49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for prahesh

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<set> #include<map> using namespace std; struct PoiDetails { int x; std::string s; }; int main() { struct PoiDetails oBj; std::map<std::string, PoiDetails> vName; oBj.x = 1; oBj.s = "str1"; vName["Jhon"] = oBj; oBj.x = 2; oBj.s = "str2"; vName["Ben F"] = oBj; oBj.x = 3; oBj.s = "str3"; …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Zaina jee

When I write program in Visual Studio 2010, then error comes that "cannot find or open PDB file". Is their any solution of this problem?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for zindgi66

#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <graphics.h> int main() { initwindow(1366, 768, "Prim's Algorithm"); int midx,midy; // /**************Node 0 creation***************/ midx = (getmaxx()/12); midy = (getmaxy()/12); rectangle(midx + 30,midy-10,midx - 30,midy+10); midx = (getmaxx()/12)-1; midy = (getmaxy()/12)-8 ; // setcolor(10); outtextxy(midx, midy,"0"); /*******************Right Vertex******************/ setcolor(15); midx = (getmaxx()/12) + 30; midy …

Member Avatar for zindgi66
Member Avatar for panatda.tokhume

<html> <head> <title>Nutrient</title> </head> <body> <? $filName = "resource.txt"; $objWrite = fopen($filName, "w"); $objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","u52030177","guillaume") or die("Error Connect to Database"); $objDB = mysql_select_db("u52030177"); $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Nutrient"; $objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL) or die ("Error Query [".$strSQL."]"); //$link = mysql_connect("localhost","u52030623","u52030623"); //mysql_select_db("u52030623"); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); //$sql = mysql_query("select * from …

Member Avatar for panatda.tokhume
Member Avatar for sumair khaliq

hi,i am new to programming and i got an assignment which is very difficult,i hope anybody can help me here !! You have to make a racing game in C++. There are two players in your program. They play by throwing 3 dices and then moving forward. Your program should …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for arnabjonty

pls help me...i wnt to know how to delete a word from a string...cant make it out..pls help...

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for christinetom

Hi again everyone. A really newby question coming up because I just don't know how to put this. If I want some software which can be compiled as part of my application / project etc, something which has little or no reliance on external programs (all packed in as part …

Member Avatar for christinetom
Member Avatar for ziadkassam

Hello all... I want the multiplication of the same matrix but in third, forth, fifth... degree. I have made the C++ program and this is the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define WIDTH 3 #define HEIGHT 3 void main(){ int a[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; int b[HEIGHT][WIDTH]; int n; …

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Member Avatar for dumbncool

Hi All, I need your guidance for a project (using Visual Studio + MFC) I'm doing. I want to create page flipping animation of a book. There should be a book and when I click on a key then the next page should be displayed. You get the idea? Similar …

Member Avatar for anuj.juthani
Member Avatar for anukavi

Hi, Below is my code Socket CSocket,SSocket; sin_ad.sin_family = AF_INET;//sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin_ad.sin_port = htons((u_short)m_Port); sin_ad.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; int s_len = sizeof(sin_ad); CSocket = accept(SSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&sin_ad, &s_len); ****if (ioctlsocket(CSocket, FIONBIO, &iMode))//iMode is ulong set to 1. { idc_txtbox.put_SelText("Unblocking of Socket failed"); closesocket(ServerSocket); WSACleanup(); }** if (CSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { …

Member Avatar for anukavi
Member Avatar for silvercats

1.If cin and cout objects are in the 'iostream' , why do we need to declare it again using 'std' ? 2.are cout,cin,cerr,clog the only ones in the iostream? 3.under which categories do cin,cout and iostream fall? (library,object etc..) 4.can we use the same iostream for both linux and windows? …

Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for rebellion346

So I managed to get everything working right except for one thing, when I enter the following input: a = 2 b = 2 c = 2 I should be getting this: Root 1 = -0.5 + 0.866025i Root 2 = -0.5 - 0.866025i But I get this: Root 1 …

Member Avatar for vencen
Member Avatar for muhammad.khan.3576

#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; char input_1[256]="1.wmv"; char output_1[256]="2.wmv"; char output_2[256]="3.wmv"; void Append() { ofstream write(output_1,ios::binary|ios::app); ifstream read(output_2,ios::binary); read.seekg(0,ios::end); int size_=read.tellg(); read.seekg(0,ios::beg); char* in=new char[size_]; read.read(in,size_); write.write(in,size_); write.close(); read.close(); } void Split(){ int size_; ifstream read(input_1,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); if(read.is_open()) { read.seekg(0,ios::end); size_=read.tellg(); const int half=size_/2; read.seekg(0,ios::beg); char* file_content_a=new char [half]; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amrit_anand

