49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for neel_patric

hello, i am a little confused with something. im reading values from a text file which only contains 1's and 0's. here is the code. [CODE] char y; ifstream inFile2; inFile2.open("c:\\binary.txt"); ofstream fileout2; while (inFile2 >> y) { //cout<<y<<" "; this would print either a 1 or 0 // based …

Member Avatar for J.Turnbull
Member Avatar for jimmiller96

I'm not really sure which forum this belongs in, but please bear with me as I try to explain what I am looking to do. I have a PHP web site designed to display status updates from several dozen computers around the world. Up until now an administrator updates a …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for Gem74

Please help, I think it should be simple but I am new to this and have been trying to figure out the problem but have not yet. [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> //needed to use toupper, accepts a single char as its arguement and rtns the uppercase equivalent …

Member Avatar for Gem74
Member Avatar for epicasian

Ok...i know a little bit of C++ (basics, like cout, cin, a little bit of classes ect) and realized something after watching a video from Chris Pirrilo... I dived into C++ without researching other languages first. My question to you is...should i stay w/ C++ or switch to C#? Can …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for epicasian

Ok...i know a little bit of C++ (basics, like cout, cin, a little bit of classes ect) and realized something after watching a video from Chris Pirrilo... I dived into C++ without researching other languages first. My question to you is...should i stay w/ C++ or switch to C#? Can …

Member Avatar for RoyMicro
Member Avatar for iman ata
Member Avatar for sexyzebra19

Hi, My program takes any polynomial and calculates the first and second derivatives and evaluates them at a given x. The coefficients of the polynomial are stored in a vector A. I now want to do something else to this polynomial, however my calculations for the derivatives mean that the …

Member Avatar for sexyzebra19
Member Avatar for abhisheksingh11

Can anyone please suggest some good books on c++ that can give me a complete and full knowledge on c++ in full depth?

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for beatleborg

HII I have been using c++ 4.5 for over an year but now it shows 16 bit error. i tried to delete it and so the tcwin45 folder but now whenever i start my computer it shows an error that "it could not search for C:\TCWIN45\PIPELINE\remind.exe search again". Pls. help …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for SDPRIYA

i often get linker error "undefined symbol _main in the module c0.asm" when running the c files .. how can overcome this error

Member Avatar for SDPRIYA
Member Avatar for rafta

Here is my code of two arrays. they are sorted by buuble and selection sorting methods. I have put a pass counter to display each modification but i am unable to display the array after each pass/modification in both sorting methods. please suggest: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for rafta
Member Avatar for hendyhanusin

Dear friends, do you know how to convert the following codes into C # ? Tks, hendy [code] BYTE ResultSN[11]; char SN[100]; BYTE TagType; if ((TagType == 4) || (TagType == 5)) { memcpy(SN,ResultSN, 7); StrMsg.Format("Card Serial: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ",ResultSN[0],ResultSN[1],ResultSN[2],ResultSN[3],ResultSN[4],ResultSN[5],ResultSN[6] ); } [/code]

Member Avatar for Johan Stolk
Member Avatar for swolll

Today was my first time trying composition. It's for a lab project due Friday, and I have a lot of tomorrow to work on it. However, up until we have just been using one class per program. Now, my teacher wants us to use composition and arrays, despite only lecturing …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Mr.Magic

New guy here and I'm stuck on this code I cant get to work right. I want to input any amount of numbers and I want the output to be the largest number along with how many times the largest number was input. I'm just off a bit but I …

Member Avatar for DaBunBun
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

Ok, So I'm trying to create a 3D engine with DirectX 9, and I have run into a runtime error that says "Stack overflow". When I encountered this, I thought that it might have came from a for loop, so I checked that they went forever, and they all were …

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw
Member Avatar for maverick405

I am trying to code the below program using overloaded function which give me output is the answer in correct or not for the three different question, the answers are already provided in the program all I have to check the answer and give the output statement if the answer …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for ninreznorgirl2

[code]void DeleteNode (char CharToDelete, NodePtr List, int &CharFound) { NodePtr NodeToBeDeleted; NodePtr Temp = List; if(List->Link == NULL) return; while(Temp->Link != NULL) { if(Temp -> Ch = CharToDelete) { NodeToBeDeleted = Temp->Link; Temp->Link = NodeToBeDeleted -> Link; delete NodeToBeDeleted; CharFound = 1; } else Temp = Temp->Link; } if(CharFound != …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for fuggles

