49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for yoni0505

Hi I have a problem with a code I made, some save editor for some game. The code suppose to write 2 bytes to a specific offset in some file. The file's short integers are saved as little endian. everything works fine, but when one of the integers equal 10, …

Member Avatar for yoni0505
Member Avatar for George91340

Hey everyone! Well I'm sooo close to getting the names to align BUT there is 1 slot that is skipped in the non-smoking section and a few in the smoking section and i can't figure out why. The Data needs to be displayed in a 10 row x 3 column …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for nocloud

I have a class that looks like this [CODE] //the mem_data class======================================// class mem_data { public: mem_data(int,int,std::string); ~mem_data(); private: std::vector<reader> mem_store; int complete; friend class model_base; }; [/CODE] Now, I would like to let the class model_base access mem_store My main code will contain the following: [CODE] mem_data test_data(20110601,10,"test_file.csv"); model_base …

Member Avatar for nocloud
Member Avatar for nnaaddrr

this is my project its hard who can write it for me please Write a C++ program to read, save, sort, search and display the students’ ids, student names and marks of N students.fficeffice" />>> N=7 should be declared as a constant in your program. You must use arrays to …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Saith

Please tell me how bad this code segment is. I figured I would share this horrible code. If it's not as horrible as I think it is, please let me know. Thanks! [CODE] /* Purpose: Create a function to check the input from user. Only valid integer should be returned. …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Mike_11

Hi. I'm trying to make a simple question program, my first question doesn't work (if you enter the wrong answer/an answer that isn't an integer, you get stuck in an infinite loop). However, my second question works fine even though the code is quite similar. Sorry if I'm being a …

Member Avatar for AKMafia001
Member Avatar for lordvoldemort

Hey I am a real amateur and I am trying to teach myself and I have been following the tutorials at [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJGqalveGmM[/url] and I am just not able to get it to work, any help would be greatly appreciated. This is the error I am getting, I have been doing …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for goldenpete

Hi, I am having an issue with OpenCV version 2.1, 2.0 on windows VS2008. I am attempting to open an uncompressed .avi video to grab frames from it. The VideoCapture class works to capture from an attached camera, and it compiles, making me think it is not a location/missing file …

Member Avatar for beano69
Member Avatar for pril

please help me with this.. (this s the function)- i don't know how to construct a code to test if array integer is empty using bool..pls help me.. (this s the function)- pls also include the main.. thanks bool isArrayIntEmpty(int *numbers)

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for nocloud

I have a custom date class that is constructed in the following way: [CODE] date date_file("dates.txt"); [/CODE] I want to put this object into a new class as a private member, e.g [CODE] //the mem_data class======================================// class mem_data { public: mem_data(int,int,std::string); ~mem_data(); private: std::vector<reader> mem_store; int complete; date date_file; }; …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for jens123

Hello guys! :) I have problem finding out, about why the author if the code i have. Uses array like this: [CODE]int past[1000][2]; and says that 0 is side, and 1 is up.[/CODE] Does he mean that: [CODE]past[pastCounter][0]; is for up,and down (x) past[pastCounter][1]; is for sides (y)[/CODE] Appreciate all …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for maikens

Hi, I am having a problem with an assignment for a C++ course. I have to make a Game of Life simulator (predator and prey). There are two organisms, lion and ant, and the lions eat the ants. My problem is that for some reason I can't fathom, the lions …

Member Avatar for daianahoney
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Is it possible to do any logic with gl lists, I am trying to make a wrapper class for them and I have this code in the compile function: [CODE] glNewList(model1,GL_COMPILE); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); int pos=0; for (int i=0; i<numcmds; i++) { if (cmdtype[i]=='v') { glVertex(cmdarg[pos++],cmdarg[pos++],cmdarg[pos++]); } else if (cmdtype[i]=='t') { glTexture(cmdarg[pos++],cmdarg[pos++]); …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for porterrj

hello! I need a program that validates the imput of dates. (Checks for leap years etc.) The user enters: mm/dd/yyyy The problem is, I have trouble with complex programs. I came up with this program, but i know it's too basic for what she wants. I need to have arrays …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for sovannak

