …

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.