Hey programmers! I am searching for a code and unable to get it. I know this is the best place to ask. Please help me with this file handling code. "How to count the occurrences of a specific string in a text file using c".... Please help as soon as …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for new_developer

Hi there, How do we differentiate between NULL and zero in C++. I have a program in which i assign NULL to num variable but if i apply if condition to check whether it is NULL or zero. Program still gives me result zero. //num = 0; num = NULL; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for new_developer

Hi everyone, I am stuck in writing Bank Account program. I want that if user wants to create an account, BankAccount class object is created. Then after this i call to its methods such as getBalance() to get the balance in the account. But its not working and I am …

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Member Avatar for christinetom

Hey... If I just built a library for any open source software for C++, what file type should the library files come in? .a OR .o files? Thank you.

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Member Avatar for ao_py

Hello, I'm a beginner in c++. I'm trying to write a program that simulates the game "Tic Tac Twice" (the game is described below). The program works ok until it's time for my checkForWinner() function to do its job. I can't figure out why it's not working. Any help on …

Member Avatar for luzan
Member Avatar for silvercats

what is the difference between std::cout<<"dfdfd"<<endl;//everywhere and using namespace std::cin putting above line at the top of the main function and putting the below line at the top of the main using namespace std; and + 2 bonus questions. 1.Are there any other namespaces than 'std' in c++? 2. Are …

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for teo236

I'm using Eclipse and I made a program that reads ID3 tags. The problem is that each time I run it, it stops in this line: TagFrame * tmpFrame=new TagFrame(frameID,header.getFilename(),stream); bufferLeft-=tmpFrame->getFrameSize(); tmpFrame->readObject(); frames.push_back(tmpFrame); //This line!!! Where the variable 'frames' is a std::list<TagFrame*>. This block of code is beeing called from …

Member Avatar for teo236
Member Avatar for thendrluca

hi all! :) well i wrote a sample code to test threads and i don't get what i want the problem is that the thread i created is starting directly after i create it? but he must start when my j is equal to 25 and then i joining the …

Member Avatar for thendrluca
Member Avatar for codeyy

How do I write a recursive function in C++ to display a triangle of * like this using a parameter size (e.g. 4 in the following example): * ** *** **** I am able to write a recursive function to display an inverted triangle like this: **** *** ** * …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for omarking05

Al slam A'lykom .. its kinda freaky to me .. cuz its my first year in c++ ( in fact its few months not even a year ) and i have a project , and its to create an ATM program that asks the user if he is new or …

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Member Avatar for kruschev

void Project1(){ unsigned short int x; bool flag = false; cout << "Enter an interger, I will reversed i.e. 301 --> 103" << endl; cin >> x; if ((x > 0) && (x <= 65535) ){ flag == true; cout << reverse_num(x); cout << endl; } else { cout << …

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Member Avatar for daino

Has anyone ever used PLPLOT. I'm trying to compile one of the examples (which build successfully during the plplot build process) but I want to build the example individually. It's proving very challenging. A million linker errors and no clue on their website as to what is going wrong. I've …

Member Avatar for jhambe
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for thePAkid

I'm trying to outFile to houseData.txt. I did that fine but now all the data is all on the same line 10 times. What did do wrong in my code? House Price Number ------ ----- 329155000235000 459160000235000 505185000235000 500215000235000 345210000235000 456305000235000 344405000235000 501355000235000 401190000235000 300170000235000 I need it to look …

Member Avatar for azeem abbas
Member Avatar for ninidesobra

hi guys, i am about a graduate of database management in SQL, but then i wish to study software developemt in C++, can anyone help me locate a good school around the world?

Member Avatar for Reaper Man
Member Avatar for thePAkid

I'm trying to read numbers from a data file into array but when I compile and run nothing shows up. what did I do wrong. I have to do all the reading from the function readData and I need to get rid of the header line but I just put …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for pianokey09

cout << "Enter Student ID (999 to end): "; cin >> searchId; inFile.open(file + ".txt"); inFile.ignore(80, '\n'); while (searchId != 999) { for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { inFile >> ID >> lastName >> firstName >> q1 >> q2 >> q3 >> q4 >> final; if …

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The End.