49,762 Topics
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I have just finished my tic tac toe game but wanted to make it look nicer so i added some colors at the winning scene... [CODE] cout << "congratulations player 1!" << endl; cout << "[W][I][N]" << endl; cout << "[W][I][N]" << endl; // checking if the game has been … ![]() | |
Im trying to do a exercise in one of my books and it wants me to use a function to get the factorial of a number entered by the user. Ive tried several different ways and they either get me numbers that make no sense or say if I entered … | |
Sooo... Every DLL injection result I've read so far only uses a pre-made DLL, loads it into another process and says "darn I'm good." They do absolutely NOTHING useful and a couple of them are rip-offs of one another only using a different programming language. Google has failed me! Once … | |
I just finished with my first year of Computer Science in college and over the break I wanted to learn how to do output from a computer using a C++ program to control different I/O hardware. I was thinking I would start somewhere simple with something such as turning on … | |
Hai I am drawing 3*3 rectangle by using Rectangle(),bt now if i click on that rectangle i wanna display the image in that rectangle,which is selected from the list control. I know that i wanna handle OnLButtonDown() message, bt my problem is i couldnt differentiate the rectangle which i drawn … | |
Hi I am trying to make arrays inside a structure.. the structure looks like, [code=c++] struct mystruct{ int val; int num; string state[]; mystruct *next[]; }; [/code] The next pointer array works fine but state array gives segmentation fault. I have an array of this structure . mystruct Graph []; | |
I have a problem passing an array containing pointers. Here's the function.. [code=c++] void jointtree(Parent *clique[], int nodes); [/code] I am calling it the following way.. [code=c++] jointtree(clique, nodes); [/code] where clique is. [code=c++] Parent *clique[nodes]; [/code] | |
This is my final project for my C++ class online. I was instructed to make a test and to pull answers from withing a .txt file and compare them to the answer that the user inputs. I'm sure there's a much easier wau of doing things than the way I'm … | |
I am trying to write a program in c++. I have a file that contains thousands of numeric entries sorted into four columns. The structure of the data looks something like the following: 3 0.2 0.5 6.2 4 0.1 0.6 6.2 //Track 1 2 0.8 0.5 0.6 2 0.6 0.5 … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to build a program in visual studio 2008, when I build in debug mode, it runs just fine, but if I try to build in release mode, there are no errors but when the program runs I get this error: The program can't start because MSVCR90D.dll … | |
im trying to convert double to string with this code: if its a number like 3.7345 than its working - but if its 5.0 (only zeros after the point) [CODE] double number=5.0; string ToString; stringstream out; out << number; ToString = out.str(); return ToString;[/CODE] it returns - 5 and i … | |
I'm trying to read integers in a .txt file into a 2 dimensional array (map). Here is the function: [CODE] void loadmap(int mapnum) { int x; ifstream inFile; inFile.open("level1.txt"); if (!inFile) { cout << "Unable to open file"; //exit(1); // terminate with error } for(int countline = 0; countline <= … | |
Hi. Can you explain to me on how to "inherit" (if that's the right word) stuff from a header file, and on how to write one? (A header file) Like if i wrote this; [CODE] class Foo { int a = 123; } [/CODE] in a header, how would i … | |
I just found a question whose statement is as follows: [COLOR="Green"]Write a function contains(const char*, char) which returns the pointer to the first (left-most) occurrence of the 2nd parameter char in the 1st parameter cstring, or NULL if the cstring doesn't contain the char. [/COLOR] Another condition is that inside … | |
I have several vectors of int elements. Now I want to create a vector of vectors, but I don't want to copy the vectors to the new one. If possible, I'd like to pass them by reference. Please consider: [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main () … | |
Good day, i'm creating a calculator in c++ using visual c++. I got error's as below [CODE]c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\codeanalysis\sourceannotations.h(19) : error C2144: syntax error : '__w64 unsigned int' should be preceded by ';' c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\codeanalysis\sourceannotations.h(19) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: … | |
im curious as to if anyone knows the internals of how cout works? for example the step by step internals of what happens when executing the following statement in c++ cout << "hello world" << endl; -thx | |
help me please :sad: if you can find out what's wrong w/ my program, please do tell. thanx very much! #include <iostream> using namespace std; void get_start(int start_hour, int start_min) //Precondition: User is ready to enter the values for the hour and the minute. //Postcondition: Values in hours (24-hour notation) … | |
elow I'm trying to create a program that will display the output : [code] * ** *** **** [/code] please help me [code=c] int main() { for(int i=0;i<=7;i++) {for(int j=0;j<=i;j++) cout<<'*'; for(nt k=0;k<=i;k++) cout<<' '; [/code] then what next its only give the output [code] * ** [/code] please help … | |
/** readGradeFile ******************************************************* * Read the data from inf into the parallel arrays given. * @params inf -- input file to read data from @pre inf is already open * id[] -- container for student id #s * asgts[] -- container for assignment grades * mt[] -- container for mid-term … | |
![]() | hi, i would like to ask you to help me 'cause i am pretty new in programming and idk what's wrong with that :/ i am still getting an error that " 'main' must return 'int' "...thanks [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class GradeBook { public: void displayMessage(string courseName){ cout<<"Welcome … |
Hello I'm getting these 2 LNK errors and haven't been able to figure out how to resolve them, any help is greatly appreciated! Its was an empty Win32 Application that i created and added code into from existing source. [CODE]Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__timeGetTime@0 referenced in function … | |
I am a beginner with win32 programs, and am trying to integrate my console into a window. My console program starts a new thread which creates a window. [CODE]DWORD dwThreadID = 0; HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,ThreadProc,argv[0],0,&dwThreadID);[/CODE] i want to create a miniature output textbox within my window, which reads the … | |
I have to pass a pointer to a callback function. When the callback function is not a member function in my class, the argument &callback works. When I make the callback function a member function, I get a compiler error: "error c2276 '&' : illegal operation on bound member function … | |
This is what I have, How would I declare the array based on what I already have? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "tempFns.h" using namespace std; int main (void) { // DO: declare an array of type double called temperatures // Use the constant MaxDays for the number of rows … | |
Hi, this is my first post. I'll try to keep it short. Basically, I'm trying to solve a one-way wave equation using finite differences. I'm trying to put the values in an multidim. array, where a column represents a time step. The first column is the initial condition. I calculate … | |
I am working on the menu of a 3D symbian3 game.I am trying to load a png image of size 91 by12 using GFloat(opengl function) vertices_of_image[ ].....but the text in the image is coming out to be wrapped around. i.e.if my text contains ROCKS...then a portion of the alphabet S … | |
[CODE] int x,y; while(cin>>x>>y) { if(x>y)cout<<x<<"\n"; else if(y>x)cout<<y<<"\n"; } [/CODE] This seems clear,but when I entered this: [CODE]2 4 6[/CODE] and hit enter, I get this: [CODE]4[/CODE] after which I am being asked to enter something again. I put 8, and it prints 8. But what is exactly happening here? … | |
I'm looking for a method of packing all the files of my applications into one archive, and the ability to extract & load them into memory at runtime with C++. I've tried googling it, but I'm not sure if I'm searching with the right criteria because I'm not finding much. … | |
I have this structure: [CODE] typedef struct nodo{ int dato; struct nodo *izq; struct nodo *der; }nodo; typedef struct nodo *avl; [/CODE] I have this method: [CODE] void insertar(avl *r, int dato){ if (*r==NULL){ *r=(nodo*)malloc(sizeof(nodo)); (*r)->dato=dato; (*r)->izq=NULL; (*r)->der=NULL; [/CODE] All this code works perfectly. My question is about the line: … |
The End.