49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for ulrik m.

The following short program is obvious wrong (it's taken from the book "How Not To Program In C++" by Steve Oualline, p.15): int main() { // An array for the squares int array[5]; int i; // Index into the array for (i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { array[i] …

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Member Avatar for Shft

I have a code::blocks compiler and I try to use gotoxy(17, 13) but I get a link error " undefined reference to gotoxy" somebody please help me!!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Shft

Ok, as my previous post on this topic stands, I need to make a C++ licensing system where I can Enter A New License code into the database as the software is created, But I need it to be able to be licensed through the internet, such as: The user …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Ben Ashton

Hello I am designing a bank account program to retouch on where I left C++ at and am having a few problems. I wish to have a unique account number for each bank account which is represented by an object e.g. account1, account2, account3. I am struggling to implement something …

Member Avatar for Ben Ashton
Member Avatar for sarvari
Member Avatar for saarthak pande
Member Avatar for garr55

Sorry I'm new here, so I might not be posting this correctly, tips for next time would be appreciated. I'm having a problem with my delete string script within my program, here's the code: //program to input a list of names, display them, sort them, and edit the list. #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi I have trouble with implementing a dynamic two dimensional pointer array on allocating memory for it. I tried it this way but not sure if it's correct. The array should contain pointers to heap allocated **Integer** objects const int size = 10; Integer *** twoD; twoD = new Integer**(); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for RonKevin

I'm having problems on replacing an inputed number without using gotoxy....im using TURBO c++ 4.5 compiler btw... Here's a sample output should be like this Enter elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enter position:3 Enter replaced value: 14 New elements: 1 2 14 5 6 …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for anukavi

Below is my code in c++ //The data below r fixed ie the data to be uploaded in the buffer is in this format :KL10<nnnnnn><ssss> KL (is the ID) , 10 (the total length of n and s), n(6 digit integer), s(4 digit serial no) case 1: char InBuffer[64]; BOOL …

Member Avatar for anukavi
Member Avatar for Vegito1991

i want to replace a certain text in text file and i can't figure it out the code that need to perform this function. example in my text file have 12345 hello 789 morning 1234 good text i want to edit morning text to replace night result : 12345 hello …

Member Avatar for Vegito1991
Member Avatar for Major Aly

Hey guys, So I've thoroughly gone through the topics by searching this site but I couldn't find something which can help me. I'm making a task for my friend and let me tell you that it's been a year or more since I've used C++. I've moved on to C# …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for knight92

Hi guys, I am trying to work on something where I set an image in a picturebox and then use getpixel to scan the whole image and find the percentage of the colour I am interested in, in that image. The problem is that if the image is large then …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for vegaseat

A real useful piece of code, hence I put it under Z. It does nothing but open and close the door of the CD-ROM player, and pushes the tray in and out. Should your coffee be too hot, you can put it on the moving tray and cool it off! …

Member Avatar for RonalBertogi
Member Avatar for BigHeart

i have a barcode 41/3/100 , 100 will be saved in data base when i scan barcode with scanner it will read 41/3/100 when i click the button how should i search the record only with 100 ???? help

Member Avatar for notconfirmed
Member Avatar for BobA85

There is an unresolved external symbol in main.cpp when i try to call the insert function. I can’t find the reason why this is happening? Any help is appreciated. main.cpp #include "List.h" int main() { LList<int> number; number.Insert(1); } list.h #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class LList …

Member Avatar for acecode
Member Avatar for jnewman3

So I need help asap. I can't figure out how to modify code from my book to work with my problem. I'm givin an input file, the first value is the dimension of an n x n matrix. every value after is a weight for each vertice for the matrix. …

Member Avatar for FearlessHornet

I have been working on a few projects and needed a method similar to pythons string.split(). I decided to make a reusable piece of code and export it as a .dll, the code is below: std::vector<std::string> Editor::StringHandler::Split(std::string data, std::string tokens) std::vector<std::string> returnList; std::string temp=""; bool found=false; for (auto i : …

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Member Avatar for DangleSauce19

Okay so I am having trouble with my depart function. When I output I keep getting 0 for the license plate number and the count for each time a car moves is not right. Any help would be great. Thank you. ____________________________________________ The BASHEMUP Parking Garage contains a single lane …

Member Avatar for meetjatin88

#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> struct list { int data; struct list *next; }*L; //function declaration: void create(int data,struct list **head); void print(struct list **head); int main() { //list *L; int data =10; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { //struct list *pList = NULL; create(data++,&L); print(&L); getch(); } } void …

Member Avatar for thendrluca
Member Avatar for AnirudhC

Can anyone help me on the concept of classes in C++ ???? I am really confused in Private, Protected and Public specifiers also... pls can anyone help me on this..??

Member Avatar for thendrluca
Member Avatar for acerious

Here I have some code that will run a program that generates a bunch of lowercase and uppercase letters from length 15-25 and will swap it first using an iterative swap method. It will then generate a second set of letters and will swap it this time with a recursive …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for DanteX

> Hello Can Someone please help me with this problem. This is what i have sofar but i am not sure whats missing or how to end it please help. A solid steel column of circular cross section is needed to support a load of 65,000 lb. The ends of …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Echo89

Well, I have just made this funtion that will split an array using a delimiter. I'm new to C++ so I will take any suggestions you have. Anyhow, good luck! Enjoy!

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i was reading xerces-c class documentation, one of the methods does the writing of buffer to a file. what should i understand from buffer, how is it different from writing some stream to a file? What should i understand from stream? Thanks

Member Avatar for stavrianosy
Member Avatar for aramil daern

These are codes that do absolutley nothing, except to show whart you can do with to much time on your hands. Oh the silliness

Member Avatar for Echo89
Member Avatar for acerious

Here I have some code that will run a program that generates a bunch of lowercase and uppercase letters from length 15-25 and will swap it first using an iterative swap method. It will then generate a second set of letters and will swap it this time with a recursive …

Member Avatar for acerious
Member Avatar for Hanna Jane

Hi Everyone, I need to know how can we represent the projectile motion gven a certain angle and velocity, such that I can watch the animated ball moving in is path on screen.... all using openGL in C++

Member Avatar for saurabh5584
Member Avatar for thammalatha

Hi Can any one explain how we use CListCntrl class in mfc to track the listby using dialog based application..just simple example.. thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for thammalatha
Member Avatar for jorge.carmonajr

ok so i am new to programing and need to make a program that adds and subtracts two coordinates this is the main file #include <iostream> #include "Coordinate.h" using namespace std; int main() { Coordinate a( 1, 7, 0 ), b( 9, 8, 7 ), c; a.printCoordinate(); cout << " …

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The End.