Dear All, Please everybody help me!!! I wan to convert mp4 licence of skyview format to other format such as avi wmv... Could you make a sample program for me? please download link below: [CODE]http://www.fediz.com/Mpeg4player.zip[/CODE] 1. 1.mp4 (MP4 licence of skyview) 2. 2.mp4 (MP4 licence of skyview) 3. Codec_ENG.exe (it's …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Warl30ck

OK so I'm trying to parse simple URL's from a whole char chunk using strtok but always keeps giving me an unhandled exception error . SO here is all the code in C++ : [CODE] char* str = "(%/\%)google.com(%/\%)hotmail.com(%/\%)nananna.org(%/\%)" char *url[]; while(str != NULL){ url[0] = strtok(str, "(%/\%)"); if (DownloadFile_1(url[0],szPath) …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for literal

[CODE]int i, j; for(i=2;i<1000;i++){ for(j=2;i/j;j++){ if(!(i%j)) break; if(j>(i/j)) cout<<i<<" is prime\n"; } }[/CODE] Can somebody experienced clear me how this program actually finds prime numbers... The line with the last if condition confuses me most -> j > (i/j)

Member Avatar for Distantearth
Member Avatar for yobbko

It is possible read/use data from DDE serve. This function is possible in Micrsoft Excel.

Member Avatar for ztdep

[CODE]// // CoordMatrix.h define the matrix stored in a coordinate format // #ifndef COORDMATRIX_H #define COORDMATRIX_H #include<vector> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; class CoordMatrix { private: // val strore the values in matrix; vector<double> val; // row is row index of value; vector<int> row; // col is colume index of …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for arun srinivaas

int const & refToConst = i; // OK int & const constRef = i; // Error the "const" is redundant what is the difference between the two ..?

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for maayan7

Hi, How to implement the operator << for C++?? I need to use it like that: cout<<(*iter) iter is an iterator is pointing to a vector of some type I've defined. Thank you!!

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for nocloud

I've been scratching my head for quite some time with the following compilation error and I was hoping somebody could shed some light... I have the following in my header (.h) file: [CODE] //the mem_data class======================================// class mem_data : public reader, public date { //multiple inheritance public: mem_data(int,int,std::string); ~mem_data(); private: …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for divineelite

How to detect which wifi modem is currently connected through code? Specifically using PSDK. Like I am using currently a TP-LINK one TL-WN321G and also a EnGenius one EUB-3701 and also a Cisco one WUSB54GC ver. 3? Is there any way direct name of the wifi modem being used can …

Member Avatar for divineelite

I am currently working on a program where there is a requuirement that if the user removes a wifi modem & puts in another one, then the internet should get connected by detecting the new modem. Also the WPA key should be needed to be entered everytime. I am thinking …

Member Avatar for divineelite
Member Avatar for DaMoose75

I have a problem with this simple Win32 application I am trying to make. As you can tell by the title, the function CreateWindow() always returns 0, which indicates failure. Here is my code. [CODE] int MessageLoop() { MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(MSG)); while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); …

Member Avatar for DaMoose75
Member Avatar for vTr

Hey there, I was wondering if anyone had the time to look over my code and give me some tips or tweaks to help me get it running. The program is all about inheritance, where i have the derived class using the base class clockType (with using strings) to add …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for epicbeast9022

Hello, I cannot read a file, config.cfg, in the current directory on MacOS X 10.6. I'm running a console app. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? (By the way the getline() function returns no string.) [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(int argc, …

Member Avatar for epicbeast9022
Member Avatar for Dante2002

I am trying to write code which will display the volume of three boxes. I have my code but am having problems getting it to compile. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my code: [CODE] //Assignment Programming Using Structures and Classes // Creating and using boxes #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for Dante2002
Member Avatar for jens123

Hello guys :) What a great and usefull forum m8s :) I have made a program in snake, but i have remade it, because c++ is quite new for me, but on tursday i have to do a presentation(examination) for my teacher explaining the code, i understand 80-90 % of …

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Member Avatar for Devil night

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int BSR; int HighBSR=0 , LowBSR=0 , NormalBSR=0; int patients=0,sum =0; int count=0; cin>>patients; while(patients != -1)}{{ {if ( BSR ==120 )//HighBSR+=patients; } { else if ( BSR>70 && BSR<120 )//NormalBSR+=patients; else ( BSR<=70 )//LowBSR+=patients;} ; count++; cin>>patients;}} cout<<"The Number Of All …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21

The End.