49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I'm trying to make commandline mp3 player using [URL="http://www.inet.hr/~zcindori/libwmp3/index.html"]libwmp3[/URL]. I use codeblocks and have tried alot and I get error below. I have tried to include libwmp3.h, add libwmp3.a try changing compiler; but no success :( Please help me to get through. I use the code for mp3 …

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Member Avatar for Mariam786

[B]Problem Statement: File Handling in C/C++[/B] On the basis of the given scenario create a file Expenses.txt, Open the file and copy into another Expenses2.txt, Also show output on screen A college has announced the total budget of 50,000Rs.for each game. Games are done four times in a year. Take …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for kfg20

I am new to C++ and I need some help getting this code started for this problem. I am asked to do this : Write a function template version of linearSearch, that can be used to search an array of elements of any type. Write the function prototype , the …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I have a code that is running like this and calling an event. The event is writing some lines to a textfile. But after each loop, the event is writing one more line each time. It seems that the += is filling the left side up. Is there a way …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for abbz375

Hey everyone, I have multiple timers set up for a dialog (MFC) using SetTimer and OnTimer. This works great when I'm on the dialog but if I move away from the dialog and go back to it, the timers get reset, using the following code: [CODE]ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); test testDialog; testDialog.DoModal();[/CODE] [CODE]CTimersDlg …

Member Avatar for GEOFFSISCO

Hello all, I am not a coder but I have a code problem you might say. I have found myself in quite a conundrum using the SetSuspendState. I want to be able to wake on event and I do not know how to toggle the SetSuspendState at all. By default …

Member Avatar for GEOFFSISCO
Member Avatar for abbz375

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and it has helped me a lot with the project I am currently working on. Using VS2008 and created an MFC dialog based application. I just started learning C++ and am finding it difficult to solve this problem. What I'm trying to do …

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Member Avatar for Areej N

hiiiii :) i am new here i hope to get enough help to finish my simple project. i am working on a simple program to show the union and intersection between 2 sets. i program it the intersection is working good but the union is not working!!! i am DIEING …

Member Avatar for Areej N
Member Avatar for kimzstuf

This was a past assignment (it was last week's assignment), but I couldn't complete it. Could anyone help me finish it? I'm new to the function calls. The professor said I didn't call them from main properly. Although I've already received a grade on this assignment, we now have a …

Member Avatar for kimzstuf
Member Avatar for vinochick

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; //function prototype double calcPayment (double, double, int); int main() { //declare variables double carPrice = 0.0; double rebate = 0.0; double creditRate = 0.0; double dealerRate = 0.0; int term = 0; double creditPayment = 0.0; double dealerPayment = 0.0; char …

Member Avatar for zortec
Member Avatar for Jalwes

Could anyone tell me why, in the following code, getline doesn't allow the user to enter any input? Thanks in advance. [CODE] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char answer = 'n'; int selection; vector <string> strings; do { …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for jdm

I'm helping a friend out with some code and I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to do this. I know it is simple, but for the life of me I can't remember how to do it. Any help or advice would be welcomed. Thanks for the help in …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

A lot of people have questions about how to load a text file using file I/O. There seems to be 2 popular methods to loading a text file: Use fstream's >> extraction operator. Simple enough, load the file directly into individual containers, word at a time, but you lose your …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for vinochick

I have the program written but I'm getting a 0 instead of the age I entered. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std;; //function prototype void getAge(int); int main() { //declare variable int age = 0; //call function to get the age getAge(age); //display the age cout << "You are " << …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for RThomasM

Hey there, so I am new to this forum and to C++ it is my first year in computer science and I am having some problems with this assignment, which is easy enough but I have hit a hitch and would appreciate if someone could point me in the right …

Member Avatar for RThomasM
Member Avatar for ninreznorgirl2

I'm trying to delete a linked list and Its crashing when i get towards the end of the linked list. [code] void ZapList (NodePtr List) { NodePtr Temp; while(List->Link != NULL) { Temp = List -> Link; //set temp equal to the list pointer List = List -> Link-> Link; …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for SamY

I mean we create our own game engine which works well with vectors and can mainpulate the 3d card and sound cards.And works with USB control pads

Member Avatar for Pokeking
Member Avatar for taylorc8

I have a fairly good understanding of C++'s C side and little bit about classes, so.. I'm wondering, is there an easy way to learn WIN32 application programming? I mean using [code] int APIENTRY WinMain() [/code] window procedures, creating buttons, etc.. Is there a way to avoid things like "String^" …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mtusk

I have a program, call it X, that uses two classes: call them Y and Z. X uses Y which uses Z. Y contains an array of Z's. How do I construct an array of Z's and still allow me to set Z's variables. For example I know how to …

Member Avatar for mtusk
Member Avatar for DaBunBun

For some reason netbean hates me, as well as eclipse. So i set cygwin as the compiler and debugger and everything, and tried a simple print statement and all i got was: The system cannot find the path specifiedProcess is started in an external terminal ... RUN FAILED Any help …

Member Avatar for DaBunBun
Member Avatar for Sabaa

Hi, My problem is that in my C++ program (not written yet!) I have to login to a website (like [url]www.example.com[/url]) first. Simply I don't know how to do this! I did not find any useful tutorial or code by searching. I would be so grateful if you can help …

Member Avatar for taylorc8
Member Avatar for Doughnuts

Hello, I am trying to get the coordinates of the cursor when the user left clicks the mouse. I read that you can use this: [CODE]if (WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { int x = LOWORD( LPARAM ); int y = HIWORD( LPARAM ); }[/CODE] However, when i compile, it gives me this error: …

Member Avatar for Intrade
Member Avatar for jonathanYoung

problem; im currently in highschool, and the school uses an older version of visualc++ that does not support strings with all of the functions. the function im talking about is the one when you try to "open" a file to write onto it. what i need to do is find …

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Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

What kind of debugging features are there in VC++ 2008? I'm looking for things like: -Something to show which functions are being called and what functions are they calling, but limiting what it shows to only functions in my source files. -Something to show me if there are any recursive …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for sexyzebra19

I've put so much effort into making this program and it keeps crashing! I previously had the two functions in separate files which were working fine, but I combined them into 2 - the poly function is still working fine, but the bisection function crashes at the line: "Enter the …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for sexyzebra19

This program was working fine yesterday, and then all of a sudden today it isn't working and I haven't changed anything?! It complies OK, but for for easy functions that I enter and know the roots of, it says there is no root. Can anyone please explain what is going …

Member Avatar for sexyzebra19
Member Avatar for ellimist14

I have my BST built and it's working. But the only thing that doesn't seem to be working are the following functions which I built to print out the maximum and minimum of the gpa's (each tree node contains a struct of an ID, gpa, and age). It prints out …

Member Avatar for Intrade
Member Avatar for tkud

Hi everyone, I just downloaded and registered Visual c++ 2008 express edition so that i can learn win32 programming. How do I get started? any help will be very much appreciated(I have been using borland C++ !!) [I]<<fake signature, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/profile.php?do=editsignature"]click here[/URL] to make a signature>>[/I]

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Der_sed

What would be the psuedo code to : recursively draws squares. The picture shown below depicts squares drawn recursively on each of the 4 corners of a square. • The base case is draw nothing for n = 0. • The reduction step is to draw, on each corner of …

Member Avatar for sirdanman10
Member Avatar for Instinctlol

So I made a class with an array with a bunch of numbers. I want to know how I can add up all those numbers and get an average for them. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class WeatherStation { string StationDesignation; //Identifies the station string StationAgent; //Who's responsible …

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The End.