I have one piece of code that has to be written in C++, another has to be written in C#. So I decided that I will write a class in C++ that updates the information. Then is read by the C# application. Would it be as simple as compiling all …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for cole davidson

Hey guys, So I am trying to make a program that will prompt the user to enter 3 integers (int1, int2, int3), then sort the integers into ascending order. I have the program reading the integers, but I can't get it to sort. I know I can use the sort …

Member Avatar for cole davidson
Member Avatar for basketball4567

For my project, i have to be able to monitor the keyboard for input. Rather than having the user type in 'r' then hitting enter for an action, how would i have the user type 'r' and then have the action perform, skipping the process of hitting enter. Thanks

Member Avatar for basketball4567
Member Avatar for TheRekz

I've compiled my code and I got the following error: [code] hw01-question1-2-main.cpp:(.text+0x257): undefined reference to `void MatlabPlotter::plot<25, 25>(ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 2>, 25> const&, ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 4>, 25> const&, double)' CMakeFiles/simulation_new.dir/hw01-question1-2-main.cpp.o: In function `ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 4>, 25> const& Simulator<25, 25>::run<25, 25>(ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 2>, 25>&, double)': hw01-question1-2-main.cpp:(.text._ZN9SimulatorILi25ELi25EE3runILi25ELi25EEERKN6ece3736vectorINS3_IdLi4EEEXT_EEERNS3_INS3_IdLi2EEEXT0_EEEd[ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 4>, 25> const& Simulator<25, 25>::run<25, 25>(ece373::vector<ece373::vector<double, 2>, 25>&, double)]+0x67): undefined …

Member Avatar for TheRekz
Member Avatar for NicAx64

hi all , I'm stucked with this bug or my error. I don't say that I find a bug on the visual studio compiler, what I need is to make this fix and continue my project. please give me a idea how to start after this kind of bug ? …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for javaconfused

The Demetris Leadership Center publishes the books, DVDs, and CDs listed in the following table: Title: Description Product Number Unit Unit Sold Brave New World Book 110 25.50 925 Lady Gaga CD 111 16.00 275 The Forgotten DVD 112 24.50 289 Twilight DVD 113 45.50 135 The Giving Tree Book …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for Ciganjo

Hi Im really stuck on one problem. I trying to save some data to a file. im using Borland compiler. the challenege is to create a new product and save its details to a text file. 1. the user inputs product details i.e. Barcode, Name, Price, and quantity via the …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Ciganjo

can anyone tell me if its possible to add more then one item to a single list field to a TListBox Say you have a text file, and the file stores records in the format: Name Barcode Price Quantity Im tryinga to load that data to a list box into …

Member Avatar for hauda
Member Avatar for javaconfused

The Demetris Leadership Center publishes the books, DVDs, and CDs listed in the following table: Title: Description Product Number Unit Unit Sold Brave New World Book 110 25.50 925 Lady Gaga CD 111 16.00 275 The Forgotten DVD 112 24.50 289 Twilight DVD 113 45.50 135 The Giving Tree Book …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for computerages

Hello, DaniWeb, I am writing a C++ program that would output all folders/files including the hidden ones in a directory. I ask the user for dir address, and I use the following instructions to execute the job: [CODE] string cmd; string dirAddr; cin >> dirAddr; cmd.insert(0, "dir /ah "); cmd.insert(cmd.size(), …

Member Avatar for spiriad

Hello there, I have the following situation : I have a moving ball in a rectangular 2D chamber. When the ball touches the walls of the chamber it changes it's direction. It is simple to implement the ball movement when the chamber is empty ( it has only 4 walls). …

Member Avatar for spiriad
Member Avatar for reversed

I'm fairly new to pointers and are having problems with the char* words[] part of this program. It's all fairly simple [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void getString(char* string, int max_length); void getWords(char *orig_string, char* words[], int* word_length, int& wc); void displayInfo(char* orig_string, char* words[], int* word_length, …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for mybluehair

I've got a library that is annoying me. When I command it to do what I need it to do, it spits out a bunch of text onto the screen that I don't need. Is there a way to temporarily "mute" a console program, then re enable it later? This …

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The End.